Nothing else really matters, until you learn this lesson. NOTHING you learned in school is really true.
Praise God Almighty! The Young People Are Arriving!
When most people were shocked asleep, that is hypnotized by the fear/anger psy-opt that was 9/11/2001, Richard Grove, an intended victim of 9/11, was gradually shocked AWAKE.
The Awakening happened incrementally and took some years, but at present he is offering the most cogent analysis AND plan for humanity's re-awakening to stand up against the dehumanizing forces that are seeking our total destruction through cyborg devolution, or if you will "evolving us into non-existence." He ends this totally astounding interview (TAKE DAYS, or WEEKS or MONTHS to watch it and investigate the subjects cross-referenced, DO NOT pretend to understand what you do not understand. STOP and LEARN the history so the content of the conversation can have context and be understood . . . accept the FACT that YOU DO NOT ALREADY KNOW the Nature and Strength of the enemy humanity faces . . . yes the subject is this BIG - THINK! - if your schooling was not Education, but behaviorist conditioning, - and it was that - do you think you can be EDUCATED instantly and without effort?) . . . . anyway at the end of this astounding interview with an old and extremely wise man, Richard offers the words of Patrick Henry, few of you have ever heard. Before Patrick Henry said, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” He said in the same speech some words of wisdom that need to be memorized. He was addressing the President of the 2nd Virginia Convention, on March 23, 1775. “For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of debate. “It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and country. “Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings . . “Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty?
“Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, what ever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” - Patrick Henry Are YOU hypnotize by the illusions of false hope? Have YOU shut your eyes against the painful truth? Are YOU listening to your comforters when they intend to transform you into a beast, struggling for subsistence living, enslaved in a powerful Techno-Dark-Ages, where you are considered a “programmable earth based carbon unit” and nothing more, removed from all the uniqueness it means to be human, to be YOU? The general population - almost everyone you meet has already been removed from parts of their human birthright, parts of your own human development and potential.
I for one hold no false hopes, I understand that the best case scenario is that we have HUGE WORK in front of us, or slavery, abject and complete and total mental, moral and physical slavery. I seek no matter how painful only what is REAL, what is FACT and He who is Truth.
Big Brother Says, you should not know anything, but need ONLY the skills to process the data he feeds you.
The human brain should be used for processing, not storage. —Thomas A. Kelly, Ph.D. The Effective School Report
Sounds like the human being as a programmable earth based carbon unit. Are you willing to settle for that? If you keep watching T.V. News, and Hollywood entertainment, and keep your mind continually connected to the cyber-pop-cluture . . . young folks if you believe the fantasies that are promoted as facts in your text books, then you are willing to be programmed. You will NEVER learn to think and you will process the data just as you are programmed to do. In a very real way, there will never be any REAL YOU in the mix, nothing of value in your SOUL (Psyche) so that you may "INDEPENDENTLY" judge what is true and what is false.
You have to have TRUE Principles Stored in your HEART, so that you can run a malware test on Philosophical Programming and virus checks on every piece of data that the "establishment" attempts to download to your brain. Without knowledge of those true principles YOU HAVE NO FIREWALL, YOUR PROGRAMMING PROCESSES ARE HACKED, YOU BECOME A SLAVE, a programmable earth bound carbon unit.
The ULTIMATE REBELLION is REAL INDEPENDENT THINKING that QUESTIONS EVERYTHING, yet without cynicism accepts what works and is true and builds the Human Person, and rejects what is enslaving and dehumanizing.
"Big Brother Says, you should not know anything, but need ONLY the skills to process the data he feeds you." Few people are there who understand how absolutely successful the New World Order MIND PROGRAMMING has been. Today HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE consume the hypnosis packets, called News, Sports, Entertainment, and react with the appropriate and programmed EMOTIONS, while never analyzing the validity, veracity and reasonableness of the hypnotic information. The emotions usually stimulated are (1) Fear (2) Anger (3) Grief (4) Empathy/Concern and this is often served with (5) Humor and/or (6) Irony and/or unquestioned "rightness." And between the words on the screen or coming from the speaker and the brains and emotions is NO filter. What one has "heard" from "sources that should know" becomes the content of ones thoughts and knowledge.
These hypnosis packets are sometimes very sophisticated and totally staged REAL events "Sandy Hook" "911" "Boston Bomb" "Aurora", sometimes they involve mass murder, and INSTANTLY you are told who is responsible and how to feel about it. One caught in the web of programming cannot view the event and suppress total belief long enough to ask logical questions, "Is that Possible?" "How do they know?" "Does the story comport with known facts?" "What are the actual facts." Rather they KNOW without DOUBT because they were TOLD in a hypnosis packet, it was Osama bin Laden and 19 accomplices, or a lone gunman no one really remembers. Gay is Good says a barrage of hypnosis packets blasting at the psyche for decades. Of COURSE Gay is Good! How could we doubt it, we have been told it is good. If you doubt Gay is Good, be very careful YOU might have a mental illness, says the counter-hypnosis packet also blasted at the culture for decades, you are sick, you are a hater, you suffer from homophobia. Women are NO different than men, says another hypnosis packet blasted at our culture for decades. And if you suggest there are obvious differences between men and women, even as neuroscience has proved, even in the way we process data, the counter-hypnotic-packet say, you are a chauvinist, ignorant and backward. We need to sacrifice our individual rights for the strength and sustainability of our communities says another hypnosis packet. And when you suggest that is the way to mental and physical slavery, a slavery that has already happened, the counter-hypnotic package (the counter-package) says you are a Patriot, a Survivalist, Ignorant, Dangerous, Possible Terrorist, Backward and you Hate Progress.
Partial List of Common Hypnosis Packets downloaded into your subconscious EVERY TIME you turn on any communications device, watch a movie, talk with other programmed people, watch the news, read your text book:
There is life in outer-space and one day it is coming here. The earth suffers from Global Warming. Aliens will teach us how to heal mother earth. Climate Change is caused by common people living their common everyday lives. We have to completely change our way of life or we are all going to die. Abortion is not harmful. A baby in the womb is just a blob of tissue. White people are natural-born racists and must apologize and learn better. Black people are lazy and do not apply themselves. Black people have only themselves to blame for their plight. The plight of the Black people is the responsibility of white people. Our Government is only trying to protect us and usually chooses to do what is in our best interest.
Prescription Drugs are ALWAYS GOOD and always helpful. When we feel bad, that means we need to see a doctor and get a prescription. My doctor believes in "do no harm." Psychology and Psychiatry can heal mental illness. Illegal drugs are always harmful. Religion is evil. Christianity is a religion, so it is evil.All religions are the same.One opinion is as valid as another opinion. Everything is relative. There is no basis for moral judgment. There is no actual evil in the world, only the acts of evil people. Life spontaneously burst into reality with massively complex structure even on the molecular level, having the appearance of design, but without design or a designer. To believe that the universe is created is superstitious and evil. There is no God. God exists and his primary commandment is love without conditions and "Never Make A Moral Judgement." Scientist's first concern is the survival of humanity. The advancements of Science and Technology are always used for the benefit of mankind. Man is ready for an evolutionary step. Man can evolve by thinking about it. Mind Sciences are the key to man's future evolution. Contact with space aliens is the key to man's future evolution. Cyborg technology is the key to man's future evolution. A New Age, A NEW WORLD ORDER, requires a New World Wide Religion. Religion can be positive, as long as you leave God out of it. I'm a Christian, but I just don't believe in Dogma. Organized Religion is EVIL.
A realistic assessment of the state of Evolutionary "Science" and the massive advancement of the technological BEAST.
The Scientific argument against Evolutionary Darwinism/Naturalism is complete. Evolution/Naturalism as a theory for the Origins of Life has been thoroughly debunked, not by religious zealots, as the argument goes but by Science asking the simple question, From Whence Comes Information?
Many of us by reason have known this for some time, in fact for the entire period that science/naturalism entered "the party of the insane," making unproved claims from thin air and passing their convoluted myth-making off as "science." Such Mind Control psychological operation is NOT science but is rather "political" and 'theological" and has never been anything more than a baseless "philosophy" with history going back to the ancient Greek Philosophers whose arguments were as simplistic and baseless as 19th and 20th century naturalist's mythology.
As a "religious zealot," as I am labelled by those who argue dead and defamed theories of evolution because I have met and serve Jesus Christ and none other and accept as self-evident the words of Saint Paul saying"
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:16-20 (King James Version)" As a "zealot" I never bought into the idea of evolution except where it is proved and that is the ability of living beings to adapt over time, and sometimes over extremely short periods, when life becomes very easy for them, as the Russian Gray Fox experiments prove. But this adaptation is within certain parameters of "kinds" to the mandates of survival in changing environments, or ease. Removed from the necessity of survival, domesticated, cared for and feed in comfort the Gray Fox in a few generations flowered into multi-colored and even some flop eared, cute little creature full of life and curiosity. Sadly, money restraints at end of the Soviet era caused the necessity to "eliminate" hundreds of these animals because of lack of funds to feed them.
But to the overarching thesis of "naturalism," I am very pleased to have lived long enough to see "Naturalism" disproved by positive facts of science beyond all reasonable doubt. If you doubt my word, read:
Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory, by Michael A. Cremo The Devil's Delusion: ATHEISM and its SCIENTIFIC PRETENSIONS, by David Berlinski
I offer these two books first because they are from a decidedly non-Christian perspective yet both contain the wisdom of Saint Paul's quote above, to great and greater degrees and are written by a Hindu and a Secular vocally-non-religious Jew.
For the full story read: Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael J Behe And,
SIGNATURE IN THE CELL: DNA AND THE EVIDENCE FOR INTELLIGENT DESIGN, by Stephen C. Meyer. I have just finished these last two and I can say without doubt that ANYONE who takes an honest read of these four books will know in their gut "Naturalism" is finished, and Darwinism/Naturalism are . . . or should be relegated to the dust bin of history.
The constant argument of the Atheistic Evolutionary Movement has been that Christians are anti-intellectual and anti-science.
NOTHING is further from the truth since Modern Science is primarily a product inside the history of Christianity, and took a decidedly anti-Church turn around the period of the so-called "Enlightenment." The majority of pioneer scientists of history WERE Christian and a great many clergy to boot. As history and science has now confirmed, most of what was gained by the Protestant/Enlightenment anti-church revolution was merely anti-God, anti-Science, anti-Reason, in fact a sojourn into the realm of fantasy and delusion of which the Roman Church has not been immune. Modern Science has unleashed upon the world a massive new paradigm of technology that like all tools, firearms, dynamite, nuclear power, microwave radiation, sound and light frequency weapons, is a two edge sword, able to kill and heal, and such power is now increasingly placed in the hands of those whose foundation for morality and ethics, whose appreciation for the wonder of the human person has been destroyed by their atheistic/naturalist philosophy.
One of the really major surprises in this whole five century saga (and I reference Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Darwin etc) has been that just as the actual empirical observation of REAL science has disproved them, in the vital aspects that matter to Christianity, that is as it effects the idea of mankind created in God's image, the Roman Church in the late 20th and early 21st century and even some famous Orthodox Christian voices have embraced the errors. (Most Main Line Protestants capitulated to Darwinism decades ago.) One has to wonder why? The answer is of course as already stated, these brain dead errors are "political" and "theological" to bolster a world without God, to free man from obvious moral constraints, to make man his own creator, holding in his hands his evolutionary future, without moral constraints or reference to God or God's image in mankind. Many of these same deniers of TRUE SCIENCE have as their motive the relegation of Christianity to something other than Ultimate Truth, the reduction of Christian Truth to just one competing religious mythology in a world-supermarket of religious thought. Why?
For that answer, read the books of Dr Ray Kurzweil: "How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed"
"Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever" "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology" "The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence" Ray is Google's Chief engineer with unlimited funds to "create the singularity" where humankind will morph into the Borg of Star Trek fame, become a single interconnected mind, cybernetically connected to "all consciousness." The bastardization of the IKON of God-the human person, into something other than human. He has written honestly about how difficult it will be to tell where humanity ends, and the technological beast begins.
In case you think I am exaggerating or an "alarmist" this from Time Magazine February 10th 2011: "But Kurzweil would spend much of the rest of his career working out what his demonstration meant. Creating a work of art is one of those activities we reserve for humans and humans only. It's an act of self-expression; you're not supposed to be able to do it if you don't have a self. To see creativity, the exclusive domain of humans, usurped by a computer built by a 17-year-old is to watch a line blur that cannot be unblurred, the line between organic intelligence and artificial intelligence.
"That was Kurzweil's real secret, and back in 1965 nobody guessed it. Maybe not even him, not yet. But now, 46 years later, Kurzweil believes that we're approaching a moment when computers will become intelligent, and not just intelligent but more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity — our bodies, our minds, our civilization — will be completely and irreversibly transformed. He believes that this moment is not only inevitable but imminent. According to his calculations, the end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away.",9171,2048299,00.html
What can be the motivation of those using Modern Science/Technology for the ultimate goal to "eliminate human civilization"? What can it mean, but the ushering in of a period of Technological Feudalism beyond what any human could imagine or cope - a Techno-Utilitarian-Civilization supposedly with "machines in control" rendering most of humanity needless. I say "supposedly with machines in control" because this will be the lie that "machines are in control." Rather the owners of the technology will be in total control . . . in control of an enslaving technology that has been massively hidden from us, classified, militarized and removed from the normal human's experience or control . . . a technology where we are its subjects, if indeed we are allowed life at all.
You read puff-pieces in the academic and popular science press and you believe that you have a handle on the exponential increase of the power held by the elite, and truly you DO NOT. This exchange will give you a hint at how technology has been purposely removed from the average human, developed in secret, and held by the same people who presently control all of Western Civilization, the people who literally own the governments and have enslaved normal people through generational debt.
+++ Piano Butch Robinson The level of A.I. development is Top Secret, militarized and light years ahead of what they are telling us.
Bernard Vallandingham Is there any way to verify that the military is light years ahead, other than that it is probable?
Piano Butch Robinson I just wrote you an answer that caused my browser to crash - no joke. So let me try it another way. History is the key and understanding of the knowledge curve, the fact that all knowledge is doubling in shorter and shorter periods of time and that 99% of that knowledge is withheld from us. We live in a 1940s world, (1940s where technological advances were already massively suppressed) here in the 21st century we are given trinkets of technology to play with, phones, computers etc, when the Corporate/Government entity has withheld nearly all advances.
If you think carefully about it, the home and life of my grandfather 1890s and the home and life of my father 1950s were light years different. But my home and the common home today is really not very different at all, from that 1940s home, except that we have these trinkets - but have to work much harder, for much longer, for less. Yet in the period of 1900 to 1950 human knowledge doubled three times. It doubled again in the 60s, was doubling then about every decade, then doubling every five years, now every 13 months. The futurists say that it will be doubling every TWELVE HOURS shortly.
NONE of this vast expansion of knowledge has been shared with us. The chart below doesn't touch the reality.
Use this Mental Picture: If you made all of human technological advancement from fire to steam engine technology of the 1840s a graph line three blocks long, by 1840 the line would have raised one quarter inch from the base line. However, in that decade the line took a turn upward, almost at a 90 degree angle and is now some five miles in the sky. We were and are allowed to view and use about the first two inches of that technological advancement. My God man we are still driving internal combustion automobiles, and paying enormously for energy, when the technology for free energy has been known since the 1920s - but they will kill you if you try to develop methods of using it. The KGB files briefly opened in the 1990s told the story of Viktor Schauberger's “Implosion Machine” producing light and heat, and mechanical motion, with only air and water. It was developed and used in the "flying saucers" developed by the NAZI PRIOR to WWII. Yet we are still enslaved to energy prices and driving internal combustion machines.
If you have slogged through what I have written here, you may be wondering why the excursion across the defamed "science" of Darwinism coupled with the foray into an absurd and beastly future. I hope you quickly see that the latter is based upon the former, making the only hope for mankind, a return to the Judeo/Christian Truth that man is created in God's image, not to be enslaved, bastardized, mutated, or "evoluted" into the demonic imagery of The Borg. This awareness of man's unique place in the universe of things offered by the Reality of the Creator God, who created man in his own image, is the ONLY possibility of saving mankind from HIMSELF, from his own demonic creativity, from inventing himself into obsolescence and suffering extermination or abject slavery for the benefit of the Luciferian owners and controllers of a hybrid tecno-human beast the likes of Kurzweil are creating.
Scientists join Elon Musk & Stephen Hawking, warn of dangerous AI
4-5 minutes
of leading scientists and technologists have joined Stephen Hawking and
Elon Musk in warning of the potential dangers of sophisticated
artificial intelligence, signing an open letter calling for research on
how to avoid harming humanity.
The open letter, drafted by the Future of Life Institute and
signed by hundreds of academics and technologists, calls on the
artificial intelligence science community to not only invest in
research into making good decisions and plans for the future, but
to also thoroughly check how those advances might affect society.
The letter’s authors recognize the remarkable successes in
“speech recognition, image classification, autonomous
vehicles, machine translation, legged location and
question-answering systems,” and argue that it is not
unfathomable that the research may lead to the eradication of
disease and poverty. But they insisted that “our AI systems
must do what we want them to do” and laid out research
objectives that will “help maximize the societal benefit of
The document of research priorities says that future AI could
potentially impact society in areas such as computer security,
economics, law, and philosophy, and highlight many concerns for
communities. For instance, scientists suggested that AI should be
developed to analyze how workers – and their wages – would be
affected if parts of the economy become automated.
They also suggested looking into various issues involving AI that
need to be considered before breakthroughs are made that are
considered beneficial to society: Can lethal autonomous weapons
be made to comply with humanitarian law? How will AI systems be
constrained over privacy rights when it comes to obtaining data
from surveillance cameras, phone lines, and emails?
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has repeatedly voiced
concerns about artificial intelligence, saying it could be more
dangerous than nuclear weapons.
“I’m increasingly inclined to think there should be some
regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international
level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very
foolish,” he said.
Musk has invested in companies developing AI, and he advises
“to keep an eye on them.”
Additionally, a group of scholars from Oxford University wrote in
a blog post last year that “when a machine is ‘wrong,' it can
be wrong in a far more dramatic way, with more unpredictable
outcomes, than a human could. Simple algorithms should be
extremely predictable, but can make bizarre decisions in
'unusual' circumstances."
World famous physicist Stephen Hawking, who relies on a form of
artificial intelligence to communicate, told the BBC that if
technology could match human capabilities, “it would take off
on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing
He also said that due to biological limitations, there would be
no way that humans could match the speed of the development of
“Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution,
couldn't compete and would be superseded,” he said. “The
development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end
of the human race.”
The document is signed by many representatives from Facebook,
Google, Skype, and artificial intelligence companies DeepMind and
Vicarious. Academics from many of the world’s most prestigious
universities have also signed it, including those from Cambridge,
Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, and MIT.
Hundreds of leading scientists and technologists have joined Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk in warning of the potential dangers of sophisticated artificial intelligence, signing an open letter calling for research on how to avoid harming humanity.
The open letter, drafted by the Future of Life Institute and signed by hundreds of academics and technologists, calls on the artificial intelligence science community to not only invest in research into making good decisions and plans for the future, but to also thoroughly check how those advances might affect society.
The letter’s authors recognize the remarkable successes in “speech recognition, image classification, autonomous vehicles, machine translation, legged location and question-answering systems,” and argue that it is not unfathomable that the research may lead to the eradication of disease and poverty. But they insisted that “our AI systems must do what we want them to do” and laid out research objectives that will “help maximize the societal benefit of AI.”
The document of research priorities says that future AI could potentially impact society in areas such as computer security, economics, law, and philosophy, and highlight many concerns for communities. For instance, scientists suggested that AI should be developed to analyze how workers – and their wages – would be affected if parts of the economy become automated.
They also suggested looking into various issues involving AI that need to be considered before breakthroughs are made that are considered beneficial to society: Can lethal autonomous weapons be made to comply with humanitarian law? How will AI systems be constrained over privacy rights when it comes to obtaining data from surveillance cameras, phone lines, and emails?
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has repeatedly voiced concerns about artificial intelligence, saying it could be more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
“I’m increasingly inclined to think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish,” he said.
Musk has invested in companies developing AI, and he advises “to keep an eye on them.”
Additionally, a group of scholars from Oxford University wrote in a blog post last year that “when a machine is ‘wrong,' it can be wrong in a far more dramatic way, with more unpredictable outcomes, than a human could. Simple algorithms should be extremely predictable, but can make bizarre decisions in 'unusual' circumstances."
World famous physicist Stephen Hawking, who relies on a form of artificial intelligence to communicate, told the BBC that if technology could match human capabilities, “it would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.”
He also said that due to biological limitations, there would be no way that humans could match the speed of the development of technology.
“Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded,” he said. “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.”
The document is signed by many representatives from Facebook, Google, Skype, and artificial intelligence companies DeepMind and Vicarious. Academics from many of the world’s most prestigious universities have also signed it, including those from Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, and MIT.
Top Google executive predicts end of the internet
Published time: January 23, 2015 07:35 Edited time: January 23, 2015 16:21
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Google guru Eric Schmidt gave an answer regarding the evolution of the web. “I will answer very simply that the internet will disappear,” Schmidt said on Thursday.
“There will be so many IP addresses, … so many devices, sensors, things that you are wearing, things that you are interacting with that you won’t even sense it, it will be part of your presence all the time,” heexplained. “Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamic. And with your permission and all of that, you are interacting with the things going on in the room.”
“A highly personalized, highly interactive and very, very interesting world emerges,” Schmidt concluded.
At the panel, dubbed “The Future of the Digital Economy”, he was speaking with Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.
Vodafone’s Chief Executive Officer Vittorio Colao agreed with Schmidt, comparing the internet with“water, oxygen” in an “ultra-dense connectivity situation.”
However, a group of Harvard professors depicted a much more grim Orwellian world, AFP reported on Thursday.
“Privacy as we knew it in the past is no longer feasible... How we conventionally think of privacy is dead,”said Margo Seltzer, a professor in computer science at Harvard University.
Sophia Roosth, a Harvard’s genetics researcher, said: “It's not whether this is going to happen, it's already happening... We live in a surveillance state today.”
Depicting a terrifying world, where mosquito-sized robots fly around stealing samples of people’s DNA, she said, “We are at the dawn of the age of genetic McCarthyism,” referring to “witch-hunts” during Second Red Scare in the 1950s in America.
+++ No insanity exposed here. Let me ask you, is this the sort of "creator" you trust to create the next generation of humanoids?
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?