Friday, March 15, 2019

The Childish Mythology of Anarchy

Myth Number One:
Government is inherently, objectively and irreversibly evil.

No people are evil, government is a benign tool of Societies, it is a tool that ideally protects good people and bad people alike from predators.

Can a Government turn predator?

Yes, certainly it can. The Trump Revolution is an answer to the 40 years of predatory practices of the U.S. Government upon its own people. It would take a fool to believe that the government pressing the LGBTXYZQ BS Agenda is not predatory.

It would take a fool to believe that the government suppressing Christianity in the Public Square is not predatory.

It would take a fool to believe that the IRS weaponized to suppress Conservatives and Christians is not predatory.

Our Federal Government and many State and local governments have functioned in corruption and because of that have become predatory.

Ruby Ridge was predatory, Waco was Predatory, the Cultural Marxist Education/Behaviorist Conditioning mechanism of the Departments (plural) of Education is Predatory,

the Cultural Marxist Colleges and Universities upheld with Tax money are Predatory, the Federal and State Supported Kinsey Institute that provided the legal/psychological framework for Sexual Revolution starting in the 1960s IS predatory.

Project Northwoods where they planned to have the U.S. Military attack American Cities and kill American Citizens was Predatory

The same military maniacs exploding H-bomb trying to destroy the Van Allen Belt and set the atmosphere on fire, was not only predatory it was objectively and observably INSANE.

I could name a thousand things more that our governments (plural) Federal, State and Local have done to We the People that are hellish and predatory. The questions are:
(1) Did something called Government do this
or (2) Did evil people holding the power of, that is holding the tools of Government do this.

Is the tool used ITSELF evil, or it is evil in the hands of men and women who USE it.



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