Thursday, November 30, 2017
The Cultural Marxist Attack Against Christianity - Redux
(I wrote and posted this on our website over twenty years ago. Are you getting it yet?)
The Cultural Marxist Attack Against Christianity
The following material a graphic synopsis of the degradation of the culture as it relates to the Cultural Marxist attack on Christianity in General and Catholicism in particular. It is adult material and sinful. We publish here, because we agree with the editor that a realistic awareness of the Cultural Marxist Violent assault on all things of God is needed by those faithful who hold illusions of the "common goodness" of the present American Culture.
It is especially important that those people be apprised of the truth, who presently believe in the illusion that the American Government and the humanistic culture it supports (its "civil religion") is in any way "Christian" or "Godly." You cannot serve two masters, Church and Skull and Bones, God and the New World Order Religion.
Segments of Protestantism holding this false belief in the "orthodox christian foundations of America" are constantly blind-sided in their efforts towards the "implementation of Christian Principles" and returning to Constitutional Principles because they don't understand the nature of "the beast" that is stalking them.
The "fundamentalist movement" begun in the 1920s as a reaction against certain secular theological innovations (by Protestant, Anglican and Roman Catholic Theologians) which has fought so doggedly in politics and "culture" to SAVE American Culture have abysmally failed. Why?
The American "Christian" Culture has devolved exponentially since the "culture war" began and the degree of the failure at this point in time seems complete. That good intention was hijacked by the DARK underbelly of the American State, by the CIA and their henchmen, saboteurs, playing proud conservative leaders. I cannot personally think of one place or one battle they have won. (If you know of an area of success please share it with me.) The movement was subverted; it was not "designed to win." In essence, (true of both Protestantism and Romanism) the more "protest movements, political action committees and watch-dog groups formed, the more revivals and rallies held, the more philosophical theologies tried" the worse the paganization had become, now exponential failure.
Why is this?
Because they have not understood as I said the 'nature of the beast' that stalks them i.e. the pagan foundations of our society, powerless against the Cultural Marxist onslaught, nor have they understood Christian, i.e., the Orthodox Christian Faith, Once and For All Delivered Unto the Saints. No modern watered down iteration of Christianism may substitute without ALL loss of Liberty and ALL loss of sanity. This failure to know their own Orthodox Christian Heritage and thus blindness inside their own gates to the enemy WITHIN, has left them fighting on Satan's terms and he is LOVING IT, because the battle is lost before it is won.
Rev. Charles Colson in a recent "Break Point Commentary" (on radio) spoke about getting back to the "implementation of the orthodox christian intentions of the American Founding Fathers." Rev. Colson is a sincere man, and I have HUGE respect for his work in the American Prison Systems. He is in fact working with the casualties of the paganized society. But his illusion of "the orthodox christian intentions of the American Founding Fathers" is huge ignorance or wishful fantasy. Not a single founder was Orthodox Christian nor held Orthodox Christian beliefs. In fact, in some cases the fact is glaringly the opposite. For instance, Thomas Jefferson was a Gnostic and Rosicrusion. All were adherents of the Enlightenment Movement (another way of saying Luciferian) to one degree or another, which is a Paganized, Masonized, Judaized, and/or Islamicized Christianity. Most were followers of myriad "spiritualities" and "mysticisms." All were many centuries removed from "Orthodox Christian Heritage." So, you see, the paganization of American Culture is the "natural and reasonable" though evil result of its foundational philosophy. The ONLY hope is in True Christian Orthodox Foundations - and those foundations are held ONLY in ORTHODOX Catholicism. And by this I mean the theological guides for the acceptance and practice of The Faith, first called The Way. It hold little in common with most of the Christianism we see paraded before our eyes in the media, and even at the corner "fellowship."
Reprint From The Orthodox Catholic Newsdesk.
Jesus Christ The Conqueror
ORTHODOX CATHOLIC NEWSDESK Vol. 2, No. 14 --- November 18, 1997 --------------------------------------------------------
another Christian voice of the American Orthodox Catholic Church and a multi-media ministry of the PULPIT PRINTERY -- New York Deanery.
Editor/Publisher -- Fr. Steve Tyminski
Managing Editor -- John M. Marasco ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Corpus Christi (The Mystical Body of Christ):
This goes out to all Christians and particularly to Catholics and Orthodox on the East Coast of America. We are under attack! The onslaught is spreading to all nationwide cities and may come to BI-coastal theaters and other venues near you soon. It has already infected Europe. Eventually it will affront you through your TV screens. And why not? As part of "Christ's Body," we are not doing enough about it. Come on, guys, get mad, not just sad!
Before I report the latest affront on Christianity, let us recap:
--- Recently the Bravo cable network program, "Windows," featured one of the most despicable portrayals of Catholicism. In a dance routine called "Temptation," a hooker nun sexually "tempts" a priest. Worse, the choir is shown spitting out the Host.
--- Disney-Miramax released the movie "Priest" a few years ago which showed five dysfunctional priests and suggested that their depravity was a function of their religion. Anti-Orthodox/Catholic bigotry abounds everywhere.
---From the pages of the Orlando Weekly recently came a column by Liz Langley that insulted Catholics by suggesting that non-Catholics "mortify your Catholic friends by setting [communion wafers] out with the hors d'oeuvres at a party."
--- Here on the East coast, students at Middlesex County College produced what is perhaps the most anti-Catholic play ever made, "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All for You." Governor Christie Todd Whitman of New Jersey refused to denounce the play even though it was financed with state monies. This is state-sponsored anti-Catholicism.
--- Two years ago the Grove Street Playhouse here in NYC featured "The Tragic and Horrible Life of the Singing Nun," a play ridiculing the life of the late singing nun. The main character, Sr. Jeanine, is based on the nun who sang the hit song, "Dominique." She is shown as a simpleton who becomes a lesbian. Also featured were a drag queen nun, a Mother Superior who is a "pervert fan," and a priest who has simulated sex with the latter on a piano. The convent is called "Our Lady of the Pernicious and Pestilent Wounds." The play made fun of the Church, saints, and sacraments, especially Holy Communion, as well as priests and nuns. The writer and director of the play in the New York Times called it "mostly fiction and strictly libelous."
--- That summer the notoriously anti-Catholic play which provided a forum for Christopher Durangs hatred of the Catholic Church, "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You," made a New York play at the Duplex, a Greenwich Village playhouse. The play has been denounced as anti-Catholic by Christian and Jewish organizations. Then for Christmas came "Sex and Longing," a Broadway play labeled anti-Catholic. The play is replete with the abuse of Christian symbols, even to the point of having a serial killer pose as Jesus.
--- The off-Broadway play "Late Night Catechism" recently premiered here in NYC at St. Lukes Lutheran Church. The play ridiculed virtually every aspect of Catholicism including Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Saints, the sacraments, Catholic schools, and Catholic customs. In particular, the sexual statements that the play made about Catholic beliefs and practices were unusually coarse.
--- Recently we have been shown Andres Serrano display of "Piss Christ" -- the dime-store crucifix submerged in a jar of his own urine -- in many publications. Then he was invited to open Hispanic Heritage Month at a Smithsonian event as the keynote speaker. That year, a few blocks away, Stephen E. Lewis displayed his work in a Georgetown gallery, featuring his painting "Every Dog Has Its Day." It is a rendering of the crucifixion, with a large dog as Christ and dogs as Roman soldiers.
--- Attacks on the Theotokas (Birth Giver of God) are not uncommon in the art world. Last years worst exhibition of this sort was the Gober display at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. Robert Gober had a need to express himself by showing a phallic culvert pipe piercing Mary, the purpose of which, he boasted, was supposed to evoke the Immaculate Conception as well as the miraculous conception of Christ, while at the same time "depriving the Virgin Mary of the womb from which Christ was born." It was defended by the museums director, the New York Times and the National Catholic Reporter.
--- We have been affronted with Martin Scorsese's 1988 allegorical interpretation of the last days of Our Lord (fiction film) "The Last Temptation Of Christ" (based on the book by Nikos Kazantzakis) which portrayed the Son of God as a sex-crazed mental defective. (On the cross, an angel appears and offers Jesus a normal life as a family man. He is shown in one explicit scene engaging in sexual intercourse with his wife, Mary Magdelene. When he is told of the crucifixion and resurrection, and Judas accuses Him of failing the cause, Jesus accepts his destiny and crawls back on to the cross.)
Ad Nauseam, Ad Nauseam (Lat. to the point of disgust)... You pay for these things to be produced. Everytime one buys a ticket to such filth it is a tangible show of support.
Now things have really gotten out of hand. There is a worse production being staged which is being paid for with your tax money. This play was funded with federal grants. According to the National Endowment for the Arts, the play received a $31,000. grant for research and development. Then the NEA gave a total of $205,000. to the nonprofit Manhattan Theater Club which produced the play.
Thomas Jefferson said that "there is no worse tyranny than forcing one to pay for something they do not want." Is there any worse tyranny than forcing one to blaspheme Our Lord?
As many of you may already be aware, an off-Broadway production of the winner of three Tony Awards playwright Terrence McNally's play, "Corpus Christi" was previewed on September 22 and Oct. 2nd when patrons had to pass our prayer vigil of 200 people and through metal detectors. Visible absent were most of our Independent Catholic and Orthodox brethren! McNally, who was raised as a Catholic, has won four Tony Awards for his plays ("Love! Valour! Compassion!" and "Master Class") and librettos for musicals ("Kiss of the Spider Woman" and "Ragtime").
The "gay Jesus play" which puts brash new coats of lavender on the New Testament had its opening on October 13th (Feast of Our Lady of Fatima) at the Manhattan Theater Club. Thousands of people filled 55th St., between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, in Manhattan that Tuesday night in protest. The play continues...
The play is a filthy attack on Christianity, and on Catholicism in particular. "Corpus Christi" sold out in less than a day after tickets went on sale. The shocker is slated for a ten week run. There are plans to bring the play to Broadway. Stewart Lane, who co-produced "1776" and "Wait until Dark," is one producer mulling a possible Broadway run of the show. How much will we tolerate?
The play portrays a young gay Texas homosexual Christ figure named Joshua who has sex off-stage with his apostles and disciples, a bunch of hard- partying, disco-dancing freaks. It blends two time frames and is peppered with popular icons like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and familar Biblical figures such as Lazarus. A reading of the play borrows dialogue from the Bible's New Testament, paraphrasing an exchange where Pontius Pilate asks Christ whether he is king of the Jews. "Art thou king of the queers?" Pontius Pilate reportedly asks in McNally's play. "Thou sayest," Joshua reportedly answers... Joshua (the Christ figure) pretends to urinate in front of the audience; he is joined by three of the apostles, complete with piped-in sounds of male urination. When Joshua turns to the apostles and proclaims them all to be divine, he says to them, F--- your mother, F--- your father, F--- God. Joshua ("Jesus") has sex with a man (Philip) at his high school prom. Philip dutifully says to Joshua, I hope you have rubbers. He then asks the Jesus figure to perform fellatio. There is also an openmouthed kiss between the Jesus and Judas characters, after which they talk about sex.
The key scene in the play, which occurs near the end, is when Joshua condemns a priest for condemning homosexuality. After hearing the priest recite Biblical teachings on homosexuality, Joshua charges that you have perverted my Fathers words. Joshua says he knows Scripture as well as anyone and that no one should take everything that he says literally. THIS PLAY HAS PERVERTED THE SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS! The Bible, he says, is about love. Joshua then presides over a wedding between James and Bartholomew. Not finished damning the priest, Joshua says I despise you, and then proceeds to hit him several times. The audience loved that scene so much that you could hear their applause from outside. The recitation of the Hail Mary and the references to priests, nuns and Boys Town, makes it clear that Catholics are the real target of McNally.
It is our position that the play should not be censored by the government, but that the producers of the play should have canceled it in the name of common decency. If not, we have recourse to the "blasphemy laws" which states that criticism of religious groups or belief is a type of "hate crime." (NY State Senate Bill #S3733) as follows:
"A person is guilty of ridicule of religious beliefs or practices when in a public place, he holds up the deity or the religious beliefs of any religious class of people, to ridicule or hatred. Furthermore, a person is guilty of religious ridicule when he presents the religious beliefs, practices, symbols, figures or objects of any religious class in an obscene, lewd, profane, or lascivious manner."
On opening night (and every night of this scorn) the Catholic League led a one-hour protest rally against the play, "Corpus Christi" on 55th Street west of 6th Avenue in New York City. Nearly 50 organizations, comprising Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims, have endorsed the Catholic Leagues protest of the play. Representatives from all major faith communities were at the rally. Bus loads of Catholics came from Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Long Island and upstate New York. They joined a large contingent of Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims who live and work in New York City. VISIBLE ABSENT WERE THE CLERGY AND FAITHFUL OF OUR INDEPENDENT JURISDICTIONS. The show goes on and our active protests continue... Where are you?
48 organizationsrepresenting the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim communitieshave signed a formal declaration of protest against the Terrence McNally play, "Corpus Christi" which read:
"The Manhattan Theater Club has a legal right to offend Christians, but it has no moral right to do so. Hate speech is hate speech; it does not become something less if dressed in artistic clothing. Moreover, to flagrantly offend the sensibilities of any religious group is outrageous and can only fan the flames of bigotry. History has shown that an attack on one religion may open the door to attacks on other religions, and that is why we call upon the goodwill of all Americans to join with us in condemning this blasphemy."
Here is the list of organizations that are protesting the play "Corpus Christi":
Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
Alliance Defense Fund
American Catholic Lawyers Association
American Family Association
Americans United for the Pope Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, Inc. (Diocese of the) Armenian Church of America
Brotherhood of Catholic Laymen
CALL Network (Collegians Activated to Liberate Life
Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
Cardinal Newman Society
Catholic Alliance
Catholic Answers
Catholic Campaign for America
Catholic Coalition of Westchester
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholics United for the Faith
Center for Equal Opportunity
Center for Jewish and Christian Values
Chinese Catholic Information Center
Christian Coalition
Congregation of Mount Sinai
Council of American Islamic Relations
Family Defense Council
Family Research Council
Free Congress Foundation
Guild of Catholic Lawyers
Interfaith Alliance
Interfaith Committee of Orthodox Jews
Islamic Center of Long Island
Jews for Morality
Knights of Columbus
Knights of the Holy Sepulchre
Legatus Media Research Center
National Cops for Life
National Council on Islamic Affairs
Police Officers For Christ
Polish American Congress
Project Reality
Society of Catholic Social Scientists
Sons of Italy
Southern Baptist Convention (Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission)
Toward Tradition
Traditional Values Coalition
Wethersfield Institute
Young Americas Foundation.
Despite these protests here in NYC, the New York Theatre Workshop planed to rewrite the Old Testament starting last Friday evening, November 13th, with "The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told," a "broad comedy" by Paul Rudnick (In & Out) about "Adam and Steve." (At press time we did not confirm production.--Editor)
What's next and what are we going to do about it?
Fr. Steve Tyminski + Editor/Publisher New York Dean
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