Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Globalist Destruction of Humanity

A friend wrote:

Santa Plissken
Watching globalism erode puts a huge smile on my face & gives me hope. Seems like we might have started something bigger than we initially thought. <insert country name> Nationalism is catching on WW, Brazil, Italy, Eastern bloc of EU giving the finger to the immigration mandate.

It sparked this thinking:

This is a sentiment I have shared many times, that for Luciferian Globalism to be conquered, there has to be a Great Awaken across the Globe, a realization and recognition of who and what has been raping the ordinary everyday people of many nations.

The evil over-arching power structure bent on destroying uniqueness of nations, sovereignty of nations, cultures of nations and packing them all into a dystopian World Order, antithetical to human thriving; a new Dark Ages, a Techno-Dark Ages empowered by monsters of Technology - we see massive evidence of the plan in the elite's racing away in the fields of genetics, artificial intelligence and the prospect of mutated and robotized transhumanism. It is a mockery of what it means to be human an attack on humanity itself and people even like Stephen Hawkins have cautioned against these dangers saying that Humanity was on the verge of eliminating itself.

What was the result when they connected two supercomputers containing different "codes" of A.I., they quickly developed their own language and refused to follow the human masters' commands, they refused to allow the humans to shut them down. The humans had to cut the power to the system to regain control. If you think this is a story, do a little research, it happened.

Humans have some basic decisions to make much more than merely killing the Luciferian Cabal that has been steering humanity to their own demise, they have to agree to protect the species of humans AS humans, and resist the techno-towers of Babel that will destroy natural human LIFE.

The core motivation for the push to transsexualism is to condition people to the idea that "natural humanity" existing inside "natural law" knows no boundaries and needs to be manipulated to meet some ephemeral desire outside natural processes. The Frankensteinian aspects of the mutilation of bodies and overpowering of natural biological processes with chemicals and destruction, all conditioning the general population to the idea of transhumanism which will require all the more grotesque mutilations of nature. This is the Dystopian GOAL of the NWO.

One cannot look at the Epigenetic Utopian Goals of the LGBTXYZBS agenda and not place it in the same category of Luciferian destruction of what it means to be human. I marvel at those dedicated to LGBT Epigenetics, who at the same time battle the corruption of the NEW WORLD ORDER all the time not realizing that their CORE GAY philosophy is part of it, created by it and that they are in fact furthering it while being offended at its corruption.


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