Friday, August 28, 2020

Stumbling Toward Truth On An Obstacle Course

The apprehension of Truth is the key to our every challenge and the Luciferians understand this with more certainty than the American Citizenry. It would seem counter-intuitive in the "age of information" that Truth could become still more illusive and obscure, but that is, in fact, what has happened as record trillions of Gigabits of information are flashed at the speed of light around the earth via fiber-optics and satellite signal. Daily the amount of information shared breaks records and Truth, the first casualty, becomes more and more abstractly obscure.

Ordinary Humans, holding hard won Truth are firstly actively suppressed by Artificial Intelligence, with the parameters of information subject to shadow-banning so as not to create rebellion at "black listing," and the Great Library of Babel is promoted by Artificial Intelligence, amplified at the speed of light. For the first time in history Humanity has been placed in competition with Artificial Intelligence, because A.I. is not just suppressing Truth and Amplifying Lie, it is also producing content, heretofore the sole domain of human reason.

Against this powerful weapon, a casual attitude and lackadaisical effort to apprehend Truth will relegate one to the ENUMERABLE ghettos, that may in a short while become INNUMERABLE where hypnotic lies rule, where dark angels stumble the truth-seeker with familiar, attractive and soothing obstacles and create substitutions for everything real.

In case you think I exaggerate it is the case today that Japan has been the hotbed experience for this, a unique language on an Island Nation, highly modern, the vanguard of "smart living" yet more easily isolated and observable, where a huge portion of the young population under the age of thrity-five having had myriad artificial sexual experiences, remain technical virgins, having never engaged in real life sex with anyone, male or female; the very essence of the human experience denied them, not by force, but by distraction, by the ghettoizing of their most basic instincts, destroying or rather subverting the human instinct to reproduce.

Now when I started this little essay you thought that I was referencing philosophy and theology, and I was, but it has real consequences for the human species: this distraction and substitution of digitized experience and content written by Artificial Intelligence for nefarious goals. Lucifer has been jealous and hated humanity since the garden of Eden, and has sought our extinction at every turn. As the story of Sodom and Gomorrah clearly demonstrate he has been a master at "distraction from Truth" substituting what is anti-life and death engendering, occupying peoples' time with every attractive, soothing, and deadly distraction. Every single day, the sophistication and power of the obstacle course hobbling our trek toward TRUTH, increases in power and size, destroying language to the point that a great portion of humanity has been robbed of the power capable of functioning with the tools necessary to focus upon truth and destroy the distractions. Which ghetto of precious illusion and delusion do you occupy? What lies are necessary, sacred and cherished by you? What do you find is your "soothing comfort zone"? IS IT REAL?


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