Monday, September 14, 2020

Brave Priest attacked by Bishops.
A Catholic priest is in hot water after infuriating the Left with a fact about coronavirus

3-4 minutes

For centuries, the Catholic Church has been leading charge in the formation of Western Civilization.

But today, there is a sizable leftist coalition in the church who want to destroy that legacy.

And a Catholic priest is in hot water after infuriating the Left with a fact about coronavirus.

The Catholics of yesteryear would be infuriated by the cowardice of so many in the Church today who are afraid to stand up to the radical Left, or even worse, are on their side.

In 1949, Pope Pius XII approved a decree that bars Communists from being a part of the Catholic Church, excommunicating any Catholics who profess the ideology.

Yet, today, there are many Catholics who are fighting on the side of Communists.

The Black Lives Matter movement is led by overt Marxists, yet many Catholics are actively backing the movement.

After a Catholic bishop joined a protest in El Paso, Texas, holding a Black Lives Matter sign and kneeling in solidarity with the movement, he got a call from Pope Francis thanking him for “speaking out.”

But while this priest received heavy praise, another priest is now under fire for creating a video speaking out against mask mandates, where he states that it is a part of an “attempted communist takeover of the United States.”

In the now-deleted video, Father Nolan, who is with the Archdiocese of Denver told viewers to “disobey your bishop, disobey your governor,” if they try to force you to wear a face covering.

“They cannot tell you to wear a mask,” Nolan continued. “This is a lie. They are lying to all of us.”

“We ought to obey God rather than man,” he emphasized. “And if the bishop tells you to do something that is contrary to your health, contrary to reason, and contrary to the common good, disobey it. And it’s contrary to the common good to continue to go along with an attempted communist takeover of the United States, which is what’s happening.”

The deleted video can be seen below:

In response to the video, the Catholic News Agency wrote what many are calling a “hit piece” attacking Father Nolan.

The journalist behind the report, Kevin Jones wrote on Twitter that the comments were “an unfortunate and petty act of rebellion against the mask mandate aiming to limit coronavirus spread.”

In response, the Archdiocese of Denver barred Father Nolan from posting on the Internet.

“The consequence to the video is that Fr. Nolan is forbidden by our superiors from uploading things on the internet,” said Father James Jackson, who is Nolan’s pastor. “The duration of this interdict has not been determined. Other than that, no other consequences from the Church will be forthcoming.”

So supporting Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization that calls for the elimination of the nuclear family is fine, but speaking out against mask mandates isn’t okay.

Culture Watch News will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.

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