And here is the difference between an observer and a discerner. The first time I saw Obama (turn of century) “the rising star” I knew he was a hypnotic-master wearing a CIA cutout suit. When he spoke people stood in hypnotic awe, with frozen smiles on the faces as he read the TelePrompter with more talent than I had ever before witnessed, reading with hypnotic cadence and swaying from side to side as he rhythmically turn from right prompter to left just like the swing of a pocket watch. People didn’t hear what he had to say they felt what he was saying. There was no rational comprehension and analysis, nothing he said was note worthy or controversial, no memorable lines just a steady diet of everyone’s wet dreams. What people got from the experience was nebulous sense of Hope and Change that by some means of magic would be fair and elevating for all. There was never the suspicion that the entire world economy had been Purposely Crashed so his hypnotic Marxist message would have fertile ground in people struggling with fear and despair.
For your own education google one of Obama’s 2008 rallies and then one of Trump’s 2016 rallies and behind Trump you will see instead of frozen smiles and hushed reverence people animated, talking to one another, commenting on what they were hearing and seeing; even discussing what he was saying as he was speaking; people engaged instead of hypnotized. Instead of the “perfect Obama speech” they got a symphonic non-canned speaker, starting and stopping, digressing and tying in the digression, engaging them with questions over and over. Fast forward to today 90+ days to go. Once again the Globalists have tried with every tool at their disposal to crash the world economy, they have created panic in a pandemic, but failed to turn Covid into Trump’s Katrina. Having shot their charismatic savior wad in Obama and as far as I can see they have no CIA-charismatic cutout in the wings... well they have prospects but none that will vet and the American people have taken control the vetting process themselves. Leaving them the anti-Obama in the Covid Basement, a man total devoid of any oratory skills mumbling through limited exposures. Instead they have turned all their time and energy, with the power of the FAKE public health establishment and its Continuation of Government Powers and Communist Chinese Controlled media via Multi-front suicidal Asymmetric Warfare to destroy however much of America and the world, for that matter, to hamstring, neutralize and Kill Trump and the American Conservative Nationalist Movement. They intend to kill us, no joke. Inside this very real context Lionel is shocked that Obama would use the corpse and memory as a weapon of asymmetric war? You see he is a keen observer, I am a practiced discerner who knew the weapon value of that corpse. The enemy asymmetric war strategists are always steps ahead of people whose level of perception is mere observation. They are left totally surprised by events and have only one weapon, “reaction” which in truth is choreographed by the enemy. Thus 99% of Libertarian, Independent and Conservative observers function in fact at the command of our enemy. Some knowingly, the plants, and some honestly, unaware of their role. In either case the role is always to react to the narrative which is controlled by the enemy. What is so very frightening about Trump is that he has (until hamstrung by the command of our enemy. Some knowingly, the plants, and some honestly, unaware of their role. In either case the role is always to react to the narrative which is controlled by the enemy. What is so very frightening about Trump is that he has (until hamstrung by the Public Health Continuation Of Government MARXISTS) been able to create NOT a counter narrative but an ORIGINAL one. Thus making the massive world disinformation structure react to HIM. HE MAY NOT REGAIN THIS POWER between now and the election and powers of mere observation at this point in time are WORTHLESS since little we are seeing is real and what little seen that is real is so deadly most suffer cognitive dissonance and believe this is merely an election and not the raging Asymmetric World War WITH Globalism where China - is the central weapon activated in coordination with legacy Globalist structures and every tentacle of infiltration into every area of society and life. At this point discernment is our only weapon since we have to discount, ignore, the Marxist Smokescreens ie every weapon of psyops-fear and plays on emotion and sentimentality, grasp the core of the enemy’s Capitalist/Communist power and recognize the depth of it power able to hamstring an American President, destroy the power of the Trump rallies and gaslight an irrational fear driven public into mask-turbation and even now goggle- wearing. These are either the birth pains of our Liberation from Luciferian Globalist enslavement or the death-throes of humanity with nothing to look forward to but dystopian trans-humanist cyborg utopia
resulting in a near extinction event as the majority of humans are culled from the planet. Not conspiracy theory, they have repeatedly stated their goals. At this point to win this battle, this level of discernment/assessment is objectively necessary, mere observation of events and reaction to them is Suicide. There was an episode of Star Trek, I don’t remember the series or movie or episode other than it contained the scenario where the more intensely the Enterprise reacted to the enemy the greater the next attack. In other words their reaction to the enemy’s attack was amplifying the enemies power. That has great wisdom for present tactics but not long term strategy. We cannot conquer their psyops control mechanism until it has all the power of a tree falling in the woods with no human hearing. We cannot stop the tree from falling but we can deny them our observation of it and create our own narrative, massively destroy their election farce, surrender our fear in FAITH AND Take up our arms and live our lives. This ordinary thing they cannot conquer. END.