If you listen to this interview, which is really a history of man's understanding of his place in the universe, a brief history of Cosmology, and you are able to "keep up" and understand the concepts presented, it will change your view of what the earth is and who you are forever. You will discover that Copernicus, Darwin and Einstein are ancient theories that can no longer carry the weight of new discoveries, refuted by actual Scientific data.
The Truth is . . . THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING! Well, everything except the ancient Judeo/Christian understanding of Creation, and God and man's place in that creation.
BTW, did you know that the Quasar Bands, actually place the earth in the center of them. If you watched the video above by "Science Mafia" you would already know this. They draw graphics of the Quasar Bands in all sorts of manipulated graphics to hide this fact from you.
Now this black hole discovered in February 2015, destroys/undermines ALL Modern Cosmology and related physics.
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