Monday, March 18, 2019

Occasional Cortex and 12 Years to Climate Armageddon

What would I have given to see moral common sense overcome the major Luciferian Lies of the 20th Century! Seeing time prove the "Chicken Little - The Sky is Falling" Marxist manipulators wrong is of little comfort or satisfaction to me. How can it be when the Judeo/Marxist/Luciferian Brainwashing Apparatus is still in place (what you call the Main Stream Media) and they are still churning out the evils of Global Warming and Climate Change.

Credit to Rush Limbaugh archives: This was a comment on the East Anglia Climate Model Hoax and the non-science, actual Scientism (fantasy) of the IPCC
"All of these models that they constructed over the years predicted calamity by now, and the calamity never happened. I was still living in California 1985, and I’m watching This Week with David Brinkley on Sunday morning, and there’s this guy named Oppenheimer, and he’s a global warming guy. He’s saying, “We’ve got 20 years!” This is 1985, and he says, “We’ve got 20 years! I don’t know if we’re right, we’re not sure if we’re right, but we can’t take the chance!"'
I remember that broadcast as well, it was when the Judeo/Marxist/Luciferian Media went from "The Coming New Ice Age" to Global Warming, always peddling chaos and fear.

Credit to Rush Limbaugh archive:
Now, one of Nixon’s favorite people was Daniel Patrick Moynihan. He’s a Democrat, but Nixon liked the guy. I think he was ambassador to the United Nations for Nixon. Moynihan told Nixon in an inner circle meeting 30 years ago that we would be underwater by the year 2000 because of the rapidity of global warming and the North Pole and the South Pole ice would melt and flood the coasts of this country.
“There is widespread agreement that carbon dioxide content will rise 25 percent by 2000, Moynihan wrote in a September 1969 memo. ‘This could increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit,’ he wrote. ‘This, in turn, could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter.'”
Thirty years ago, Moynihan, smart guy. George Will thinks he’s the smartest guy that ever lived. George Will loved Moynihan. Moynihan bought into this. That’s how seductive it is. Otherwise intelligent people buy into this notion. Their vanity and everything else makes it possible. “Oh, yeah, we have the power to destroy the planet. Oh, yeah, we have the power to raise temperatures and melt all the ice, oh, yeah.” We don’t have any such power. We couldn’t do any of this if we wanted to. But never mind. “Moynihan was Nixon’s counselor for urban affairs from January 1969 — when Nixon began his presidency — to December 1970. He later served as the US ambassador to the United Nations.”

The only answer to this fear-mongering herding is MORAL Common Sense.

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