Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Anatomy of the Most Revolutionary Speech of the last 100 years.





When I posted Donald Trump U.N. Speech, Our resident JEW-HATERS commented, spewing their usual "All he talked about was the 'Greater Israel Project'" which means that Our Resident JEW-HATERS are blinded by their own ideology and were unable to process the monumental importance of this speech to American Sovereignty, American Liberty, American Prosperity, AND the CHALLENGE it was to ZIONISM/Globalism and the celebration of a New International Order of Sovereign Nations, and the total rejection of things LIKE the "Project for a New AMERICAN Century" and the "Greater Israel Project." They are too stupid to realize that without Globalism, Zionism cannot function.

Now here are the relevant point made in this really New World Order SHATTERING Anti-Globalist Speech.

“In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

“Added Ten Trillion in Wealth, Stock market at all time high and jobless claims are at a 50 year low.”
NOTE: in the Book I wrote lambasting Milton Freidman's Trotskyite “Free to Choose” mythology, I entitled “Free to Choose or Bound to Lose?” This is the first economic recovery in 50 plus years that has included WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. I documented in that 1993 book how the American Worker had been left out of the recovery and how the soaring American Stock Market has become detached from American Workers and the American Middle Class, benefited only the “Vested Class.”

Do you realize that the Gross Domestic Product for the second quarter of 2018 was nearly identical to the GDP for 2014? I bet most of you don't know that. So how could it be that in 2014 unemployment was so high and 49 million people were on food stamps? We had the highest real unemployment since the great depression (when we include those having given up on seeking employment) and the highest number over all on public assistance? So now, how could a GDP no higher than that of 2014, produce the lowest unemployment of Blacks, Hispanics and Asians EVERY and overall jobless claims at a 50 years LOW?

The answer is the TYPE of economy that is being generated.

The answer to “racism” is economic prosperity. It may shock you to learn, but one of my best friends is a Muslim from India. He is a small business owner and one of the nicest people I know. He keeps his family from exposure to pork so he is pretty devout Muslim, yet we worked together with our small businesses for our mutual benefit, and now years after my retirement, we are still friends. Economic Prosperity is the answer to racism and Black, Asian and Hispanic unemployment are at an ALL TIME LOW. Now don't read into what I just said what I am not saying. No one is more fully aware of the demonic origins of Islam than me.

The return of HARD INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING is not just a matter of jobs for Americans, but a matter of NATIONAL SECURITY. Steel, Aluminum, and other vital industries are just that VITAL. What does that word VITAL mean? VITALITY means filled with LIFE, VITAL organs Support the organism's LIFE. Remove what is VITAL and the ORGAN cannot survive. These Globalist were destroying our VITAL industries for the purpose of CONQUEST.

“Our Military will soon be more powerful than it has ever been before.” Why does Trump have to say this? Because it is the best bet to “keep the peace.”
“The United States is a Stronger, Safer, RICHER country than when I assumed office last year.”
Why would Trump say, “RICHER” even emphasize RICHER? The point being that our recovery and strengthening out Military is not from a base of sacrifice and poverty.

“We are standing up for America and the American People and we are also standing up for the World.”
How is that NOT a Globalist statement? Keep Listening. His next statement is about Sovereignty of Nations and the sacred respect for the individual Human Person. This is the Christian view of societies and their interaction with other nations.

“America will always choose independence and cooperation over CONTROL and Global Domination.”

Korean DE-Nuclearization.

“The United States is working with the Gulf Corporation Council, Jordan and Egypt to establish a regional strategic alliance so that middle eastern nations can advance in security and prosperity across their home region.” This is a NATO style defense alliance, placing the U.S. Front and center, removing Israel and the Globalist ZIONISTS from this role and they are SCREAMING about it.
Trump continues with the story of the destruction of ISIS and everyone knows they were MI6, Al Qaeda, CIA and Mossad. Trump taking out ISIS gives him huge credit with the Arab Nations that were slated for destruction under the thumb of the Zionist Cabal.

De-escalation of conflict in Syria, solution honoring the Will of the Syrian People – taking Syria out of the hands of the Zionists and placing it back into the hands of the Syrian People.

The Complete rejection of the Trotskyite idea of border-less FAKE “Free Trade” and the implementation of FAIR Trade, honoring the rights of the Citizens of each nation.

“Countries were admitted into the World Trade Organization that violate every single principle upon which the organization is based.” How is that for an exposure of the Globalist, in-human reality of the WTO? WONDERFUL.

The Next paragraph about “state run” industries, parading as “free enterprise” is a direct attack on the nations that survive by “slave labor” the most prominent being CHINA.

He also attacked GOOGLE, BOEING and other transnationals who have gotten into bed with the Red Chinese Government, by talking about the “forced transfer” of “intellectual properties.”

He then went on to NAME China specifically, state the trade deficit and stated, “Those days are over. We will NO LONG tolerate such abuse. We will not allow American Workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred.” Rex Christi has been screaming about this “extraction” for years now. I have been for DECADES. “America will NEVER apologize for PROTECTING its CITIZENS.” Next 200 Billion in Tariffs on Chinese made goods. “For a total SO FAR of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS.” “As my administration has demonstrated America will ALWAYS act in OUR national interests.”

Next he exposes the ridiculousness of the “U.N. Human Rights Council” which is controlled by slavers.
Next he DE-legitimized the International Criminal Court, “As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy and no authority. The ICC claims near universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country, violating all principles of justice, fairness and due process. We will never surrender America's Sovereignty to an UN-elected, UN-accountable Global Bureaucracy. America is governed by AMERICANS. We reject the ideology of Globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of Patriotism. Around the world, nations must defend against threats to sovereignty, not just from Global Governance, but also from new forms of coercion and domination.” (THAT is an anit-Zionist statement.)

Next the declaration of American Energy Security

Next he challenged OPEC as a Criminal Organization. He threatened them saying “We defend many of these countries for nothing and they answer it by giving us high oil prices. NOT GOOD. We want them to stop raising prices, we want them to lower prices and they must contribute substantially to military protection, from no on.” (There when Saudi Arabia's and a host of other country's “free ride.” )

Again he mocked Germany's dependence on Russian energy (natural gas.) The German delegation laughed.

He reinstated the Monroe Doctrine, which is a warning to the E.U. And China to stay out of the Western Hemisphere.

He mis-spoke (human struggling) and quickly recovered throwing the gauntlet down before the international human Traffickers. Upholding national borders and destroying criminal gangs.
Trump then rejected the “New Global Compact On Migration.” This is a Trotskyite/Marxist Globalist backdoor to destroy every participating nation's sovereignty.

Venezuela – Two Million people have fled the poverty/starvation created by communism.

When Trump rejected “socialism” the Swedish delegation DYKES felt a pain in their BUTTS.

Trump announced a total revamp of U.S.A.I.D., which has been a major GLOBALIST tool.
Foreign AID is to be removed from all countries that are not “friends of America.”

And all countries, dependent upon the U.S., for defense must paid their fair share for their defense.

The U.S. Is rejecting “U.N. Accessed contributions” and changing to only “voluntary contributions” to be able to control their use.

He praised India's society as free and industrious.

He praised Saudi Arabia for their “bold new reforms” and these are not a joke people, they are real and huge reforms.

He threw Israel a bone, “celebrating their 70th anniversary as a thriving democracy” oh well, unless you are a Christian.

He praised Poland for their “independence, security and sovereignty.” (and I'm with him in that.)

“In America we believe in the majesty of Freedom, the dignity of the individual; we believe in self-government, and the RULE OF LAW, and we prize the culture that sustains our Liberty, a culture built on strong families, deep faith, and fierce independence.” He is describing Christian Culture though he has not used the name and SHOULD use the name.

“We celebrate our Heroes, we Treasure our traditions, and above all, we love our country”

“Our task is not to erase it (speaking of the Truth, Goodness and Beauty of the divergent cultures of different nations) but to embrace it.”

“Sovereign and Independent NATIONS is the only situation where Freedom has survived.”

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