Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Socratic Q Disambiguation


Socrates, the early Greek philosopher/teacher, believed that disciplined practice of thoughtful questioning enabled the student to examine ideas logically and to determine the validity of those ideas, in the give and take of conversation. In this technique, the teacher professes ignorance of the topic in order to engage in dialogue with the students. Sadly, with the damage done to the minds of so many via the Mind War, the Deliberate Dumbing-down of Americans by Cultural Marxist Behaviorist Brainwashing Methods, falsely called "education," which is well documented by the Lifelong Work of Charlotte Iserbyt, most people faced with Socratic dialogue, only know the distortions of it taught by the Marxists. In a certain way, Socratic Q is taking advantage of this hypnotic conditioning in younger generations and using it as a very effective teaching tool. Let me give you an example of Socratic Questioning used as a Brainwashing Tool. I googled Socratic Questioning and was quickly presented with the following exchange as an example, and this is how Socratic Questioning is used for Cultural Marxist Brainwashing, where students are taught to regurgitate the answers provided by the false consciousness installed in them, by what many now call "The Matrix." This is taken from actual Cultural Marxist school curriculum designed for both institutional school use and homeschooling use. Think about the implications of that for a moment, or as Socrates may have asked, "If mind control propaganda is taught, does it matter whether the location of the teacher is in an institution, say like a public school with a public school teacher, or in the home where a parent or guardian takes the role of teacher?" My answer would be, "more damaging in the home since it is a breach of trust issue and that breach between parent and child is more damaging."

Teacher: What is happening to our global climate?
Stan: It’s getting warmer.
Teacher: How do you know it’s getting warmer? What evidence do you have to support your answer?
Stan: It’s in the news all of the time. They are always saying that it’s not as cold as it used to be. We have all of these record heat days.
Teacher: Has anyone else heard of this kind of news?
Denise: Yeah. I have read about it the newspaper.  They call it global warming, I think.

Teacher: Are you saying that you learned about global warming from newscasters? Are you assuming they know that global warming is occurring?
Heidi: I heard it too. It’s terrible. The ice caps in the Arctic are melting. The animals are losing their homes. I think the newscasters hear it from the scientists that are studying the issue.
Teacher: If that is the case and the scientists are telling the newscasters, how do the scientists know?
Chris: They have instruments to measure climate. They conduct research that measures the Earth’s temperature.
Teacher: How long do you think scientists have been doing this?
Grant: Probably 100 years.
Candace: Maybe a little more than that.
Teacher: Actually, it’s been studied for about 140 years. Since about 1860.
Heidi: We were close.
Teacher: Yes. How did you know that?
Grant: I just figured that seems like when instruments were available and scientists had the means to measure climate like that.
Teacher: So, looking at the last 100 year’s climate on this graph, what can we say about the earth’s climate?
Raja: The 20th century has become much warmer than previous centuries.
Teacher: Can we hypothesize why?
Raja: One word: pollution.
Teacher: What are you assuming when you say that pollution is the cause for the temperatures to rise?
Heidi: Carbon dioxide from cars causes pollution and chemicals from factories.
Frank: Hairspray causes dangerous chemicals to get into the atmosphere.
Teacher: Okay. Let’s take a minute to review what we’ve discussed so far.

Okay, that's enough of that, so we see how the Socratic method can be used for brainwashing. The government Trolls on Social Media and in fact, the Psyops Agents in the FAKE NEWS MEDIA, use the Socratic Method weaponized as Brainwashing all the time. Just watch any White House Press Secretary News Briefing where every question has an implied LIE. That was the circumstance in the "science" lesson I just read where every question the teacher asked had an implied lie, misconception or misleading premise.

So when we approach the Socratic Q, who would seem to be Trolling us with his personal perceptions of what is presently happening, we ask, or could it be that he has more than personal perceptive, that he has more DATA than most and instead of just blurting out the DATA in a few cogent paragraphs, is seeking to awaken people to events coming they are not yet prepared to "digest" to "process" to "come to understand" to "accept as real and true" to "accept a just and right" to "accept as necessary actions" etc., etc.  So by asking the questions, he is stimulating his audience on THEIR level of understanding.

I have to tell you it has been great theatre watching the "Truth Community" try to grapple with Q's Socratic Lessons.  I've watch many people wrestling with these question, from UFO, Planet X, New Age Spiritualists, Covert Luciferians in the Zeitgeist Movement, Marxist Libertarians, pure mentally ill kooks, along with a host of other CIA disinformation Agents, Operatives, Trolls and their useful idiots and finally more than a few honest Truth seekers who are finding a lot of "confirmation" in Q's questions, reading their carefully constructed "Truth Narratives" into his questions. The amazing result is that weighting for the various points of insane perspective, the result from all except the CIA Trolls is very, very similar. Oh, they are different, but remember I said, "Weighting for the various points of insane perspective." In other words, what people are deriving from Socratic Q is (1) a certain measure of vindication for their own level of understanding, PLUS (2) a challenged to dig more deeply. I am no different from the gang I have just outlined. The fact is I could take every question Socratic Q asked and point you to the quote in my body of work on this Blog, FB and YouTube where I have already answered the questions and in most cases in quite some detail. I literally could just quote myself and answer the questions (or at least most of them - he said with mock humility). So now I'm going to engage with Socratic Q, be his student and attempt to answer his questions. I may even ad a few questions back to him, we will see.

What is a key?
An object and/or concept that unlocks what is locked away, what is hidden and protected.
What is a key used for? To unlock what is hidden and protected. It may be an actual physical key, or a key idea, a key formula, a key concept, a key control structure. What is a guard?Any person in possession of the Key.

What is a guard used for? Let us use the example of all of the people who hold in their possession a key to my home and the key-code to my alarm system.  Each one of these people is a defacto guard having agreed to use their physical key and coded key for the protection of our home. Who unlocked the door of all doors? Could you be any more vague? Are you counting on each person's perspective to automatically construct in their minds what "the door of all doors" references? Haven't you already laid the groundwork in previous posts to make people assume you are referencing the NSA Archives? Was it pre-planned? Prior to WHAT? Pre-planned before Trump announced that he was running for President. Pre-planned from last week? ALL human action requires "volition" making even standing to flip a light switch a "pre-planning" after all why would one stand to flip the switch if flipping the switch were not "pre-planned." So for this one, I give you an F. Do you believe in coincidences? No, I believe in the Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit, operating on a level outside of human comprehension, inside the warfare with Evil and modified and changed by human volition and action.

What is information?Information is not an elemental object, it exists in many forms and levels of complexity. But I think you are going for the Solipsist idea that "information = data." Who controls the release of information? Anyone who possesses it. But of course, you are going for the "gatekeepers" those guards with keys to the locks. WHO HAS ALL OF THE INFORMATION? Only the Supreme Being most people reference as God. But of course, you are referencing again the NSA Archive.
Who disseminates information?

Again overly vague, but I see you are going to the Main Stream Media as the gatekeepers of the Data.

What is the MSM?

According to your leading questions, the Gatekeepers of the Data.

Who controls the MSM?
(1) They all operate under a National Security Letter Gag Order, so are under the control of the Department of Homeland Security.
(2) The Department of Homeland Security is controlled by the DARK State, that is the Luciferian Globalists, enemies of the American People.
(3) The majority of the Main Stream Media, together with Newspapers, radios stations, book publishers and the major Social Media Platforms are owned by Zionists.
(4) So the ruling Oligarchy, with the tools of the CIA, DHS, The Board of Broadcast Governors (the psyops masters), the Luciferian/Zionist control the MSM.
Who really controls the MSM?
The Luciferian Marxist Zionist Oligarchy, the Central Banks run by one percent of the one percent.
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources? Decades-long Behaviorist Conditioning, i.e. brainwashing, and the constant demonization of any voice outside the FALSE Consciousness created by the MSM. Who controls the MSM?
Asked and Answered.

Who really controls the MSM?
Asked and Answered.
Why are we made to believe the MSM are the only credible news sources? Asked and answered, but I will add an "in other words": So that the MSM can control the "Dialectic" "the common consciousness" so that anything stated outside that common consciousness is met with, "that's just crazy man!" "You sound like a conspiracy theorist." Why is this relevant? Because so many people have never had a thought outside of the Matrix. They are unprepared for the actual steps that have to be taken to restore Liberty, Property, Privacy and the Rule of Law.
Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
Asked and answered - but I will cut and paste.

Decades-long Behaviorist Conditioning, i.e. brainwashing, and the constant demonization of any voice outside the FALSE Consciousness created by the MSM.
So that the MSM can control the "Dialectic" "the common consciousness" so that anything stated outside that common consciousness is met with, "that's just crazy man!" "You sound like a conspiracy theorist." Why are non MSM platforms cast as conspiracy and/or non-credible?
Asked and answered - but I will cut and paste. Decades-long Behaviorist Conditioning, i.e. brainwashing, and the constant demonization of any voice outside the FALSE Consciousness created by the MSM. So that the MSM can control the "Dialectic" "the common consciousness" so that anything stated outside that common consciousness is met with, "that's just crazy man!" "You sound like a conspiracy theorist." What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power? Too general a question. Not all power is evil. To automatically equate power with corruption is cynical. If you added the qualification, "accumulates too much power" then the obvious answer is they are tempted to corruption. Of course, you are going for the maxim "Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely." This is only contextually true, or you are making an argument for the total corruption of the Almighty. Which you may be, who knows. Define corruption. This would not be the answer you would give, but it is the correct one, "everything that is anti-human and anti-life." Sour milk is contextually "corrupt" it will poison you if you drink it, but it is not truly corrupt since it makes cheese and butter, etc.  So in political science terms, the moral corruption of men, all of the common vices, corrode the instruments of governance, rot the institutions of education, justice, etc. Wealth = power.
Power = influence.
Influence = control.

Rinse and repeat.
Here Socratic Q takes of this Socratic Hat and gives us a Marxist Formula. IF we add the previous concept of power, corrupting. That is the Marxist Maxim, "all power of which they do not control is corrupt."  Remember the Antifa Manual that stated that a "fascist" was anyone who disagreed with them, they named the "fascists."  So Q's formula is not a knowing as his questions, but he is pointing to the Ruling Oligarchs.

To discover just how thoroughly the MSM is herding you, Google Oligarch and the first pages will be filled with references to evil Russian "Oligarchs" as if the Luciferian/Zionist Oligarchs like the Rothschild Criminal Family are NOT Oligarchs and are angels.  Soros is an Oligarch, Jacob Rothschild is the top Oligarch.  The "evil Russian Oligarchs" are paupers by comparison.
What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)? (1) Fake media was exposed as a psyops tool the Luciferian/Zionist Oligarchs. (2) The Marxist/Corporate Collective was thoroughly exposed and is still being exposed, you see this in the NFL battle. (3) The Department of Homeland Security's function as a tool of the Oligarchs was exposed, in their gambit to take over the election process of the 2016 election and in their construction of the FAKE Trump/Russia Collusion Narrative as justification for this act of Tyranny. Seven brave State Governors and Secretaries of State managed to block them with the help of some Patriotic power in the Federal Government able to expose their State Election Data Base Hacking. How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?
It is replacing the MSM IF it is not derailed.  That is why I find YOUR influence in the CYBER WORLD a little bit frightening.

Has the stranglehold of the MSM been diminished?

Conquered, NO.  Diminished, Yes.
What is open source?
Literally "Open Source" is all information in the public domain. "Open Source" is the opposite of "State Secrets."

What has become blatantly obvious since the election of POTUS? (1) The enormous power of the Globalist Oligarchy and the fact that they had just about completed construction of their one world control mechanism (not actually government) but collective MOB rule. (2) The fact that nearly ALL the institutions in the U.S. from Think Tanks, to Colleges and Universities, to Charitable Foundations, to Congress, to the Federal Courts, to State and Local Governments (Charlottesville), the MSM, the major Social Media Platforms, FB, Google, YouTube, are still under the control of this Globalist/Luciferian Criminal MOB. (3) They have been plotting a Revolution against Trump and the American People (4) The Trump Truth and Liberty Movement is America's Second War of Independence. This time it is not the British Crown from which we must wrest our Liberty, but this Luciferian/Zionist MOB, this anti-God, anti-American Oligarchy. Why would they allow this (visibility) to occur? The arrogance of the Bush/Obama New World Order era, caused them to blunder. The most significant blunder was Benghazi, which was a CIA/Obama/Muslim Brotherhood plot to kidnap Ambassador Stevens, and trade him to the MB in Egypt (which they controlled at the time) for the Blind Sheik Omar Rahman, the alleged mastermind of the 1993 FBI created FALSE FLAG attack on the World Trade Center. Speaking of that "Door of Doors" the tapes proving that the plot was lead by an FBI operative has been released. Soon I'll do an article/video about it.  Obama's Muslim sensibilities, his promise to punish any who dared not accept their Dhimmi Status, cramming the VIDEO scenario down our throats, lying to the parents of the fallen, at that moment the MSM lost control of the Dialectic, and try as they will, and they have tried to insane measures, using every psyops ploy ever devised, they cannot regain control of the "public discourse." The MSM has become something to be MOCKED, even though it is still powerful, for the "conditioning" reasons stated in my answers. Were they not prepared to counter? They thought they were "countering" in their effort to use Trump as a foil. What miscalculation occurred? AS per Election: DENIAL (1) They refused to believe the MSM's loss of control. (2) They refused to believe the strength of the Truth Movement. (3) They refused to believe they were not in control of the RIGGED SYSTEM (4) They refused to believe they could not destroy Trump with the tool of Ritual Defamation (The Dossier). (5) In their denial, for months in 2015, the CIA psyop program "Morning Joe" functioned as Trump biggest cheerleader. They miscalculated believing they could pump him up to destroy GOP rivals, then destroy him with Ritual Defamation. (6) They did not realize that the Trump Supporters were more awake and smarter than they.
What opposite impact did this generate?

AS per Governance:
(1) They refused to believe Trump was actually as smart as he is.
(2) They refused to believe they could not control him using ego assaulting psyops
(3) They failed to gauge the number of Patriots remaining in the Government and Country.
(4) They planned their "revolution" and because of all of the above, Trump used it against them.  A great number could be indicted for Treason.

How did POTUS recognize and invert?
The most important, in fact, pivotal action that Trump has taken is described in this Video I made August 10th. (insert "The New War for American Independence" Aug 10th)



What happens when an entity and/or individual accumulates power?
Asked and answered above.

Define corruption.
Asked and answered above.

Define censorship.

The suppression of disfavored information.

Define ‘controlled’ censorship.

Idiot, all censorship is 'controlled' censorship, else there would be no censor.  It you are trying to get at an idea more than mere "censorship" (keeping information from us) to active propaganda, (that is purposely feeding us false information) you failed.

What action is Twitter taking effective mid-Dec?
More censorship supposedly against people who advocate violence.

What is the purpose of this action?

More Cultural Marxist Control over Free Speech, making anything outside the Matrix harder to communicate. OR were they anticipating having stomp on ANTIFA's use of Twitter? 

Possible test to understand public / gov’t response? We will see. 

When was this announced?
November 17th 2017

When did events in SA transpire?
When the Saudi Prince who owns a large portion of Twitter was arrested.

Who controlled a large portion of Twitter stock?
The same Saudi Prince.

Why is this relevant?

Panic on the part of the Globalist Mob.

Define oppression.
Pressure from above.

Who controls the narrative?
The DARK State TRIES to control the Narrative.

Who really controls the narrative?
Same answer

Who guards the narrative?
Asked and Answered

Does the MSM shelter and protect select ‘party’ members?
Of course, I call it the Cultural Marxist Bubble. IF you are Cultural Marxist, fully in compliance with the Puppet Masters, you are protected. Unless they have a strategic reason to sacrifice you. (Harvey Weinstein et al.)

Does this protection insulate these ‘party’ members? Yes, not only from bad publicity, but from prosecution.

Who controls the narrative?
MSM tries.

What laws were put in place to protect the MSM from lawsuits?
Are you going for the Anti-SLAPP Statutes?

Who specifically passed this law?
The Courts in litigation, I.E. Activist Judges.

What is immunity?
Vis a vis Reporters - The Shield Law.
Immunity from criminal prosecution, Immunity from civil liability.

What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’?

What prevents a news organization from simply ‘making up sources & stories’? NOTHING.

What previous SC ruling provided protection to reporters from having to reveal their ‘confidential’ source(s)?
US v Sterling

How many people are unaware of the ‘truth’ due to the stranglehold? Percentage of the population. I don't have a clue, but the number if far less today than a few years ago. In fact I have seen reports claiming that only 6 percent of the population trust the media.

How must people be made aware of an alternate reality?
You have it backwards. They presently live in the alternative reality, so the question is who to expose them to the TRUTH. I've been working at it very hard, but we lack the proper platforms! We have to endure arbitrary censorship and oppression and suppression of our work.  We NEED a level playing field.  The Truth and Liberty Movement can EASILY win the argument, IF it can have a platform to be HEARD.

What are crumbs (think H-wood/DC)
No comment needed.

Define ‘lead-in’ (think play)? We will see, or maybe we have all been having a wet-dream.

What has been occurring recently?

Massive exposures on multiple fronts.

The stage must be set.
I'll take your word for it.

Crumbs are easy to swallow.

No some are bitter, extremely bitter.

What if Hugh Hefner was /a Clown In America?
You mean Blackmail PIMP in America. While you are at it, explain who it is that the Federal Government and the State of Indiana are still supporting the Pedophile/Rape Center called the Kinsey Institute on the University of Indiana Campus, Bloomington?

What is a honeypot? Sex Trap.

Define blackmail.

How could this be applied?

The Playboy Mansion, along with many other places are great "honey-traps" for Blackmail Material. Epstein's Sex Island is Mossad, etc. Hefner was CIA. The Whole Apparatus of the Sexual Revolution, but the sick art, to the FAKE Clinical Work of the Kinsey Institute, to the Psyop publications of Playboy, Ms, Hustler, even the Feminist Movement, ALL DEEP STATE Cultural Marxist attack on Christianity and Traditional CHRISTIAN Moral Values.

Fantasy land.

All of them.


No Such Agency.

National Security Agency (can't paint yourselves as "good guys."

The hunter becomes the hunted.

Hope so.

Operations underway.
Hope so.

Operators active.
Hope so.

Disinformation is real.
In that it has contextual reality.

Disinformation is necessary.
All War Is Deception and we are in the middle of the Second American War for Independence.

Silent war (some gets out).

The Great Awakening.
Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE without the regaining of our Christian Heritage.

Iron Eagle.
Clueless, never saw it.

Godfather III.
Clueless - unless you are just point to the Mob.

The Hunt for Red October.
Clueless - Can't make a jump from that movie to what is happening now.

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