Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cracks in the Matrix - by Archpriest Symeon Elias

Kurt’s reaction to the Marxist Street Theatre is exactly right. I had a thimble of Golden port, picnic ham, summer potato salad, 3 day marinated cold bean salad, freshly baked still warm brown-sugar-cinnamon coffee cake smothered in real butter and Arabica French Roast coffee.…

You see, I exposed them, it IS Theatre. One video featured a crisis actor with a gaping wound in his fake arm supposedly shot and the wound wasn’t bleeding. He’s an amputee with a prop arm. Stop being hypnotize by blurry chaos video and a voice telling you what you are seeing.
Immediately after posting this I ran across a video where Mark Dice described in detail what was depicted in the video, watched the video and it showed nothing he said, random shots, chaotic voices blurry motion and NOTHING. Wake up folks. Turn the sound off watch if you ...MORE
...must but at least remove the “hypnotic minder” in your ear and examine on you own what you are seeing. If you were shown the video without reference without “set up” what would you really observe in it and think of it. ALSO Take NOTHING visual automatically as REAL. MORE
... The so-called “intelligence establishment” has never been about gathering intelligence but rather about controlling your mind and thus every aspect of your life. IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL. From the failed impeachment to this moment they have assaulted you nonstop with one- MORE
...psyop assault after another, an endless parade of lying FEAR AND CHAOS BAIT. Some of it is real and dangerous, like the insurgency that was operated out of the CCP Consulate in Houston and some of it is purely staged but it is all political theatre designed for their....MORE
.... controlling goals of destroying the present America First Sovereignty Restoring Movement and it’s leader President Trump and returning America to her slavery to the Globalist Corporate/Capitalist/Communist Master’s Control. Trump and the MAGA Movement is a glitch in the-MORE
... oppressive Matrix a crack in the false reality they created for us speaking Liberty and Constitution every other breath while they robbed us of wealth, victimized our children, destroyed our institutions, literally subverting then inverting everything. We have to turn ...MORE
... that crack in the Matrix into a gaping chasm and ultimately shatter its mechanism and destroy its power. But, HOW? you say. The answer is TRUTH. One of the earliest Church Fathers gives me hope that even in the era of sophisticated psyops and mind control that human ...MORE
... beings are more than animals subject to “conditioned response” but retain in their nature an intellect in the image of God capable of grasping the truth when it is received but a little. He said, “It is not easy to quickly bring into sanity a man who has for a long time-MORE
... been held fast by lies. It may nonetheless be effected: for, when a man turns away ever so little from the lie, the mention of the truth is then acceptable to him. For, just as the cloud breaks ever so little there comes light and pleasant weather.” I have seen this ..MORE
... process work in deeply confused and deluded people thousands of times in my life and as human I saw it in my own journey. The political theatre is like the card trick, the Wizard of Oz’s curtain. Open the curtain but a little, gain merely a glance at the cynical ... MORE
... working of the Luciferian’s mechanism and if that glance is taken to heart the crack in the Potemkin Facade reveals an entire false world where it is as Trump said about Washington, “Everything has become a lie.” In this Psyop Fear Bombing era THIS IS TRUE. End.


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