Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Marxism is Guilt by Accusation, the American Standard is Presumption of Innocence

Wednesday November 15th



I got my heartstrings yanked a little bit this morning, as I witnessed my dear friend and fellow warrior Rex Christi step outside his usual coded language on Face Book and express some genuine disappointment.

Rex Christi wrote:
"On Sunday's show I defend (tepidly) Hannity and CTH, then Hannity attacks Moore and CTH attacks Bannon. The right loves to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory; the Left is always organized.

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

There is nothing rationally incorrect in what Rex expressed. It is logical game theory. But that would be assuming that you have a team, that your are part of an army that is not filled with saboteurs, provocateurs, enemy psyops masters, greedy opportunists, Marxist traitors and their useful idiots.

IN my best Zell Miller, "I really feel Rex Christi's pain" and all humor aside, I really do.  How lonely it feels in this material world seeing the enemy arrayed against you, and your supposed allies deserting, and worse seeing them act as enemies within.

So what is the source of this pain, it is an illusion against which Rex, himself has been a champion warning us all, cautioning us to think bigger. He wants to believe that in the Corporate/State/CIA Media Apparatus there are, if not Apparatuses, say like Fox, or Alex Jones, or Brietbart or Conservative Tree House, that are REAL, and so if not complete Mechanisms that are real, then at least Apparachiks that is some individuals inside some of these "Platforms" individual personalities that are REAL.  I will submit that they are all contextually real, they are just not always truthful. Some are NEVER truthful. Some are SOMETIMES truthful. Some are most times truthful. Some are truthful when truth is lucrative, (Hannity) and will lie like a dog for money (Hannity). But who of the bunch is dedicated to the TRUTH WHO is REAL?

It is a great temptation to believe that the media whores are true lovers. These media whores are ACTORS, designed by the deep state (designed by the DARK State) to imitate True Lovers of Truth. They are designed to make you fall in love with them, feel a familiar bond, learn to trust their words and thoughts.  The second you fall into that familiar bond, you are the victim of Marxist Brainwashing. You have been, what Rex would heartily agree, Marxized.

Sean Hannity's empire grosses 42 Million Dollar a year, (last I researched - six years ago - probably more now). Candidly, how much "integrity" do you think those now HUNDREDS of millions of dollars have purchased? 

Quick answer, rational answer, reasonable answer, logical answer, ZERO Integrity.

I saw one of those discussions by some women on Facebook, where they were discussing how much money it would take for them to falsely accuse Judge Roy Moore. The truth is, they all named a price, they all proved they were liars and whores. It took every bit of grace I own to bypass the thread and not comment the obvious, after all they were liars and whores just dickering about price.

Conservative Tree House has build a mini kingdom - he is fully amortized, it is all profit, not on the scale of Hannity, but does he stick his finger in the wind to see which way the friendly sponsors and donator's money is blowing? Sometimes it appears so. Do you remember that CTH was calling people unwilling to vote for the Globalist Traitor Mitt Romney "traitors"? I have no idea what religious principles Sundance holds, but in 2012 he was a whore.

I'm surprised that Jones has not followed suit, to attack Moore on the sole basis of Marxist Ritual Defamation Accusation.  But then Alex Jones' platform has an operation now with multiple voices all telling slightly different stories, often contradictory stories. He can be for and against anything at any time, just like FOX. As he defended himself while capitulating to the FAKE Consciousness of the Globalists Masters, claim Sandy Hook was real, on ABC in that Megyn Kelly interview, he stated that the "entertained all sides." That was his common practice of INFO Wars.  That would be great if they were merely reporting, but every word from Info Wars in a positive assertion, giving people the information often time they want to hear, what they "emotionally" think they need. On the other hand TRUTH is not fun or entertaining.

In the psyops puppet game, the love of money is at the root of all deception; Truth is always poverty stricken.

When Doug Ibendahl the GOP apparatchik from Illinois, who has put on a good act as a Trump supporter for the last 18 months, immediately jumped on the Judge Roy Moore Marxist Ritual Defamation Band Wagon, I challenged him and really pissed him off.  Why would Ibendahl bow to the Marxist Standard of Guild by Accusation? Because of his lucrative lawyerly GOP insider lobbyist connections. It reminded me when he blocked me on Facebook a few years back for daring to say that Trump's potential nomination of Joe Lieberman for some Cabinet post was "Window Dressing." It really triggered Doug, only to discover there were "lawyerly connections" and he was rooting for Lieberman nomination and approval.  In the psyops puppet game, the love of money is at the root of all deception.

There is no organized RIGHT, as Rex Christi longs to see, that is in terms of some slick cunning psyop machine capable of keeping constant pressure on the Marxist Left. No the Standard of TRUTH cannot BE a mechanism, an apparatus, a contrivance, a gimmick, even a system, it can only be an "instrument" in the service of TRUTH, like the reed dancing in the wind, dancing in the pneuma, dancing in the very Breath of God, dancing in the Holy Spirit that IS TRUTH.

We should not take this as a point of weakness. I will remind you anew that in January of 2012 thousands organized to pray a prayer against the evil that had hold of our country, one of the things we prayed was that "our enemies would become the victim of their own schemes."  It seemed too much for which to hope, they September came and Benghazi causing the Luciferians to lose control of the Dialectic, (the public discourse, the subject of what will and will not be discussed in public square) and they have never regained that control; and they have been the victims of their own plots, over and over again. Look at how the FAKE Trump Dossier blew up in their faces. Keep praying folks, keep praying.

The second that you capitulate to the Mechanisms of the lie, you lose.

What do you think these weeks, now, forty-five days of the Marxist/Luciferians offering up their own on a patter for Ritual Defamation has been for; in other words, what was it purpose?  (They offered up Al Franken today) Its purpose was/is to NORMALIZE in YOUR MIND the process of Marxist Criminal Justice, Guilt by Accusation, that is Ritual Defamation, and to make you forget the American MORAL SYSTEM of Innocence until PROVEN guilty.

In your fevered obsession to see your gut knowledge proven true, about Hollywood scumbags, and about Media scumbags and about political scumbags, panting to see the next person OUTED, take a COLD dispassionate shower for two minutes and listen to a SANE man explain what you have forgotten.  Here is Paul Nehlan, who by the way is running against the Globalist Marxist Paul Ryan.

(Insert Paul Nehlan Audio - Paul Nehlen on Judge Roy Moore and the American Presumption of Innocence.  - he suggest that lawyers who bypass the American Standard of Justice, even in politics, even in elections should be disbarred, since they have betrayed the very core premise of our Justice System.)

Now let me remind you, how absolutely upside down the Marxized Consciousness is.  The very same politician/MOB with torches in the night screaming for Judge Roy Moore's head, are so very, very concerned for the RULE of LAW, and presumption of INNOCENCE when it comes to protecting their MARXIST Globalist Criminal COMRADES. 

For Instance: (Insert picture of Trey Gowdy)

While you were worshiping this IDIOT ACTOR, and hanging on his every "outraged word" during the 8 years of Obama, I kept telling you it was ALL THEATRE, purposely using the British spelling of the word THEATRE, hoping that it would leave an impression.

You have to understand they are ALL Traitors to America, and American Rule of Law, these Senators and Congressmen are PUPPETS of the MARXIST MOB that still controls this country.

Why do you think that BOTH the Republicans and Democrats are trying to destroy Roy Moore with false sexual allegations? Ask yourself, what the hell would they do with a non-Marxized, non-Puppet in the Senate. Look at the Holy Hell raised by others who were drummed from those Hallowed Chambers, some by assassination, most by Ritual Defamation, some by blackmail (Michelle Bachmann), some by intimidation and fear engendering mind-control, most who were at least HALF Marxized.  Come on, the U.S. House even 20 years ago was too Marxist for Newt Gingrich, who was at least half Marxized! After all, Obamacare complete with "individual mandate" that is a universal breath tax, was offed by Gingrich FIRST. They assassinated Congressman Larry McDonald who was completely free of Marxism, in a joint CIA/KGB operation, because he had exposed on national T.V. for the First time the MARXIST/GLOBALIST Reality of the Council on Foreign Relations that controlled BOTH U.S. and Soviet Foreign Policy through the Oligarchs and Elite Foundations that financed the Soviet System and BOTH Political Parties in the U.S. along with the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund and others. 

(Insert Video of Congressman Larry McDonald on CrossFire with Pat Buchanan in 1982)

Why do you think that BOTH the Republicans and Democrats tried to drown Donald Trump in a pool of Prostitutes' Piss, paid FOURTEEN MILLION DOLLARS to Fusion GPS, and colluding with the Russians to try to make the story credible, funneled the Dossier through the FBI, hand delivered by the Traitor and Songbird of Hanoi, Mohammed John McCain, (
so that the FAKE dossier could have the official patina of an FBI LEAK. (and the FBI PAID FOR IT). 

(Insert Jordan Video grilling AG Jeff Sessions on appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the crimes just mentioned.)

WHY are they STILL Ritually Defaming Donald Trump?  Because Trump is Globalist Kryptonite and these politicians Democrat AND Republican are MARXIST GLOBALISTS puppets. ALL OF THEM, including your precious RAND PAUL and TREY GOWDY and any other ACTOR/PUPPET you have taken as REAL.

(Insert Video of Trey Gowdy's capitulation to Comey's LIES.)

Trey Gowdy is as much a TRAITOR as Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi, WORSE in fact, since they proudly display the insanity of their Marxism, and Gowdy and others wrap themselves in the sheep's clothing of Christian Right and Conservatism, feign dedication to Rule of Law while continuing to foster the very lawlessness they decry.

Do you want to know the real reason that Gowdy does not want an investigation? It is because it would EXPOSE HIM. You all keep posting, post after post, explaining how THE LEFT is the problem. WAKE UP PEOPLE! THE GOP is a house of TRAITORS, of GLOBALISTS MARXIST/CORPORATIST PUPPETS. WE have to restore rule of law by constant people pressure, exposing the lies and telling the truth. WE have to becoming smart enough not to accept the PUPPETS who BARK in a manner that fulfills our wet dream fantasies but produce no real work in the real world.

And the ONLY pressure that makes any difference, the ONLY power that can stand against the rulers of Darkness in the DARK STATE, the Principalities and Powers of the Ruling Luciferian Elites, the only thing capable of cutting through the sea of lies, the swamp of snakes are those willing to become the instrument, the willing reed, the violin, the cello, the trumpet of TRUTH. Willing to dance in the Holy Spirit of LOVE and damn to hell every lie.  EVERY LIE, even the convenient ones we think are our friends, on the Right; even the friendly liars on the right.

So we see the GOP establishment, and their wonks like Doug Ibendahl, and I'm sure the Marxist Puritan Frank Schaeffer, the Trotskyite Globalist Mitch McConnell, and all the rest, using the MARXIST method of Guilt by Accusation against Judge Roy Moore, while at the same time, like Jeff Sessions and Trey Gowdy, straining every gnat of legal nicety, every scintilla of good ole, Innocent Until Proven Guilty for their Marxist Co-conspirators.




Damn! Come on, Damn! Did you ever think that you would ever see the Cultural Marxist/Globalist/DARK State so desperate that it would be sacrificing so many of its own, just to lower the bar to make the Cultural Marxist Tool of Ritual Defamation easier to use on Christians and Conservatives? 

Here is what I mean:
Social Media, and the Psyops mainstream media, has been filled with story after story of actual Pedophiles being exposed that is, serial child molesters and rapists, actual Sexual Predators being exposed, and then even more stories of a different class.  You know the stories that go like, "oh, I was so frightened on a cold January night in 1992 X Celebrity, or Y News Person, or Z politician, fondled my bum."

The actual cases of pedophilia, rape, and molestation are one thing and long over due, but the incessant parade of this other class of stories about famous people is another thing.  I can't remember which sleazeball Wholly Weird type it was told against, but I think it was John Travolta, where the little starlet in one of his movies actually said about an incident about two decades ago, "On set, I stepped up the steps into his trailer, looked to my left, and standing at the back of the trailer, x had his penis out and it was erect, and I don't remember how I got back there, but I remember my face being very close to his penis but I would not touch it."  That's the magic penis story, drawn by the magic penis, like in a trance to his crotch. People were passing the story, "X Male Star accused of molesting Y Female Star" on the bases of the headline and no one was bothering to read how absolutely ridiculous the actual accusation was.  I kept asking myself, why?  Why has Holly-Weird suddenly gone on a confession binge when we know that Holly-Weird is about sex, just like Rock Music is about sex. We know it traffics in FLESH, that is the nature of the BUSINESS.

I kept wondering what on earth is the reason for these types of insane, unsubstantiated, unprovable, decades old stories running in the Psyops Media. Even if they were all true, and they are not, but it is free publicity for a lot of no-names at the moment, trying to enhance their celebrity on the backs of their "molesters."  But for the sake of argument say these class of accusation WERE TRUE, they are still, unsubstantiated, unprovable and decades old. And there have been many dozens of them, equally as empty of content as the magic penis story, yet defaming very famous people.  This isn't accidental, this is MASS Ritual Defamation, it is on the one hand a smoke screen to try to protect the worse and real offenders by burying the truly traumatizing violations and violators in a sea of absolute chaos and insanity, like a generation ago they buried the very real rise of Satanism, complete with Child Sacrifice beneath a sea of fake stories where ultimately the public dismissed it as hysteria; yet the children are still going missing. This is the long term goal, their hope. But the second and immediate purpose of this mass of Ritual Defamation is to condition the public to accept unsubstantiated, unprovable, accusations decades old, to accept the Marxist Method of Guild by Accusation. What a powerful tool that is! Want to derail a career, hire a tart, a whore, a queer and a fiction writer. That is exactly what they tried to do to Trump.

Now, excuse me folks, but I have to speak bluntly.  You see, we saw this Ritual Defamation at work against Trump days before the election and the DARK STATE planned to bury Trump under a sea of Prostitute's Piss on a bed in Moscow, previously occupied by Barrack Obama, and they spent fourteen millions dollars trying to make this sick Defamation seem believable.  The FBI helped FINANCE IT. This is the Luciferian DARK STATE at work, and it is exactly what is at work in the Roy Moore Case.

Who is Roy Moore? Let me give you the short answer. He is a man that has not been Marxized; a man who still holds enough sanity, despite the INsanity of the culture to understand that it is an anthropomorphic impossibility for a MALE to have a vagina, he may have some plastic surgery mockery of a God Created Vagina, but he is not capable of being a WIFE or MOTHER;  Judge Moore is so un-Marxized that he still holds enough sanity to understand that a Woman cannot have a penis, she may have some artistically created living dildo, but it is not a penis and cannot perform the duties of a husband nor the procreative function of a father.

I'm being grossly graphic, because it is not enough to say that Judge Roy Moore holds Christian Values and Christian Morality, because even those terms in this sick society have been Marxized. There are those who would claim "Christian Values" to condemn me, to blast me, even to Ritually Defame me for daring to speak so bluntly and state truths they have long been abandoned.

So we see dozens of Cultural Marxists Celebrities, from Hollywood, from New York Media, taking one for the team, and in this case I'm not talking about Harvey Weinstein's penis. This is scorched earth Ritual Defamation, and good Leftist Cultural Marxist soldiers are going down, and not in the common and usual way.  Why are the Luciferians risking this much exposure? (1) They are desperate, and (2) the Swearing in of a Senator in the U.S. Senate who has NEVER bowed to Cultural Marxist Insanity, who stands OUTSIDE the Luciferian Matrix, sends a huge signal that it is alright to be SANE AGAIN. It is alright to call sexual deviancy, deviant and unnatural. It is alright to BE SANE and UN-MARXIZED.



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