Monday, September 18, 2017

The Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit: One Father Rejoices!

Or, How My Daughter Was Saved by Rival Hispanic Gang's Shoot-out in her backyard.
Or, How a Mountain Cabin Saved my Daughter's Life.
Or, How the Stress of a Move Save my Daughter's Life.
Or, How the dogged work of a Mortgage Broker Saved my Daughter's life.
Or, How the Transfer of a woman to Texas, saved my Daughter's Life.
Or, how the fervent (late) prayers of righteous people saved my daughter's life.
Or, how the careful skills of a gifted surgeon saved my daughters life.
Or, how the unethical diagnosis of a physician's assistant saved my daughter's life. (Ms. Davis, the cat scan, and MRI show that you have Cancer with Multi-Organ involvement.)

As this day draws to an end, I want to acknowledge the wonderful mercy shown my daughter. You may or may not understand what I am saying, but I am going to put it into words from my gut, not necessarily from a scientific certainty.

My daughter who is exceedingly strong and in good apparent health was on the cusp of experiencing irreversible terminal cancer.  Most certainly she would have, had membranes broken failing to isolate the cancer. The cold truth is the likelihood of her survival more than 5 years, by statistical probability would have been reduced to nil.

Had it not been for falling in love with a mountain cabin, and the physical stress of the move to that cabin, suspicioned to have aggravated a "hernia" causing her to visit an Urgent Care Facility, because of the pressure her "hernia" was causing, potential terminal cancer would not have been discovered and removed.

A very dear friend of mine, Jessie Harris asked me one day, after years of me teaching her about the synergistic work of the Holy Spirit, "Fr Symeon, what exactly do you mean by the Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit?" I was flabbergasted by the question. So this story is a teaching example.

Some time ago, I think it was months ago, maybe a year, shots were fired outside of my daughter's home, in which she was very comfortable, enjoyed and even loved; trust me that place was her little paradise. Suddenly, not anymore. It caused her to question if possibly her neighborhood had changed if it was different than before.

That discomfort, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in what was previously, very comfortable space, created a frenzied search for the exact right place, "the space" that was actually the paradise she previously "thought" she enjoyed.

Offers and counter-offers, difficulties of appraisals and financing, an old grieving couple who really didn't want to sell, and an army of people any of which could have killed the deal. Then "the closing" and the move and that damned hernia that saved her life.  My daughter's life was saved by a hernia, except the hernia never existed.

When I say to religious fundamentalists, "we are saved by many things" they are insulted and say, "That is a LIE. We are saved ONLY by the Blood of Jesus Christ!" AND as is usually the case, they are both right and wrong, technically and ultimately opposed to truth.  It is NOT a lie that we are saved by many things; we are indeed saved by many things in the Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit. And YES, that Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit exists ONLY because of the Blood of Jesus Christ.

Someone I love told me recently that they had been saved by kind and patient words of a friend. (What a terrible egoist I am to share this since the "friend" they were referencing was "yours truly.")

My daughter was saved from premature death by rival Hispanic Gang members holding a "shoot out" in her backyard. Even their hate-filled rage to slaughter one another was used by the Holy Spirit for my daughter's good!

All Things Work Together for The Good of Those Who Love the Lord and are THE CALLED according to HIS purpose.

This is one tiny example of the Good, worked by the Synergistic Work of the Holy Spirit, whose actions are usually too complex and too sophisticated to yield to the interpretation of human reason. But surely you can see that the demonic malice of rival Hispanic gangs saved my daughter's life.  Because if it were not for that shootout, if it were not for the unease that shootout caused, if it were not for the urge to re-create that "paradise" that was previously her home, if it were not for the dogged search for the perfect "space"; if it were not for the transfer of a person from Georgia to Texas, (necessitating to sale of the cabin) if it were not for the talented real estate agent, if it were not for the particular mortgage broker, if it were not for the physical stress of the move, if it were not for the hernia that never was . . . If it were not for the unethical diagnosis by a physician's assistant, causing my daughter to take her discomfort seriously; If it were not for talented diagnosticians; If it were not for talented surgeons, If it were not for faithful husband, okaying the move to the cabin . . . if it were not for the Holy Spirit's coordination of ALL of this . . .
Are you beginning to grasp what I am teaching you?

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