Monday, October 30, 2017

The War For the American Empire: Rex Christi, Liberty's Thunder Radio

We keep talking about our present War as if we can choose and dictate the circumstances we face, instead of recognizing the circumstances we face and answering the challenge. We want to talk about the Constitution and Principles when our enemy just wants to KILL US.  

Are we capable of breaking out of our mythology and facing the present situation on the ground, taking a realistic view our of enemy and refusing to be his victim. Even the mild mannered Newt Gingrich said that the two sides of this conflict are irreconcilable, that there was no possibility of creating "unity" and that one side or the other had to be defeated and the other side had to win.

The situation is simple, the Globalist/Marxists/Crony Capitalists want to KILL US. Do you want to be a warrior or a victim.


+++ :

Sunday, October 29, 2017

George H.W.Bush vis a vis JFK Assassination PROVED the LIAR He Always Was.

George H W Bush makes reference to the JFK assassination and opens with the line, "after a deluded gunman" and as he says it he smiles.   Can you tell me what is funny about a "deluded gunman" and a tragedy that shook a nation and continues to challenge our nation? The late Jim Marrs, probably the foremost Kennedy assassination expert, friends with key witnesses and Lee Oswald's mother, 50 year reporter, said it this way. "We all have to agree that some power took down President Kennedy and left us with an America that was very different and not for the better."We know what power took down JFK and took control of this country. It is the same power that is trying to destroy Donald Trump, and kill the America First Nationalist Movement. Kennedy was a lot of things, good and bad, but foremost he was an American Nationalist. Insert Donald Trump's name and the same statement holds.

Why does George H.W. Bush smile at Ford's funeral when he mentions "a lone gunman"?

I'll tell you, this is what the psychologist call "deception pleasuring." I witnessed it many times as a prison chaplain as psychopaths weaved their tales of innocence. They could not suppress their pleasure in their deception, and the smile would always flit across their face each time they mentioned their victim. Oswald was a patsy,  a victim of the psychopath, George HW Bush, Alan Dulles, David Rockefeller and this is just absolutely classic behavior. Here he is at Gerry Ford's Funeral, spiking the ball, bragging about the false narrative they had created, and with the arrogance of the psychopath, believes that his deception will last forever.

(Beside the "Deception Pleasuring" of George H.W. Bush, This video contains:
(1) The most convincing images proving George H.W. Bush was a co-conspirator in the Kennedy Assassination (Hoover's statement proves he was a co-conspirator in the coverup).
(2) the very best hour conversation about the framing of the patsy Lee Oswald by the Deep State. It is an exchange between
Dr. Grover B. Proctor, Jr., renown assassination researcher and Jim Marrs, the foremost expert on CIA involvement and an audience.)

Couple the statement below to J Edgar Hoover's statement an hour after Oswald was assassinated, (addressed to among others, George Bush of the CIA) that his goal was to make the American people believe Oswald was the lone assassin, then the mythology of the Warren Commission Report is IN FACT exposed for the fiction it is. (Officially exposed). 

It is now DOCUMENTED officially that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy, since there were at least two gunmen.

 The hubris of George H.W. Bush is exposed where he bragged at Gerry Ford's funeral that the narrative given in the Warren Commission report would be the narrative believed by history, "because Gerry's word was good." 

Gerald R. Ford, Republican Representative from Michigan and chairman of the House Republican Conference; later America's only un-elected President, LIED like a DOG along with: 

Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the United States, former Governor and attorney general of California, Chair;

 Richard B. Russell, Democratic Senator from Georgia and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, former Governor of Georgia, and county attorney in that State;

John Sherman Cooper, Republican Senator from Kentucky, former county and circuit judge in Kentucky, and United States Ambassador to India;

Hale Boggs, Democratic Representative from Louisiana and majority whip in the House of Representatives;

Allen W. Dulles, lawyer and former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency;

John J. McCloy, lawyer, former President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and former United States High Commissioner for Germany.

Allen W. Dulles, who when fired as CIA director with the support of John J. McCloy - Rothschild banking workman - and many others, formed the ROGUE Deep State and put John Kennedy in the ground. The evidence is damning, Read The Devil's Chess Board, by David Talbot.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Great JFK Document Dump, another pile of shite.


Two big documents dumps in three days, 1500 FBI Sandy Hook documents, that will keep the Truth Researchers chasing their tails for months, maybe years, and today the JFK files.  Imagine that! We should be celebrating, but would be be foolish to accept these dumps as real. Remember

Insert Trump - Everything in Washington is a lie.

Do you remember my caution at the end of a recent video that was entitled, "Las Vegas, Who can believe this SHITE"  Let me play what I said:

Insert - video

Rex Christi share a video from "Press For Truth" YouTube Channel and when I went there I found the story about the Sandy Hook FBI document dump.  My immediate reaction was very negative, know that the documents he was showing were psyops fiction, designed to support the official False Flag narrative.  I remarked, "Press For Truth" should be entitled "Press For Government psy-ops."  Or maybe this fellow is a genius extraordinaire.  Frankly the speed at which he produced this video made me suspicious.  You see, we are supposed to believe that the FBI dumped 1500 documents on the Sandy Hook False Flag and this fellow made sense of all of them and in a matter of a couple of hours made the video complete with graphics. Of course this BS is for the purpose of backing up the official story and it is exactly what is about to happen with the JFK document dump coming tomorrow.

Insert Sane Progressive (this is bull shite)

30m30 minutes ago
The long anticipated release of the will take place tomorrow. So interesting!
Replying to
And since Feb. of 2013 it has been legal for the Feds to feed us Propaganda. Please tell me Sir why we should believe this is not propaganda

Oct 24
. does the right thing on JFK files
Honest q'tion Roger, with Fed's legal capacity to propagandize American Citizens, why should we believe this classified dump is not fiction?

Insert video "Press for Truth" JFK "limited hangout."

Well, I agree that in both instances it is “diversion” but not limited hangout which would mean some degree of non-fiction about it. The Sandy Hook files are obvious fiction. Sadly because of the passage of time the JFK fiction will appear more legitimate and thus more misleading.

Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson The fbi dumped 1500 documents and this dweeb made sense of all of them in a matter of a few minutes and made a video complete with graphics. This BS back up the official story is what to expect from the JFK dump.
Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson Well, I agree that in both instances it is “diversion” but not limited hangout which would mean some degree of non-fiction about it. The Sandy Hook files are obvious fiction. Sadly because of the passage of time the JFK fiction will appeear more legitimate and thus more misleading.
Rex Christi
Rex Christi accuracy is more of a curiosity at this point and rather far-fetched, unlikely, wishful thinking. Trump is running a counter-psyop with this 'release'.
Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson I doubt it seriously. They have had fabricators mocking up this fake release for four years at least.
Rex Christi
Rex Christi of course, but then again, that isn't the point is it?
Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson Then what would the point be?
Rex Christi
Rex Christi Rule 31: Destroy from within: The Inner Front
Law 21: Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker

· Reply ·
· 15 mins
Butch Robinson
Butch Robinson I'm the victim of "expectations." I need to remember my own advice, "Never expect anything from anyone. That way you are never disappointed and often pleasantly surprised."
Rex Christi
Rex Christi I never expected to be winning this much...ever
Rex Christi
Rex Christi I am expecting it to end at any second
Rex Christi
Rex Christi but, we fight like winning is the only thing

Monday, October 23, 2017

Mr. President, What Say You about GMIIC?


This Video is about the Globalist Military Industrial/Intelligence Complex. ( GMIIC - *pronounced gimmick) The purpose of this video is to provide information/education you did not and will not get from our GMIIC Controlled Education System and our GMIIC Controlled Fake Media.  I have been writing for decades that we Americans and indeed all of humanity, were on the verge of entering a new Dark Ages, but that this new Dark Age would be a Techno-Dark Age, unlike anything Humans have imagined, using as its main weapon of control, Tools of Genocide that to us seem futuristic, science fiction, even impossible and fanciful. I first wrote on this subject in 1993 and innocently sent transcripts of my book to several publishers, not realizing at the time that all publishers are GMIIC controlled. That is CIA, FBI, DIA, Deep State controlled. It placed me and my household under intense FBI scrutiny for an extended period. GMIIC has gone to great lengths to hide what is now generations of Technological Advances from us. But they are unable to hide it all because it has existential existence, that is it exists in the real world and evidence of the weaponization of these technologies becomes observable when they are used and in the preparation for there use, which we see all around us on a daily basis. This is not an age to come, the Techno-Dark Age is TODAY.

What has the power to target a specific strain of DNA, raise the temperature of that DNA to a temperature that the cells literally begin to boil and disintegrate? GMIIC, the Globalist Military Industrial/Intelligence Complex does and has demonstrated it.  The New York Times, the mass media, local officials, local media and tens of thousands of eyewitnesses observed such a weapon in use, at least the aftermath of its use, in the early hours of New Years Day, January 1st, 2011, when thousands of Red Wing Black Birds, exclusively, JUST Red Wing Black Birds fell from the sky, literally with their insides burned and turned to mush, and no other species of birds were harmed. The NYTimes initial story follows: BTW, they said initially five thousand birds, quickly the estimate went to about 65 thousand birds, all over a few square mile area. 

(Narrate the NYT Article and Insert videos about the Arkansas Red Wing Black Bird Kills, and associated animal kills around the same time.)

In Beebe, Ark., 5,000 Dead Blackbirds Drop From the Sky

Campbell Robertson

Times Square had the ball drop, and Brasstown, N.C., had its descending possum. But no place had a New Year’s Eve as unusual, or freakishly disturbing, as Beebe, Ark.
Around 11 that night, thousands of red-winged blackbirds began falling out of the sky over this small city about 35 miles northeast of Little Rock. They landed on roofs, roads, front lawns and backyards, turning the ground nearly black and terrifying anyone who happened to be outside.

On Monday, more dead birds were found near New Roads, La. Stephen B. Thornton/The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, via Associated Press

“One of them almost hit my best friend in the head,” said Christy Stephens, who was standing outside among the smoking crowd at a party. “We went inside after that.”
The cause is still being determined, but preliminary lab results from the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission revealed “acute physical trauma” in samples of the dead birds. There were no indications of disease, though tests were still being done for the presence of toxic chemicals.

Thousands of red-winged blackbirds fell dead from the sky in Beebe, Ark., on New Year’s Eve. They may have been startled by fireworks, officials say. Stephen B. Thornton/The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, via Associated Press

(And of course here comes the official story that is stranger than the incident itself - always dependent upon our cognitive dissonance, that is our inability to observe the FACTS and accept where the FACTS may lead. Relate also holographic technology and plasma projections.)

Karen Rowe, the bird conservation program coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, said the prevailing theory was that the birds had been startled by New Year’s Eve fireworks and suddenly dispersed, flying low enough to run into chimneys, houses and trees. Pyrotechnics are used to scatter blackbirds for bird control, though only during the day, given the birds’ poor vision.
Beebe (pronounced BE-be) is a congregating spot for blackbirds, and one witness told Ms. Rowe that he saw the birds roosting earlier in the day and heard them again at night just after the fireworks started.

The New York Times

“It was the right mix of things happening in a perfect time sequence,” Ms. Rowe said.
At most recent count, up to 5,000 birds fell on the city. Sixty five samples were sent to labs, one of which is at the Livestock and Poultry Commission and the other in Madison, Wis.
Keith Stephens, a spokesman for the commission, said he was not aware of a case this large. “About nine years ago we had some ducks,” he said, “but that was only a couple of dozen.”

A worker with U.S. Environmental Services, a private contractor, picked up a dead bird on Saturday. Warren Watkins/The Daily Citizen, via Associated Press

The town contacted an environmental cleanup firm, which by Monday afternoon had picked up nearly all the birds, some of which were bagged and left at the end of driveways by residents.
“It just looked as if it had rained birds,” said Tracy Lightfoot, a member of the City Council, declining to speculate on the reason. “There’s lots of theories running around. I have no idea. I just don’t have a clue.”
State scientists believe one thing to be almost certain: that the bird deaths were not related to the roughly 85,000 fish that died a few days before near Ozark, in the western part of the state, the biggest fish kill in Arkansas that anyone can remember. They were spotted by anglers along the Arkansas River last week and reported to the Game and Fish Commission, which spent New Year’s Eve measuring and counting dead fish that had spread out for nearly 20 miles.
In that case, the victims were almost all drum, and almost all younger ones. That suggests the culprit was disease, said Mark Oliver, the chief of fisheries for the commission. He said fish kills were not uncommon, especially in winter when the fish are packed more closely, but he did not recall one of this size.
Meanwhile roughly 500 dead birds were found on Monday outside New Roads, La. Those birds were much more varied, with starlings and grackle in addition to blackbirds, and a few samples picked up by James LaCour, a wildlife veterinarian with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, did not show any signs of trauma, he said.

When you realize the reality of this technology, this single technology out of the many, many new technologies, Zibignew Brezinsky's statement, "It use to be that it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million people, today it is imminently easier to kill a million people than to control a million people" has bone chilling effect.

To have a clue, and by that I mean, being able to process what this video is teaching you need to understand that already, admitted by the U.S. Government for almost a decade, they have been for quite some time manufacturing on the NANO level.

Try to imagine what this government public (.gov) article says:

Size of the Nanoscale | Nano

Just how small is “nano?” In the International System of Units, the prefix "nano" means one-billionth, or 10-9; therefore one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. It’s difficult to imagine just how small that is, so here are some examples:
  • A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick
  • A strand of human DNA  is 2.5 nanometers in diameter
  • There are 25,400,000 nanometers in one inch
  • A human hair is approximately 80,000- 100,000 nanometers wide
  • A single gold atom is about a third of a nanometer in diameter
  • On a comparative scale, if the diameter of a marble was one nanometer, then diameter of the Earth would be about one meter
  • One nanometer is about as long as your fingernail grows in one second
The illustration below has three visual examples of the size and the scale of nanotechnology, showing just how small things at the nanoscale actually are.
Illustration showing the scale of nanotechnology DNA->bacterium->raindrop
The Scale of Things

 When one of the vice presidents of Lockheed-Martin Corporation was explaining the size of a nano-meter to me, he used this example. "If you took the number of nano-meters it would take to journey across a cross-section of a single human hair, it would be a number only calculable by to the x power, language. Now, if you expanded each one of those nano-meters to the size of an inch, and you took hold of it, and someone else took the other end and stretched the string to make the string taunt, they would have to be standing on the Moon, and we are looking at moving and in fact manufacturing on the nano-scale."  This idea is almost too much to fathom, but it is fact and public knowledge, here is an article on stating so. 

Poem Written by Archpriest Symeon Elias in 1974:

Infinity into greatness
Infinity into the small
A tiny dot of perception
On the Master’s Sanctuary Wall

We yearn to gain the courage
We yearn to strive and fail
We are so serious in the battling
Driving our very own coffin’s nail.

It is all perception
All measure and degree
Mostly ghosts clinging to bushes,
Meadow mist and forest tree.

Glade of smokey sunshine
Wintergreen and gall,
Bitter tastes and moonlight
After and before the fall.

What dreaming is perceiving?
What practice is the song?
What planning is the living?
What merit in right or wrong?

But there is meaning in the moonlight
Like the cold of the sun’s ray.
Light in the darkness,
Like darkness in the noonday.

Pain and passion and wanting,
Love and dream’s decay.
Listening for the silence;
The signal sounds of the Way.

Redeemer, do I know you?
Do I tread your path?
Do I shed tears in solitude?
Is love of all my cleansing bath?

Am I ego-less in the morning?
Am I Ego-All at noon?
Then ego-less in the evening
When Ego-All must bloom?

Covering my musty sore soul,
My losing and my gains,
Covering my rebellions,
My illusions of joy and pain.

To breathe the air of freedom
While held solidly by my chains.
My body held in the dust,
My spirit on another plane.

I can see into the distance
Where measure has no name.
When past and future time lines
Are both impostors just the same.

Where quality and number
Are screeching sound of lies and discord,
Where the All is Peace and at Rest,
And the Rest is the Lord.

A thousand trumpets silently call!
Ten thousand angels do not sing!
Ten billion people one and all,
No curse or praise to bring.

No deed left for the purpose,
No mission, no glory, no call,
No work or path or wayside,
Just Being and being in All.

No word to interrupt the harmony,
No harmony we would understand.
No sound and no silence,
No wisdom at my command.

Soul with empowered body,
Existence within all being.
Sight without the vision,
No eyes to dull the seeing.

The All is in His sanctuary!
And His sanctuary is the All!
And we are of its brick and mortar
Lively stones, one and all!!! - MK (Butch Robinson) 1974

Working at the Nanoscale | Nano

Nanotechnology is more than just mixing nanoscale materials together; it requires the ability to understand and to precisely manipulate and control those materials in a useful way.
Hemoglobin cartoon depiction
 Computer simulation of hemoglobin, a naturally occuring nanoscale protein that
is found in blood.
(Image: Centers for Disease Control)
Nanotechnology involves a new and broad science where diverse fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and engineering converge at the nanoscale.
It is also important to understand that nanoscale materials are found in nature. For instance, hemoglobin, the oxygen-transporting protein found in red blood cells, is 5.5 nanometers in diameter. Naturally occurring nanomaterials exist all around us, such as in smoke from fire, volcanic ash, and sea spray. Some nanomaterials are a byproduct of human activity, such as bus and automobile exhaust and welding fumes.
You may recall from the Size of the Nanoscale page that the nanoscale is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Working at the nanoscale requires an understanding of the various types and dimensions of nanoscale materials. Different types of nanomaterials are named for their individual shapes and dimensions. Think of these simply as particles, tubes, wires, films, flakes, or shells that have one or more nanometer-sized dimension. For example, carbon nanotubes have a diameter in the nanoscale, but can be several hundred nanometers long or even longer. Nanofilms or nanoplates have a thickness in the nanoscale, but their other two dimensions can be much larger.
The key is to be able to both see and manipulate nanomaterials in order to take advantage of their special properties. As mentioned earlier, the invention of special microscopes gave scientists the ability to work at the nanoscale. The first of these new discoveries was the scanning tunneling microscope. While it’s mainly designed to measure objects, it can also move tiny objects such as carbon nanotubes.
Xenon-IBM image written with 35 xenon atoms
  IBM logo written with 35 xenon atoms on a copper substrate.
(Image courtesy: IBM)
The earliest example of this type of process was accomplished by IBM on November 11, 1989, when researcher Don Eigler and colleagues spelled the company logo in atoms. He and his team were able to literally move 35 xenon atoms on a background of copper atoms to spell out IBM.
More recently a team of Stanford University researchers led by Hari Manoharan were able to encode 35 bits of information per electron and write letters so small they are composed of subatomic bits of matter only 0.3 nanometers wide, or roughly one third of a billionth of a meter. In other words, they beat the record set by IBM, writing Stanford’s initials in letters smaller than atoms. These exercises demonstrated the precision with which it is possible to manipulate matter.
Artist's rendering of "SU" written in letters smaller than individual atoms.
Artist's rendering of "SU" written in letters smaller than individual atoms. (Image courtesy: Stanford University)
Today, research scientists in universities and companies around the world are manufacturing nanomaterials to make new products and applications, from medical devices and drugs that may treat disease, to strong and lightweight materials that reduce fuel costs for cars and planes. For more information about these discoveries and inventions, see Benefits and Applications here on the website.

Understand please that if they are publishing this technology, what they hold as classified and top-secret is light years beyond what they are telling us.  I you can comprehend this then the remainder of what is on my video will be comprehensible to you. If you cannot, it will seem like "science fiction" "crazy conspiracy theory" even pure foolishness. 

Here is a demonstration of a particle weapon capable of deconstructing the molecules of a skyscraper, turning it into dust in a matter of seconds, making it literally "Dustify" as fast a free fall, as if its supporting structure did not exist.

I am teaching you this science in an understandable way so you can learn to add this information to your tool bag of observations and thoughts.  (Insert Dr Wood, explaining "dustification.")

Understand that this is difficult to mentally process, (1) that such technology exists and (2) that the government used it to create a False Flag event for purposes of GMIIC (that is Globalist Military Industrial/Intelligence Complex) CONTROL.

The aforementioned Vice President of Lockheed-Martin said to me, "Imagine the most sophisticated weapon you know exists."  I named the Global Hawk, and this was years before it was declassified. He said, "Now picture that the Global Hawk is the equivalent of a medieval broad-ax or mace, and even that does not adequately describe the type and power of weapons we presently have DEPLOYED, much less what is perfected and held of later times. But let me put you at ease, it is not quite right to called our main projects weapons. We will soon have to power to enforce a permanent peace."  That list sentence has driven my curiosity since.  One has to realize that without total control (which is the same as complete totalitarian control) such an ability to enforce permanent peace would be impossible. He punched that line with, "We already have to power to vaporize and army while it prepared to deploy, or to simply paralyze it for a time."  Again, this sounds like science fiction and would that it were.

(Insert Judy Wood smiling while seeing the towers struck by "planes." )

Now, if you are still with me, you will hear what this next speaker has to say and will not write her off as a kook. Would that she were a kook; would that what she is saying were fantasy, but it is not, it is the state of military science (at least the part they are admitting); the state of our world and very, very real.  

Final Judgment - the Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy.

Israel's Central Role in JFK Assassination, Who's Who in JFK Assassination excerpted from the book Final Judgment Final Jud...