Friday, November 10, 2017

The Human Side of Political Debate Reason Vs Ideology

This video is a lesson in the difference between a Liberal and someone steeped in Cultural Marxism. The Sane Liberals are rejecting Cultural Marxism.
The text below is only the opening script of the video.


Remember the days when we said that in Polite Society your don't discuss Religion or Politics. I will submit, that was the first abdication to Lucifer, the acceptance of the idea that controversy is evil and must be avoided at all costs.  It allowed for the construction in secret of the Luciferian Philosophy of Cultural Marxism, where "consensus" rules and those unwilling to follow the consensus are rude, crude, uncivil and if they persist, mentally defective. That silencing tool was so very effective that those opinions that fell outside of the accepted Marxist Material Dialectic were to be mocked, scorned and labeled with labels of "defect." 

In these many decades of living, flawed as I am, sinful as I am, egoist as I am, I have never missed thanking God for my life and the life of others - not one day lived without acknowledging the blessing of mere breath, life, light in my eyes, beauty, truth, justice, liberty, the experience of just "being." There is in this a deep love of God and other human beings.

Would that life were paradise and the cutting edge of the Sword of Truth never needed to lash a limb, never needed to painfully pierce a heart, or to surgically remove demonic error from the guts, the viscera of natural affections.

I am harsh, rude, abrasive in my dealing with leftist and atheist Trolls on FB; I first try to shock them awake and if that fails I shame them, mock them and block them. In that order. Later I unblock them, and some back off and begin to read and listen, some come back in weeks or months or years having changed. So obviously when I speak of love, I'm not talking about the insanity of sugary sweet dialogue and fear of confrontation.  Love requires dedication to the best and most accurate truth we hold at every moment of our lives, without exception, because love and truth are ONE. 

 I did an article a few months ago about the difference between the pedestrian liberals, and the LEFT. It was sparked by a friend speculating that 51 percent of the population was hard leftist and insane. No the hard left are about 5 percent of the population, the masters and their useful idiots, but they are powerful, because while we were being polite they were working to destroy us.

No liberal I personally know, when confronted will defend the Marxist Left and their actions and ideal. They may feel an affinity for it, to it, but rationally, reasonably and morally they will not defend it. However in the Trolling Cyber World it is quite a different story because there is a WAR, a psyops WAR, a Memetic WAR being waged on these platforms, and most often when the conversation is REAL, it is a conversation between the Holy Spirit and Demonic forces.  It is rarely the civil exchange of ideas between human intellects that respect one another.

So let us examine in the words of others, the difference between conversing and even debating with a Liberal, and rejecting in a scorched earth reality, the Luciferianism of the LEFT.

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This young fellow just gave a graphic description of how education is conquered by Cultural Marxism. It isn't a challenge, it is an done deal. Those people who send their children to colleges and universities at this point in time, to learn anything by technology are being played the fool by the Cultural Marxist Thought Manufacturers, and the faculties of once great institutions have become to higher education imitators of the old Chicken Hawks who wait at bus stations to entice and seduce the vulnerable runaways. And not only are you paying to have your Children mentally, spiritually and sexually seduced into Cultural Marxism in all it aberrant reality, you are helping your children to place themselves in generational debt for the privilege of being seduced and brainwashed.  Colleges and University campuses in America have become TOXIC places.  

It is important to understand that everything is connected in this battle to save Humanity from the collective damage of Cultural Marxism, everything is connected. I could weave a story of Donald Trump's visit to the Far East, soliciting the cooperation of those people, leaders of Nations that HATE the Globalist apparatus that brought us Cultural Marxism, and tie that trip to the Purging of the CIA/ISIS/TERRORIST Billionaires of Saudi Arabia, who hold wealth hundreds of times more than George Soros, who with Soros and the NGO foundations have been actively assaulting Western Culture on every front the previous video named, What it means to be a Man or a Woman, The Destruction of the very idea of Normal Human Sexuality, What the definition, structure and purpose of FAMILY is, the destruction of any positive racial identity, the destruction of Christian Culture and Finally the destruction of Christianity itself, which we are seeing unfold before our very eyes, presently . . . Yes, I could tie all this to these Saudi Royals, all Billionaires all taken down some kill and all imprisoned who have been financing this anit-Christ apparatus of Globalist . . . it is all connected . . . Just as the exposure of Hollywood as wholly weird and sexually debauched - a process of taking it down . . . Just as FAKE NEWS celebrities are being taken down . . . It is all connected, and what I have been telling you is not mere abstract philosophy but the ground ZERO of a REAL WAR being waged for the Survival of the Species of Human Beings Upon the Planet. What is Cultural Marxist driving us to but the annihilation of the Species, pushing us to Trans-Humanism Next, mere organisms in the Matrix.

It is all connected, the rampant human trafficking and child trafficking, organ harvesting, and forced migrations - it is all connected. And the connection is the War between the Spirit of Christ and the Spirit of Lucifer, it is real, it is obvious and you have to pick a side.

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