Friday, January 18, 2019

The Golden Haired Master of the Gordian Knot

I was reading Shakespeare, - yes I'm one of those people.
I never watch T.V. unless it is a social convention, so I read - something increasingly lost to the young - they think they read because they scan shite on the internet.  That's a digression . . .

Now don't fear the Shakespeare, I'm going to interpret it for you. I was reading specifically Henry the 5th, Act 1, Scene 1 and I was literally stopped in my tracks by the words, because I had been searching for them - not remembering their origins or author, I wanted to including them in an article I wrote years ago pictured here.

I remember hearing the words of the Great Christian Apologist, Ravi Zacharias, ringing in my hears as I looked for that quote never finding it.  He, in poor health and old, when asked he biggest regret he said, "not recording and cataloging quotes as I read those thousands of books. I have spent half my life searching for quotes I vague hold in my memory." 



Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47

It would drain us dry.

But what can be done to prevent it?
The king is virtuous and kind.
And a true lover of the holy Church.
You wouldn’t have expected it based on how he acted as a youth. But no sooner had his father stopped breathing than the prince’s wildness died too. Really, at that precise moment he gained a capacity for reflection, which appeared like an angel to chase away the sinful part of him, leaving his body like a paradise, fit to house only lofty thoughts and feelings. You never saw anyone become serious and studious so quickly. You never saw such a total transformation, as though a wild river, rushing through, had swept away his faults. Such a collection of stubborn character flaws was never banished from one place so suddenly as in the case of this king.
We are fortunate in the change.
If you just listen to him discuss theological matters, you’ll find yourself thinking privately what an excellent bishop he would make. Hear him debate matters of domestic policy, and you’d swear he had made them his constant study. Listen to him talk about war, and you’ll hear elegant and thrilling accounts of the battles. Bring up any political topic, and he’ll untangle it as easily as if it were his own garter. And the result is that when he speaks, the very air—which is free to go where it likes—stops dead, and men stand in silent wonder, hoping to catch the benefit of his gorgeous utterances. There must be skill and experience behind all this abstract thought, but it’s anyone’s guess how he obtained it, since in his youth he preferred shallow pursuits, with uneducated, crude and superficial companions. He spent his time drunken, overfed, and constantly seeking out entertainment, with no inclination for learning or quiet contemplation, nor any limit to his tolerance for public haunts and crowds.


Strawberries grow underneath nettle plants, and berries grow best when they’re planted next to inferior fruit. In the same way, the prince hid his serious side under the guise of wild behavior. Just like summer grass, which grows fastest during the night, this sober quality was able to grow and thrive all the better for being undetected.


That must be it, because the age of miracles is passed, and we have to find reasonable explanations for why these things happen.

Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter
— Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47

The Gordian Knot is a legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an "impossible" knot) solved easily by finding a loophole or thinking creatively ("cutting the Gordian knot"):

We just witnessed President Donald Trump find a loophole in the nearly impossible task of reducing the size of the Federal Government, is was an act of genius. 

We shouldn't be surprised, do you remember all the stale diplomats, and foreign policy experts who said that the Korean Peninsula was an intractable problem that could not be solved without years and years of tough negotiations and we had to kowtow to China and South Korea?  I remember Hillary Clinton on the View, (I saw an excerpt on YouTube - I've never watched even five minutes of that center of Marxist BullShite on the view) but while Trump was threatening lil' Kim with "Fire and Fury and frankly, power like the world has never seen before" and while he was threatening China with tariffs and while in imposed tariffs on China, and while he threaten South Korea with tariffs and informed them that our trade agreement with them would most certainly be renegotiated, and while Lil' Kim was threatening Japan and launching missiles in Japanese air space, the media was hysterical that the ignorant Trump was about to create nuclear war, and BOOM Lil'Kim is at the table smiling and signing a peace treaty and promising denuclearization.  A Gordian Knot bit the dust.

How about the CIA/Mossad's strangle hold on the Middle East, one trip to Saudi Arabia and all the Arab Gulf Nations together surrounded and quarantined the Mossad/CIA's ISIS Command and Supply operation in Qatar.  Qatar is still under a air and sea blockade, that is the Globalist Base there neutralized.  And instantly ISIS began starve and to crumble.
Another Gordian Knot, the experts said would take many years maybe decades to conquer and BOOM the Golden Haired Master of the Gordian found the weak point and history tells the rest.

People (including me) are screaming for prosecutions of the Coup Plotters, but remember they are the shallow state, the so-called Obama lefts behinds - they are not the deep state, and they certainly are not the Globalist Shadow Government, where George Soros is a Master.  No, the Coup Plotters are just a little tool of the same.  But . . . . 
Stuff is happening.

The reanimation of the systems of the REPUBLIC. Check out the investigations of John Henry Durham, the United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut. Read about his track record prosecuting FBI and the MOB, is responsible for taking down the Boston Field Office of the FBI and the Boston Mob, the first U.S. attorney Trump sought out, brought out of retirement and appointed. He is again investigating the FBI, this time at its highest levels and the DOJ, same. A shield of protection provided by the Deep State, has been removed from Hillary Clinton and her crew and they are being forced to give testimony (under oath) in Judicial Watch's Benghazi related lawsuits and Jerome Corsi & Robert Klayman are going after Meuller for Obstruction of Justice and malicious prosecution in a multi-million dollar lawsuit. In the case of the civil suits, the testimony under oath creates a record that will make criminal activity, public.  Legally it is like untangling a Gordian Knot, sooner or later the key link is going to be exposed and it will quickly become unraveled. 

The Gordian Knot is a legend of Phrygian Gordium associated with Alexander the Great. It is often used as a metaphor for an intractable problem (disentangling an "impossible" knot) solved easily by finding a loophole or thinking creatively ("cutting the Gordian knot"):

Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter
Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47

Stuff is happening.

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