Sheri Lynn:
@Bond Robin I have a slew of questions for which I am struggling to find answers. If you have the time or inclination to read this, I will just leave my questions here, perhaps others can share their perspective. I would welcome it if you can direct me to any videos you've already done that address the following:
Do you think that Trump was deceived and trapped into going along with, the CV "live exercise?"
Bond Robin:
To what degree Trump was initially deceived or was coerced, we know that in a very short time, from his behavior at the China Virus daily briefings that he was coerced, via the threat of the 25th Amendment if he didn't bow to the Public Health officials. He even threatened to expose the coercion stating at one of the Briefings, "I want the American People to know it has been my greatest honor to serve as your President."
Trump is not an all-knowing God, like Q:
What would you do if the foremost and powerful public health experts and officials pulled the panic button saying that 3.4% of people infected with the China Virus were going to die and that a lock down was the ONLY mitigating tool to keep from over-running hospital capacity, that without the lock-down 2.5 American were going to die? Was he supposed to have God like knowledge and just "know"? And BTW, Q sat in silence for two months, so don't talk to me about the lying LARP.
Here is the statement from the WHO director General:
"While many people globally have built up immunity to seasonal flu
strains, COVID-19 is a new virus to which no one has immunity. That
means more people are susceptible to infection, and some will suffer
severe disease. - Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By
comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those
infected." (This was a lie about Covid and about annual Flu) The annual flu deaths are ten times less. 0.1 to 0.25 percents.)
Doctors Fauci and Birx next pushed ridiculous and highly exaggerated mortality rates related to the coronavirus:
** Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College
Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
** The fraudulent model predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the coronavirus pandemic
** The authors of the Imperial College Model shared their findings with the White House Coronavirus task force in early March
** Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx then met with President Trump privately and
urged him to shut down the US economy and destroy the record Trump
economy based on this model
***But the Imperial College model Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx pushed
was garbage and they recommended the destruction of the US economy using
this completely flawed model.
They wanted to force Trump to one of two actions to destroy him and he chose neither.
(1) they wanted him to balk and refuse to shut the country down, they would then produce stacks of corpses and accuse him of "irresponsibility" and he would have been removed via the 25th amendment, or
(2) They wanted him to take control in a dictatorial fashion, trample states rights etc., and he would have been removed by impeachment.
He chose a 3rd option they didn't see coming, he decided to take their pandemic and cram it up the Chinese Communist Party's Ass; NOT act dictatorially but "delegate" and call on all the governors to exercise their judgement and fulfill their roles in the "constitutional system" - this exposed the CCP and those in the U.S. compromised to them.
Here is what Trump did:
(1) Trump never ordered a lockdown, rather he following Constitutional mandates instructed each governor to act according to his or her judgment
(2) The lockdown was a suggestion not a mandate:
This weakened the power of the NIH and the CDC, making them have to deal with 50 governors instead of one President.
(3) Trump set about using his power, "The Defense Production Act" removing from all the Marxist Governors the claim that they were being abandoned and could not get the things they needed. It was a big theatrical production and Trump with amazing humility played his part, reading lists of supplies like a Navy Stores Clerk day after day, making sure no one lacked for anything.
(4) There were genuine interruptions of the supply chain, purposely created by the CCP - Trump countered these with brilliance.
Sheri Lynn:
Q followers are now suggesting that this CV nightmare is part of "The Plan." That just sounds absurd to me. I can't imagine Trump willingly crashing his economy or participating in any part of this charade.
Bond Robin:
so there is the limit of your imagination, the "either/or" presupposition of your opinion, which tells us nothing, but I've already explained Trump's role.
Sheri Lynn:
At what point does the plandemic end?
Bond Robin:
Shortly after the election if Trump wins. There will be no political use for it then. Unless Biden wins, shortly died of Covid and the Marxist decided to go all in while they can - in that event it is Civil War.
Sheri Lynn:
What is FEMA's role in everything that's gone on since the Nat'l. Emergency was declared?
Bond Robin:
Little except to coordinate with military transport for supplies to various states for massive amounts of supplies they claimed to have needed - most was fantasy. They also stored supplies, opened emergency stores to keep the supply chain functioning. Frankly the CCP is surprised we didn't as a society just collapse.
Sheri Lynn:
Did the Carter Exec Order come into play?
Bond Robin:
I don't know what you mean by "Carter Exec Order." If you are referencing the 1976 National Emergencies Act - that's not an executive order but a huge body of congressionally passed law.
- it is my understanding that a later iteration of it was used the most - specific to health emergencies; He used the Stafford Act:
"I have determined that the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic is of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant an emergency
determination under section 501(b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster
Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5121-5207 (the “Stafford
He did use the 1976 Act, early March to Declare a General National Emergency, paving the way for further actions if the country was attacked a second time -(as it was, by the way) as a result, the only power of that act he has used (to my knowledge) is actually an older part, part of the previous National Emergency Act dating to World War Two, that being "the Defense Production Act." The only reason you have toilet paper is because of the use of this act. It was used not just in the medical field but to insure the food supply chain functioned in a very difficult time with China withholding products.
Sheri Lynn:
What power or leverage is Trump lacking (at this moment) to stop the stripping of our liberty (through mask wearing/lockdown/track and trace proposed legislation under discussion in come States?
Bond Robin:
Your fervent and unwavering support.
Sheri Lynn:
What must happen that will enable Trump to stop this?
Bond Robin:
Trump has told you that it is up to you to stop it. He has exposed the Marxist reality of a number of governors. Mask mandates are illegal in my state, yet, my local newspaper prints the opposite, WE have to act. I dare everyone who tells me to put on a mask. Are you wearing one?
Sheri Lynn:
How will he prevent the "next wave" that the Gates have been threatening will 'get our attention', was severing ties with WHO enough?
Bond Robin:
Since the previous LEGAL trigger for a Pandemic (which is an epidemic of global scope) was vested in the World Health Organization by treaty with the U.N., cutting ties with the WHO removed us from that Globalist Control Mechanism. Now federal officials can be challenged as we have seen, just this week the CDC quietly reduced the number of actual Covid deaths to less than 10K in the U.S. some 6 Percent of their previous figure.
Sheri Lynn:
Where do you think Trump stands on mandated vaccines in order for the Citizens to return to work, school, and move freely about the Country?
Bond Robin:
Not once has Trump mention "MANDATED" vaccines. He has
stated that if a viable vaccine is produced they will focus on the
vulnerable population, NOT the general population.
Further, you keep laying on Trump what is the action of your governor, have you written or visited him? I debated for several hours with my governor and his Covid Expert - and I'm pretty sure that is the reason that mask mandates are illegal in Georgia.
Sheri Lynn:
Why is Trump telling us that the Military will distribute the vax?
Bond Robin:
He is trolling them.
Sheri Lynn:
Where do you think Trump stands on the NWO/Globalism
Bond Robin:
If you have to ask that question, you are an idiot and totally blind to the history of the last three and a half years, all the actions that Trump has taken to destroy various Globalist mechanisms, and blind to the Globalist establishment that is trying to destroy him. The level of NON-observation, NOT knowing that the Globalist had incorporated the Chinese Communist Party and their total control was ALREADY in place and that Trump is smashing it??? I can't imagine people being so blind. But there you are, brainwashed by the fear mongers.
Sheri Lynn:
and how do the international committees that are part of Trump's USMCA,
Bond Robin:
In NAFTA the "commissions" were independent and could write laws called "regulations." In the USMCA the "commissions" cannot write new regulations and can only administer, operate and enforce the provisions of the agreement. Further since we share huge borders with both Canada and Mexico, locking those countries closely in trade and security is paramount to our own defense.
Sheri Lynn:
and 5G and Beyond legislation serve the interest of the American people?
Bond Robin:
The president's own statement answers your question and recent events in history, cutting the nut-sack off the CCP telecom companies gives witness to the truthfulness of the statement. Had China been able to install their system we would have been unable to ever resist - we were ALMOST completely taken over. Here are Trump's own words.
"Today, I have signed into law S. 893, the “Secure 5G and Beyond Act of
2020” (the “Act”). The Act requires the President to develop and
implement a strategy for the adoption of secure wireless communications
technology in the United States and abroad. The strategy will protect
the American people from security threats to telecommunications networks
and 5G technology."
Sheri Lynn:
Do you believe that we are going through a "reset" and moving to digital currency with the complete elimination of cash?
Bond Robin:
No, in fact absolutely not. There is a reset which has already happened, which was exposing that the value of the Dollar, that it was a farce that it was the "Petrol-Dollar" tied to the price of Oil. The crash in the oil market, where oil was selling at NEGATIVE $48 a
barrel, have been saying for years. There is NO "Commodity Based Currency" possible in this world of 7.5 Billion People. Cash IS Digital Currency and has been for a long time.
Sheri Lynn:
Rumors of NESARA/GESARA (I can't find any evidence that N/G even exists) are spreading, promising people a "too good to be true" financial bailout and the release of hidden technologies in medicine and energy etc... I welcome anyone's input or suggested resources that will help with digging. Thank you!
Bond Robin:
TOTAL MYTHOLOGY from a 1990s white paper.
Sheri Lynn 14 hours ago
@Bond Robin Thank you very much! Truly appreciate your time and input!
Bond Robin
Sheri Lynn, I'm not posting your ego book.
Also didn't take the time to read it, just short scan. If there was actual information in it, I'll take my chances.
The central question, why do you call us idiots when we ask, "Is Trump a Globalist." At this point if you believe him to be there is only one rational explanation, you are a useful idiot, asleep through the last almost 4 years of history, unaware of anything except what the MSM has told your, or fake opposition (the MSM's echo chamber) has made you believe. The Globalist knew who Trump was, when the day after his election they folded their Climate Congress in Marrakesh, Morocco, where they were going to hammer into international law what was merely non-binding agreements at Paris. They folded, skulked home without even creating a statement for the press. The money and power present there that scattered told the story that Trump most certainly is not a Globalist and every anti-globalist move since has confirmed it, over and over again. So someone unaware of this = Idiot. Now lots of misdirection psyop agents pretend to be unaware - which are you, Idiot or Liar.
It's easier to understand when you know their agenda. Good thing they wrote it down for us😎