Monday, October 30, 2017

The War For the American Empire: Rex Christi, Liberty's Thunder Radio

We keep talking about our present War as if we can choose and dictate the circumstances we face, instead of recognizing the circumstances we face and answering the challenge. We want to talk about the Constitution and Principles when our enemy just wants to KILL US.  

Are we capable of breaking out of our mythology and facing the present situation on the ground, taking a realistic view our of enemy and refusing to be his victim. Even the mild mannered Newt Gingrich said that the two sides of this conflict are irreconcilable, that there was no possibility of creating "unity" and that one side or the other had to be defeated and the other side had to win.

The situation is simple, the Globalist/Marxists/Crony Capitalists want to KILL US. Do you want to be a warrior or a victim.


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