Monday, October 23, 2017

FAT, LAZY, STUPID or The New American NORMAL.

You want to know why Americans are so easily controlled? Because, having been MARXIZED they are herd animals who are mentally LAZY and want everything spoon fed them.

Example: A FB Friend, conservative and Trump supporter just posted with one of those ugly day-glo colored posts "WHY DOES FACEBOOK ALLOW FAKE NEWS TO BE POSTED?"

Two equally mentally lazy idiots responded:
For the money
To flood FB with "stuff" to cover up the truth.

Both of those answers have an aspect of "contextual" truth to them, but both answers MISS THE POINT.

Of the three, not one thought to ask the question that is the CORE question of all censorship. "To whom would you give the power to judge what is real and what is fake?" I chided them by saying, "That is YOUR JOB to judge what is real and what is fake, not Facebook's job."

The fact is Facebook is censoring a lot of information, as is YourTube and what they are most often censoring is anything that steps outside the Marxist Material Dialectic (The Cultural Marxist Agenda) and says something TRUE.

When I debated the president of Cornell University back in the late 1980s when he was touring the country promoting the idea of "Civil Discourse" he called "Political Correctness" which of course we subsequently learned was simply Cultural Marxist Censorship of Free Speech, not knowing that, just by common sense I asked him, "So please tell me to whom you are willing to entrust with the power over truth and lie, to judge what is civil and what is uncivil, what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, what is to be embraced and what is to be defamed? What human gods do you choose?"
He answered, "We in academia of course who are skilled in civil discourse." I laughed in his face, and said, "It may not be Politically Correct, but you are a fool or a Marxist." What American Marxist Academia is skilled at is the agenda of Marxist CONTROL via the total destruction of Free Speech as we have so graphically seen demonstrated in the last two years on HUNDREDS of College and University campuses, even Elementary and High School campuses.

The person who posted this IDIOCY has been MARXIZED and does not even know it. Wanting her information "filtered" by a Human god, before she is exposed to it. How STUPID can you be?



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