Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Existence - A Singularity :The God Particle NOT.

Remember all the hoopla about "THE GOD PARTICLE" and all the stupid things that the secularists, humanists and atheists said about it, two years ago?  I do. I remember the statement of the Great Theoretical Physicist Steven Hawkings using the discovery as a poor tattered cover for his own bitter atheism.

If I sound mocking, you are reading me correctly.
I haven't had a bigger belly laugh in some weeks. Seems that rather than explain the sustaining power of the Universe, as they thought, the Higgs Boson discovery rather makes the present understanding of the sustaining power of the Universe TOTALLY UNKNOWN. Since according to present Understanding the Universe SHOULD NOT EXIST. Making of the Universe itself what the physicists call "a singularity" - which is physics code for "we do not have a clue."  

So not only were the milliseconds before the Big Bang "a singularity" (they don't have a clue) NOW space/time (read existence) after the Big Band, thanks to the Higgs Boson discovery is also "a singularity" and NO SCIENTIFIC REASON can be given to explain existence. <smile>  Read that again - at present understanding, NO SCIENTIFIC REASON CAN BE GIVEN TO EXPLAIN EXISTENCE.

I'm really glad I lived to see this humiliation of PRESUMPTIONS inherent in physics, since so many have tried to use pure mythology of physics to teach metaphysics and to make Ontological Claims. 

I stated decades ago that no person of Faith need to fear the discoveries of honest science, since every layer of being opened will only expose more of the mystery of God, the awesome "otherness" of the Creator, and once again those words are seen to be prophetic. All TRUE discoveries only expand the arena of questions.

What people of Faith have to combat, using the information from honest science, is the constant pretenses of Scientism.  Scientism is an anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Mankind Malthusian Religion seeking to replace God with human mythology, claimed to be based upon "the science." It is Luciferian at its core and a tool of the New World Order.   

Putting the best face on it, a spokesman said, “We know that the Standard Model of physics that we have now does not explain some puzzles in nature,” Ketino Kaadze said. (Massive understatement)

“We know there has to be other models that can explain phenomena like dark matter and dark energy, and why we can have different generations of the same particle that are identical except for their mass. Finding the Higgs particle wasn’t the end of the story. It was the starting point on a new horizon." 

That "starting point" NOW has to also includes trying to explain a physical universe that "should not exists." Big challenge.  Remember these FACTS when the atheists and secularists start making claims of Ontological Knowledge via SCIENCE. At present Science holds NO Ontology. (Ontology - the philosophical study of existence and the nature of reality.)

Archpriest Symeon Elias

Mirror from Russian Television:Read Original article linked here.
From R.T.
A refitted Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being readied to delve deeper into the secrets of the Universe’s structure, a new British scientists’ model considering Higgs boson data claims the Universe should have collapsed immediately after the Big Bang.
Confirmation of the Higgs boson’s existence in July 2012 did not actually add clarity to the general picture of our Universe after all. The information acquired raised new, even more complex, questions.
Physicists at King’s College in London claim they have recreated the conditions following the Big Bang, but this time using the new information acquired with the help of the LHC. British scientists maintain now that the new data related to the so-called ‘God particle’ suggests the universe should have expanded excessively fast after the Big Bang and collapsed billions of years ago.
“During the early universe, we expected cosmic inflation — this is a rapid expansion of the universe right after the Big Bang,” co-author of the King’s College study Robert Hogan, a Ph.D. student in physics, told Live Science. “This expansion causes lots of stuff to shake around, and if we shake it too much, we could go into this new energy space, which could cause the universe to collapse.”
Such a conclusion could mean only one thing: if the universe we see around us is real while it shouldn’t be, then we don’t know something critically important about our 13.8-billion-year home and must move forward to learn it better.
A technician stands near equipment of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experience at the Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in the French village of Cessy near Geneva in Switzerland (Reuters / Denis Balibouse)
A technician stands near equipment of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experience at the Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in the French village of Cessy near Geneva in Switzerland (Reuters / Denis Balibouse)

“We have to extend our theories to explain why this didn’t happen,” Hogan said.
The scientist shared with Live Science the super-symmetry theory, which says that presently-known particles might have super-partner particles. So the Higgs boson could coexist with four other sibling particles that have similar masses, but different electrical charges.
This could serve as a partial explanation to universe’s stability. And just like the Higgs boson, they could be discovered one day, but that would imply the construction of particle accelerators even more powerful than the LHC.
So far the stability of the universe is also under scrutiny by another scientific experiment, a Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization (BICEP-2) telescope in the Antarctic, has reportedly managed to register the echo of the cosmic inflation as background microwave radiation permeating our Universe.

Higgs boson opened new horizons

The experiments held in 2012 managed to register the elusive ‘God particle’, without which matter as such would fail to exist because the particles would not ‘hold together’.
For that discovery, the author of the now-proven theory, British scientist Peter Higgs, won the Nobel Prize in Physics - along with François Englert and Robert Brout, because back in 1964 they independently proposed a theory about the existence of a yet-undiscovered particle that gives mass to other particles.
British scientist Peter Higgs poses in front of a photographic image of the Atlas detector at the Science Museum in London (Reuters / Toby Melville)
British scientist Peter Higgs poses in front of a photographic image of the Atlas detector at the Science Museum in London (Reuters / Toby Melville)

With the Higgs boson existence proven, it became the final ‘brick’ required to verify the Standard Model of particle physics.
“In nature, there are two types of particles: fermions and bosons,” a research associate at Fermilab, Ketino Kaadze, shared in a news release. “Fermions, quarks and leptons make up all the matter around us. Bosons are responsible for mediating interaction between the elementary particles.”
“We think that the Higgs boson is responsible for the generation of mass of fundamental particles,”Kaadze said, explaining that the electrons acquire their mass by interacting with the ‘God particle’,“the centerpiece that ties it all together.”
The $10 billion LHC will be fully ready in early 2015, when it will push two proton beams at a speed nearly that of light in order to collide them, creating conditions similar to those a mere split second after the Big Bang.
“The machine is coming out of a long sleep after undergoing an important surgical operation,”Frederick Bordry, director for accelerators and technology at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, told AP.
Yet creating Higgs bosons at the European Organization for Nuclear Research required the experts to amplify the center-of-mass energy in the LHC.
This time the largest ‘atom smasher’ in the world will get twice as much energy, which would make the proton beam inside a 27km-long underground construction circle it 11,000 times in a matter of a second.
“It's effectively a new machine, poised to set us on the path to new discoveries,” CERN Director General Rolf Heuer said.
CERN staff walk in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) tunnel during a visit at the Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin, near Geneva (Reuters / Denis Balibouse)
CERN staff walk in the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) tunnel during a visit at the Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin, near Geneva (Reuters / Denis Balibouse)

According to Fabiola Gianotti, a particle physicist and former spokesperson for the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) Experiment, which found the Higgs boson, finding the Higgs was only a“starting point,” National Geographic reported.
Having found Higgs boson, the LHC team will now try to prepare it better for staging next set of experiments, focusing on the search for ‘dark matter’, antimatter and previously-unknown dimensions of space and time.
The Higgs boson is not as well-known as the other elementary particles, Gianotti said.
So far modern physics have discovered 16 elementary particles, with the Higgs boson becoming number 17 – and it is “completely different than all of the others,” Gianotti, who now works with CERN, said.
“With a new friend, you want to know him or her better,” she concluded.
CERN Director General Rolf Heuer said that without the Higgs boson “you cannot exist.”
On Monday, CERN issued a new study showing that the Higgs boson decays into fermions, the particles that make up the matter itself, which makes the discovery of Higgs "a door to new physics," Gianotti said.
“We know that the Standard Model of physics that we have now does not explain some puzzles in nature,” Ketino Kaadze said. “We know there has to be other models that can explain phenomena like dark matter and dark energy, and why we can have different generations of the same particle that are identical except for their mass. Finding the Higgs particle wasn’t the end of the story. It was the starting point on a new horizon.”

Monday, June 2, 2014


When historians view the momentous events of 2013 and read what held the average American's interest, they will see this generation of Americans as the most unperceptive generation of people to have ever lived in all of history. Totally unaware of world events, and even more oblivious to the events in their own country. People totally unknowing and non-comprehending. 

According to Yahoo News - based on what people most searched, The TOP TEN AMERICAN ZOMBIE DISHES OF 2013 Included Paula Deen, Nelson Mandela's Funeral, and the George Zimmerman Trial.  These three were pure ZOMBIE FOOD, baiting racial resentments, that kept a great portion of the population debating Racial Stupid FOR MONTHS. EMOTIONALLY LOCKED IN 24/7 STUPID MODE. 

Meanwhile - back on the ranch:
The Success of Iceland freeing itself from the New World Order/World Banking System, (when all had predicted doom) - not a included

The Fact that Obama imploded on the World Stage in Luciferian Fashion, like lighting from the heights of heaven and Messianic status onto earth, to IDIOT status - not included

The Egyptian Revolution, a model for every society, 33 million people in the streets, the greatest organized numbers in the HISTORY OF MANKIND - and organized demanding self-governance and freedom from Muslim Brotherhood Sharia Slavery - not included

On the brink of WWIII nuclear conflagration approaching Labor Day, over proposed attack on Syria - not included

U.S. and Russia Saved by cooperation between the Russian Military and U.S.  Nuclear Command who MUTINIED against the now fallen IDIOT Obama.  Who told their Russian counterparts, "If he gives the order, we will not pull the trigger."  - not included.

The CIA attack on the Naval Yard, the first reprisal, trying to recover the Nuclear Key Codes. - not included.

The subsequent purge of the entire chain of comman of U.S. Nuclear Command (and we still don't know if the administration has recovered the Nuclear Key Codes - many are saying not) - not included

The hundreds of thousands of demonstrators who showed up when veterans and the public at large were locked out of D.C. monuments -  not included.

A major shift in Russian/Chinese and Russian/European relations - not included.

The Rebellion inside the E.U. against the New World Order Governance, many countries with millions in rebellion - not included. 

What captured your attention? What were you passionate about?
I was SICKENED to see most people claiming to be awake, to be seen as mere ZOMBIES, posing, locked in MONTHS of Racial STUPID, OBLIVIOUS while the WORLD CHANGED very significantly around them.

There is some hope - the CNN voter pole produced this list - although it doesn't at all reflect the hours of coverage dedicated to Zombie Food on CNN.


Google tells a different story: 
Inside Washington D.C. - searches from D.C. servers
1. Boston Marathon
2. Aaron Hernandez
3. iPhone 5s
4. Lil Wayne
5. Cory Monteith
6. Jodi Arias
7. Government Shutdown
8. Paul Walker
9. North Korea
10. Royal Baby.
Obviously most Washington D.C. employees are ZOMBIES. Working at the seat of world power, helping to empower the beast while they live in FANTASY, eating ZOMBIE FOOD.

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