Saturday, October 12, 2019

Sola Scriptura INSTRUCTIVE Entertainment.

James White handed Lee Baker his ass, but Lee is too wrapped up in his ego (to stupid) to grasp it. Truly SAD show, but BEAUTIFUL in the Truth it exposes. 

No document in all the history of mankind has more source evidence than does the New Testament, and those sources MATCH what the present Greek Text, with its footnotes portray. 

How that solid written witness is then interpreted is another story and is as variable as the pride, egos, passions and ignorance of the men interpreting it, or rejecting it, as we see here witnessed in the person of Lee Baker. 

One needs to ask why such debates based solely upon the Text of the New Testament have never happened in Apostolic Orthodox Christianity, no where, no time, in her 2000 year history; is it neglect or has there never been need for it? 

At the same time, I truly appreciate the amazing body of work done by the (mostly protestant) bible scholars. One set of such lying scholars lead to the absurdity of "The Jesus Seminar" a Cultural Marxist financed deconstructionist effort, and the other to REAL SCIENCE, of whom Dr. White is a shining example. 

I am archiving this video, because Dr White's work here, spoken in non-technical language, is an invaluable witness of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, patiently manifesting TRUTH, who is a Person, in a sea of Mormon created ignorance and lies. 

BTW, this ignorant ex-Mormon cannot understand the unfolding of God's revelation in time. He was fed the idea of the validity of a "Channeled Book" with his mother's milk, and taught the idea that inspiration means "channeling" which DESTROYS ALL Historical Witness. 

The New Testaments is NOT a Channeled book, like a Koran by Mohammed, 
or a Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith, 
or The Cosmic Tradition, by Max and Alma Theon, 
or the Book of Law by Aleister Crowley, 
or Toward the light by Johanne Agerskov, 
or the Teaching of Silver Birch by A.W. Austen, 
or Ashtar by George Van Tassel, 
or A Course in Miracles by Schucman and Thetford 
Christianity sees these things rightly as the desperation of Satan, teaching theology to those he fears will slip from his grasp. 

The New Testament as is the Old Testament, rather the Christian Canon of Scriptures is in a totally different class and category, a "revelation through time" an accounting of both the history and wisdom of God's revealing himself progressively over centuries, and that Revelation WAS, IS and Always will be Jesus Christ. 

Each Theophany (appearance of God) from God's walks with Adam in the Garden, to his appearance in the Upper Room after his resurrection witness the exact same TRUTH who is a person. IF one is not religiously sick with pagan superstitutions, that multiplicity of witnesses over time revealing the same TRUTH has exponentially more power than does some spiritually challenged person channeling the teachings of devils. 

"Our Heavenly Father: Let us not be caught in the fear of servile religion; keeping Tradition out of ignorance and offering our correctness as a sign of righteous enlightenment. 

"Let us not be caught in the tyranny of our rational minds, which creates innovations upon the faith, which leads us to hold prideful theologies that diminish God to the level of OUR understanding, or worse, which deny him altogether. 
"Let us not be caught by the tyranny of our emotions, mistaking our soul's fantasy producing powers for the working of the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life. 
"Let us not be caught in the mere form of the written word of God, but the LIFE of it. 
"Let us not be caught in the mere form of the visible church, but in the LIFE of it, who is Jesus Christ, the LIVING WORD of God, present even today to all who truly seek him. "Let our keeping of Tradition spring from the warmth of YOUR Love, from a heart that seeks continual repentance, from a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart YOU will not despise. 
"In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"+++



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