by David Wilcock
December 25, 2017, 7:30 am
Hits: 116,800
Page 1 of 2

On 12/21, we received remarkable high-level briefings about the takedown of the Deep State now in process.
Hours later we called the now-legendary 4Chan insider Mega Anon, who
confirmed almost everything we heard in the briefings as being true.
She added much more detail we had never heard before, almost all of
which is included in the second section of this report. I am very glad
she reached out and made personal contact with us.
Mass indictments of arch-criminals are already happening. We can prove
that 4,289 sealed indictments have appeared just between October 30 and
November 22, 2017.
The normal limit is not more than 1000 sealed indictments
for the entire year.
We are now also seeing many quiet arrests of lower and mid-level Deep State operatives.
Many higher-level people from the Deep State are apparently now wearing
ankle bracelets with GPS monitoring to prevent them from fleeing the
[UPDATE: The Deep State is attacking the s--t out of
this with hacks. Best bet is to use a Mac and stay away from Google
browsers and/or Android phones.]
Just as our insiders had predicted, a limited UFO disclosure is now
starting to happen as the Deep State's back is up against the wall.
This is the last card they have left to play. They are hoping that they
can throw off the 'heat' by getting us captivated in a magnificent new
Disclosure is only the latest in a series of very exciting signposts that true change is upon us.
So much new information has come in from high-level briefings that this
is only the first of a series that will be at least three parts in
This first section illustrates how the Alliance "mass arrest" strategy
has evolved – taking the Cabal / Deep State completely by surprise.
The accusations and resignations we are seeing in the open world, such
as of politicians and Hollywood figures, barely begins to cover the full
This information will certainly trigger mega-hack attacks on this site
and increase personal risks – so please help us spread the word ASAP!
And Merry Christmas! Here's some Disclosure under the tree for you to unwrap and enjoy this holiday season.
On Saturday, December 16th, the
New York Times and
Politico both announced that we are not alone in the universe... nor in our airspace.
For really the first time in recorded, modern history, UFOs are being
treated with complete seriousness -- by whatever is left of the
mainstream media [MSM].
This included military films of strange UFOs in flight, as well as
statements from Pentagon insiders that unusual, non-terrestrial alloys
have been found.
A group of credible experts who are calling themselves "The I-Team" are behind this, and they do indeed have impeccable credentials.
For whatever reason, the entire MSM has jumped on board this story,
unlike anything we've ever seen in history. It has been quite stunning
to watch.
Also amusing is how little anything has changed. The public has been so
conditioned to UFO reality that we really haven't felt much of a pulse
in the public.
Here is a list of MSM links that started appearing in email chain letters shortly after this happened -- in addition to the
New York Times and
Politico links we already shared:
MSNBC: UFO Pentagon Program
CBS: Government UFO Program
CNN: We May Not Be Alone
Washington Post: The Aliens Are Coming -- And No One Cares
UK Independent: US Gov Recovered Material They Do Not Recognize from UFO
Fox News: Out of This World Encounter
Blink-182 was arguably the top rock band of the 1990s, or at least
could comfortably share the title belt with groups like Green Day and
Blink 182 is Hugely Significant to Millennials
In fact, to fans of previous musical generations, Blink-182 might be
two notches above nursery rhymes in terms of the grand musical canon.
Rolling Stone would call their 1999 album
Enema of the State "harmless," which is profoundly wrong.
Simply because there's
a huge demographic of college kids thinking hard about music
who consider Blink-182 one of the most important bands of all time, in about a decade, the band's best songs will achieve the respectable ubiquity of classic-rock radio.
This trio's former guitarist Tom DeLonge has spearheaded the disclosure
effort that just launched its first real volley into the mainstream on
Saturday, December 16th, 2017.
DeLonge left the band in 2005 to focus his time on building towards the events now taking place.
In 2015, he notably turned down a reunion offer, arguably to remain focused on this goal.
DeLonge's initial public unveiling of his initiative took place in an
event on October 11th, revealing that he did indeed have a team of
high-level insiders.
We covered this event here, on this site, when the team suddenly announced it the day before.
Many people complained that they didn't get more information at the
time... and Tom De Longe's very next tweet from that same day was quite
Every word [we have] spoken has been planned for months. Very interesting. Planned by who? And for what purpose?
This tweet strongly suggests that the Department of Defense (DOD) was
either conducting this as a coordinated effort that went well beyond
DeLonge himself, or was actively blocking it.
It may also be that people in the "I Team" believe the DOD is opposing
them, when in fact their efforts are being carefully guided behind the
DeLonge's statement that "the biggest stuff has yet to come" is now
prophetic, as the October 11th event was ignored, but the December 16th
event lit up the entire MSM like a Christmas tree.
Let's not forget that it is now an "open secret" that the mainstream
media is still largely CIA-controlled, just as Congressional hearings
revealed in 1975-76.
The CIA is apparently the intelligence agency most directly connected
to the Deep State, based upon the testimony of multiple insiders.
In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s, public scrutiny was aimed towards the US intelligence agencies.
Journalist Seymour Hersh published a damning expose' of domestic CIA
surveillance in 1975. This led to the Church Committee investigating
these wrongdoings in Congressional hearings.
In April 1976, the Church Committee published its findings, which
included the following revelations about both foreign and domestic
Congressional Church Committee Findings on CIA Control of Mainstream Media, 1976
For foreign news media, the report concluded that:
The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign
individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at
times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert
These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number
of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news
agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and
other foreign media outlets.[7]
For domestic media, the report states:
Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American
journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer
than half are "accredited" by U.S. media organizations ...
The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad ...
More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial
publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few
of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.[7]
This is just a small taste of what you start learning when you delve into conspiracy analysis.
It is now widely accepted that the mainstream media is a mouthpiece for
the Deep State, as the Church Committee discovered over 40 years ago.
Therefore, since the MSM jumped on this story with unprecedented
enthusiasm, almost everyone in the existing UFO community is freaking
out about it.
That same day, October 11th, DeLonge announced on Twitter that they
have Steve Justice, a former Lockheed Skunkworks employee, who can
actually build us an anti-gravity machine:
The apparent mis-spelling of the word "secret" in the above tweet is a
nod to DeLonge's co-authored, two-part book series entitled
Sekret Machines.
With the inclusion of the letter K, it becomes a German word.
[Correction: it is German-like, but actually means "secrete" in that
language, not secret.]
Sekret Machines is "truth disguised as fiction" that describes how the German Nazis were the first to invent anti-gravity technology.
It also delineates how a cover-up has continued, complete with German
scientists migrating to the US after WWII under Project Paperclip.
Therefore, DeLonge's tweets strongly imply that a breakthrough like
this must come from the private sector, and that it is a "dangerous
game" to try to release it because of this hidden German element still
present in the US.
Another tweet from this same day pointed to the Department of Defense
as owning everything built by the defense contractors -- and therefore
holding it all back from us:
In response to ongoing criticism of the launch event, DeLonge tweeted
on November 19th in a hashtag that their "strategy (was) unfolding
brilliantly" and said the initial October 11th event "was nothing:"
When someone accused him of "insanity" on this same day, he told them to "wait three weeks" and he would get the last laugh:
Three more weeks would have led to Sunday, December 10th.
The actual event did not occur until the following Saturday, December 16th, which was nearly four weeks.
For whatever reason, the timing of the big announcement had to be delayed -- for reasons DeLonge was not privy to.
Just three days before the big news dropped, on December 13th, DeLonge tweeted his strong anticipation of a coming event.
He was obviously not in control of when this was going to happen. An
undefined "they" was responsible for picking the exact moment:
DeLonge obviously knew the gravity of what this event would be, if he
was saying it would be "one of my life's greatest accomplishments."
Howver, when he said "something's coming," that may imply that he
himself wasn't exactly sure what the contents of this disclosure would
Sure enough, the entire MSM jumped behind this story in a coordinated effort unlike anything we've seen in UFO history.
In some ways this became like a litmus test of how much the MSM can still sway the public opinion.
Judging by the response, any old-school fears of a 1938
War of the Worlds-style "mass panic," with people stuffing wet towels up their chimneys, are a relic of a forgotten past.

Nothing happened. It was more of a mass
"Already knew that."
The company I work for, Gaia, experienced a very similiar response in June when
video investigations of a three-fingered humanoid mummy were released.
These videos did get millions of views, and every video was released for free, but again...
nothing changed.
The next day after the above tweet, on December 14th, an
ever-more-anxious DeLonge tweeted a strong hint that they had something
very amazing.
Apparently, they already have an experiment that may demonstrate dematerialization as well as anti-gravity:
This really caught my attention, as insiders have told me for many
years that electrified bismuth can do all sorts of unusual things if
handled properly.
It is not clear whether this experiment causes optical "dissolution of
mass", as in dematerialization, or just the reduction of its apparent
weight -- as in anti-gravity.
There are certainly techniques known in the classified world that can
do both, which I have been hearing about from insiders for many years.
DeLonge is not making up a strange term by saying
"terahertz energy." This refers to very high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
And since I have been researching UFOs online almost since the dawn of
the internet in 1995, I immediately made some connections from "the old
It's like the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the ending of the
UFO cover-up investigation online are coming together -- across a
21-year bridge.
First of all, Pete Peterson, a high-ranking insider, designed a system
for extracting bismuth into long, thin wires, as coils made from this
wire would indeed demonstrate anti-gravity.
The engineers had experienced a problem with these wires not extending
long enough, which Pete was able to solve for them. He first told me
about this in 2009.
However, back in 1996, Coast to Coast radio host Art Bell received
strange artifacts in the mail, which he soon entitled "Art's Parts."
was given these materials by a listener whose father apparently was
part of the retrieval team for the Roswell crash, as you can read in
this archived, vintage link.
When this first came out in April 1996, it was a gigantic sensation
throughout the UFO community. I had only been online for six months at
this point.
Art had an estimated 20 million people listening to each of his radio shows. There was almost zero competition back then.
Here is an actual image of what Art saw when he opened up the manila
envelope with the parts in it, along with a US 25-cent piece for a size
Here is a relevant excerpt of the groundbreaking
Art's Parts discussion from the original insider. This page is now no longer online except for the magic of
Art's Parts: April 18th, 1996
My grandfather was a member of the Retrieval Team, sent to the crash
site, just after the incident was reported. He died in 1974, but not
before he had sat down with some of us, and talked about the incident.
I am currently serving in the military, hold a Security Clearance, and
do NOT wish to "go public", and risk losing my career and commission.
Nonetheless, I would like to briefly tell you what my own grandfather told me about Roswell.
In fact, I enclose for your safekeeping "samples" that were in the
possession of my grandfather until he died, and which I have had since
his own estate was settled.
As I understand it, they came from the UFO debris, and were among a
large batch subsequently sent to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio from New
My grandfather was able to "appropriate" them, and stated that the
metallic samples are "pure extract aluminum". You will note that they
appear old & tempered, and they have been placed in tissue-paper,
and in baggies for posterity.
I have had them since 1974, and after considerable thought and
reflection, give them to you. Feel free to share them with any of your
friends in the UFO Research Community.
This insider's grandfather apparently received telepathic communication
from a still-living occupant of the craft, as this classic article went
on to reveal:
A lone surviving occupant was found within the Disc, and it was apparent [that] its left leg was broken....
Grandad was part of the Team that went with the surviving occupant. The
occupant communicated via telepathic means. It spoke perfect English,
and communicated the following:
The Disc was a "probeship" dispatched from a "launchship" that was
stationed at the dimensional gateway to the Terran Solar System, 32
light years from Terra.
They had been conducting operations on Terra for over 100 years.
Another group was exploring Mars, and Io.
Each "probeship" carried a crew of three. A "launchship" had a crew of (100) one-hundred....
Grandad spent a total of 26 weeks in the Team that examined and debriefed the lone survivor of the Roswell crash.
Grandad's affiliation with the "project" ended when the occupant was to
be transported to a long-term facility. He was placed on-board a USAF
Transport aircraft that was to be sent to Washington, D.C.
The aircraft and all aboard disappeared under mysterious and disturbing circumstances enroute to Washington, D.C.
It may interest you that three Fighter aircraft, dispatched to
investigate a distress call from the Transport, experienced many
electrical malfunctioning systems failures as they entered the airspace
of the transport's last reported location.
No crash or debris of the Transport was ever found. The Team was disbanded.
Electrical malfunctions are frequently associated with portal activity
-- whether natural or technological, as I discuss in my first book,
The Source Field Investigations.
Several of the "Partial Disclosure" scenarios we've heard about,
including the recent X-Files reboot, want to shed new light on the story
of the surviving Roswell occupant.
Many insiders said this being was code-named EBE, for "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity."
This may also be why Spielberg chose the similar-sounding term ET for his movie of the same title.
Remember... if the US government came into possession of the Roswell
wreckage, they gained access to a craft that was capable of interstellar
And if they could study, analyze and "reverse-engineer" it, then we would have the abilty to take ET home.
Ben Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunkworks, frequently ended his talks with a joke, saying
"The Air Force has just given us a contract to take E.T. back home.”
Many investigators have suspected there was truth within this seemingly tongue-in-cheek "joke" he told.
Under electrical stimulation, researchers such as Linda Moulton Howe
were seeing what appeared to be anti-gravity effects from these alleged
Roswell artifacts.
When "Art's Parts" were analyzed in a laboratory for their exact
chemical composition, they were found to have large amounts of
bismuth... and magnesium.
That's right.
These exact same two elements just appeared in Tom DeLonge's tweet about the "unusual alloy" from December 14th.
DeLonge said they generate anti-gravity and the dissolution of mass under high electromagnetic charge.
You can read a
transcript of a classic 1996 program where Art Bell discusses these
enigmatic artifacts with Richard C. Hoagland here.
is a link to a Linda Moulton Howe article explaining how she came into
contact with this same bismuth-magnesium alloy back in 1996.
With all of this in mind, I was very surprised to see this same
bismuth-magnesium alloy appear in an "official disclosure" fully 21
years later.
The Alpha and the Omega.
It may be that later, planned stages of the Tom DeLonge disclosure will actually feature a discussion of Art's Parts.
Even if no one else had access to this wreckage but Art, anyone with a
sample of this material has still had over 20 years to build working
prototypes out of it.
On the same day the blockbuster articles emerged, December 16th, 2017,
Senator Harry Reid tweeted a surprisingly open-minded endorsement of the
Reid's tweet, saying "this is about... national security," coupled with the fact that
the disclosure came from the "Threat Identification Program" in the Pentagon, has many investigators worried.
The idea that UFOs might be a "threat to national security" has been a
constant feature of Deep State fear-mongering from the very beginning.
Yet, after all this time, not one openly hostile action has ever been
taken against us by anything UFO-related -- whether it is one of ours or
one of 'theirs.'
On December 21st, it was announced that
Harry Reid is calling for Congressional investigations into the UFO phenomenon.
12/21: Sen. Harry Reid Calls for Congressional Inquiry Into UFOs
"I don't know anything about exotic materials, but [there is] a lot of talk about it," Reid said.
What he does know is that the explosion of news coverage about the UFO issue has caught the attention of Congress.
Reid's phone started ringing immediately, he says, [from] people from
Congress and the business community who've always been interested in the
subject but were afraid to admit it.
Reid thinks the time may be right to re-launch a formal inquiry.
This is exactly what the Disclosure Project and its 39 witnesses have been demanding ever since 2001... and never got.
Oh, the times, they are a-changin'....
There is enormous, almost unilateral concern in the UFO community that
all of this could be building to some sort of "Alien Threat" narrative.
I attended the original Disclosure Project event in 2001 as an invited
VIP, after having appeared twice on the Art Bell Show a few months
At this event, Carol Rosin revealed that
the Deep State's final endgame, if they were ever really in danger of defeat, would involve a hoaxed "alien invasion."
This was confessed to her by NASA founder and ex-German scientist Wernher Von Braun on his deathbed.
By that time, he knew the Deep State had the reverse-engineered craft
in place that could make an "alien invasion" seem fully believable --
and utterly devastating.
In light of what we now know from a group we call the Alliance, (more
on that below,) it seems very unlikely that this "Alien 9/11" could ever
actually occur.
At this point, disclosure seems to be more of a tool to try to distract
the public... as we build toward an epic exposure of the darkness
within the Deep State.
The arrests and indictments are working their way up to some of the
very highest-level people -- who have been sitting on these UFO secrets
for 70 years.
We did also find out from the principal author of the initial
New York Times article, Leslie Kean, that it was number one on the NYT website after its release:
This shows that within the MSM's own universe, this has indeed become
an immensely popular story -- overshadowing everything else in their
entire arsenal.
So what exactly is going on here? Why now? And who, or what, is the Alliance?
In case you are new to all of this, my participation in the Disclosure
Project was not the beginning of my direct involvement in this
I have had access to various insiders with highly classified information all the way back since 1993.
As of 2018, I will have been online as a UFO researcher for 22 years.
During that time I have gained the trust of many insiders.
Part of how I "made it" this long is by being able to maintain confidentiality when asked.
Keeping certain things private also gives me an excellent means to assess and evaluate new insiders as they appear.
Many, many people have come forward with fake narratives. To the best
of my ability, I will never call any attention to someone who is doing
One of the best ways the Deep State can destroy a researcher's
credbility is to develop a fake insider, and then destroy his crediblity
after the community embraces and publicizes him.
This all started for me in 1993, when a college friend of mine revealed
that his physics professor had worked in the higher echelons of NASA
throughout most of the 1970s.
This professor confirmed to his entire class that UFOs were real. We
were not being told the truth because "they" were afraid of a mass,
public panic... so he said.
My friend got a private student-teacher briefing after class that went
on for two hours, where he got far more detail than the rest of the
class had received.
I heard all the details soon after it happened. This was the 'spark'
that ignited my life-long quest to uncover the truth of the UFO
I looked up the professor, who is now deceased, and confirmed his NASA
service. I am not sharing his name out of respect to his family's
The professor said that he was allowed to tell people one-on-one like
this, but he would deny everything if anyone ever asked him about it
He also said “they” would never allow this story to become headline news on the
New York Times.
You can imagine how excited I was when my brother called me on December 16th, 2017. I hadn't seen the headlines yet.
It finally happened!
Now that the
New York Times actually broke a story telling us
that UFOs are real and are extraterrestrial in nature, we have clearly
reached a very unique moment in time.
Something has shifted that has caused this jealously-guarded secret to finally be released.
The true story of what is really going on in the world right now is very deep.
If you are new to this, what I am about to tell you may seem like
little more than the treatment for an amazing sci-fi conspiracy film.
Nonetheless, many people are fighting and dying in a "shadow World War III" right now, and most of us don’t even know about it.
This war includes weather-manipulating technology responsible for the
lack of rain in Southern California for well over 250 days now, leading
to huge wildfires.
I was personally affected by this on December 6th, when terrifyingly
loud Emergency Broadcast System sirens went off on our phones -- and we
were threatened with possible imminent evacuation.
Thankfully, we were fine. Despite the lumps we are taking, this war is now reaching a stunning and very positive conclusion.
Almost everything I heard in my initial 1993 disclosure was validated four years later in
The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip Corso.
This colonel was personally responsible for taking key items from the
Roswell wreckage and farming it out to defense contractors as "foreign
I met further insiders at a UFO conference I attended in Connecticut in
November 1996 – including a Lockheed official who again validated what
the professor told my friend.
Everyone including Corso said that the Roswell crash really happened,
and we were able to “reverse engineer” many very useful technologies
from it.
This included computer chips, solid-state transistors, lasers, LED
lights, fiber-optic cables, infrared night vision, Velcro, Kevlar and
non-stick cling-wrap.
In addition, other technologies remained classified – including free
energy, anti-gravity, energetic super-healing systems and warp drive /
portal travel.
Even back then, it also occurred to me that if interstellar-capable
spacecraft were crashing here, and we were rebuilding them, then we
might well be able to fly outside of our own solar system.
This also meant that we would almost certainly be building outposts and
bases on other planets and moons -- while keeping it all very highly
This could help to explain monuments on the moon and Mars that Richard
C. Hoagland was frequently discussing on Coast to Coast AM with Art
After meeting most of the 39 insiders at the Disclosure Project in
2001, including Carol Rosin, I came into contact with a man wanting to
be called Daniel as of 2003.
Daniel is only one of a series of insiders who gave me fascinating
information about the secret UFO-related programs that have been going
The information each insider has shared with me is truly vast. Any
decent summary of what I learned is far beyond the scope of this one
I summarized many of the key insiders and their secrets in the second half of my new book,
The Ascension Mysteries.
Here is a rough list of the ten most important insiders I met, the year
it started, and a very brief summary of some of what they told me.
2003: DANIEL. A seat from a crashed UFO was hooked up to a power supply and generated portals allowing travel through time and space.
2007: BRUCE. Worked at Area 51. Hoagland's top insider, revealed glass-like ancient ruins have been found all over our Solar System.
2007: HENRY DEACON. Claimed to have worked on Mars and other outposts, repairing advanced technology and meeting multiple ETs.
2008: BOB DEAN. Told me in confidence that he had been through portal travel, and it felt like a sudden, moderate electrical shock in the body.
2008: JACOB. Claimed to have visited over 2000 off-planet locations and personally seen over 400 different types of ETs. Very high-level.
2008: EMERY SMITH. Personally involved in autopsying some 3000 different extraterrestrial corpses at Sandia, in Los Alamos / Kirtland AFB.
2009: PETE PETERSON. Confirmed a vast, hi-tech secret space program (SSP), interactions with 14 different types of ETs, including reptilians.
2010: MARK. An aeronautics designer I met through Pete
who has eight different ways of generating anti-gravity, and worked
with ETs at Area 51.
2014: COREY GOODE. Gave much more detail on the SSP outlined by Deacon, Dean, Jacob and Peterson. Went public in 2015.
2016: WILLIAM TOMPKINS. Vet from WWII who debriefed US spies in German SSP. Learned of ET reptilians, helped develop SSP craft.
Each one of these insiders has shared vast amounts of intel with me --
often enough to fill entire books without ever getting boring.
As of this time, Daniel, Bruce, Jacob and Mark have never come forward, and have said very little, if anything, to anyone else.
Deacon appeared briefly in 2009 and then went back into hiding. He has refused all my requests to ever speak again.
Mark has indicated a potential openness to come forward, but it hasn't
happened yet. With the right funding we could develop anti-gravity
propulsion systems.
I recently gave Emery Smith the psedonym Paul. He stayed hidden until
last week, when his debut episode appeared on Cosmic Disclosure.

The threats on Emery's life led to him sharing far, far more with me,
immediately before and during these tapings, than I had ever heard him
say before.
For this same reason I only briefly mentioned some of what he had talked about in
The Ascension Mysteries.
There were a few conversations we had when he visited me in 2012 that I had so sorely wished we had recorded for posterity.
With all that being said, the discussions we just had on camera were
much, much better.
The Gaia staff were all saying this was some of the most amazing disclosure-related testimony they had ever heard.
Emery was essentially forced to come forward after having everything he
owned stolen, followed by a head-on collision that totaled his vehicle
and nearly killed him.
Both of these events occurred very soon after I had leaked aspects of what he had told me, under the pseudonym "Paul."
The burglaries occurred only shortly after he had finished living in my
house for two months -- after he had already suffered a variety of
crippling setbacks.
Then, his head-on collision occurred only 30 minutes after I published another article with more of his intel.
The other driver deliberately steered into his lane and accelerated, as we
described in previous articles. It was very highly suspicious. We got the message.
Emery had already shown off his ET-autopsying skills in the movie
Sirius, where he worked with Dr. Steven Greer to obtain samples from the Atacama Humanoid.

In case you missed this fascinating story, some of the world's leading
geneticists confirmed this tiny, shrunken corpse was not a deformed
It was human-like, but had very unusual characteristics, including a much-larger skull and other abnormal skeletal features.
A DNA test of the sample Emery removed ended up demonstrating about 88
percent human characteristics -- and as much as 12 percent that was
When you take a look at it, you can easily see why.

Gaia is still awaiting the results of similar tests from multiple three-fingered humanoid mummies found in Peru.
In this case, they were mummified with a mixture of diatomaceous earth, forming a white powdery surface over the bodies.
These attacks against Emery were almost certainly from the Deep State,
and its online troll-attack subsidiary we have been calling the
Dark Alliance.
Corey Goode and I both had our lives threatened. My warning apparently came straight from the Rothschilds through an insider,
as I discussed in earlier articles.
I was concerned enough about the risks that I waited for months until
the Dark Alliance had given us enough rope to hang them with --
metaphorically speaking.
William Tompkins actually died during this same timeframe -- just hours
before the total solar eclipse of August 21st, 2017. The threat was
very real.
Pete Peterson had everything he owned stolen out of his house. These
items were worth much more than the low six-figure amount the bank was
claiming he owed on his property.
Corey Goode was being smeared online with an unbelievable number of
videos and articles featuring highly exaggerated, overblown attacks.
I was threatened with death if I did not "publicly divorce" him. The
plan was then for him to be killed and for it to appear as a suicide,
out of despondency and ruin.
Once I decided to support Corey anyway, my car suffered a sudden loss
of all braking power -- seemingly in direct response to the threats I
had received.
In the aftermath of this violent brush with death, I told Emery the only way he could protect himself would be to come forward.
We have now taped 15 episodes of his testimony at Gaia for his own
safety. The copies are stored in multiple locations for security
I do feel we managed to capture a good summary of his most amazing experiences after many years in the insider world.
That being said, we still have barely even scratched the surface of
describing the three thousand different types of ET bodies he witnessed
and autopsied.
This was only one of a series of mind-blowing assignments he had during
his time in the Air Force and related black-ops divisions.

Emery has already produced multiple authentic documents that prove his elaborate, high-level military service.
His testimony is very, very amazing. His public outing is as
significant of an event in the UFO community as what we saw with William
Emery is prepared to do live videos, radio shows and other events to
help get the word out, and encourage a fuller form of disclosure.
He also helps to "ground" the Corey Goode info in a more terrestrial
package. His MD-level knowledge of anatomy and related jargon is very
At this time, Emery has been all but completely financially devastated
by the Deep State. He has no car, no furniture and can barely even
afford food.
I have helped him as much as I can this year and am also low on funds
at this point, due to initiatives I will be announcing in the coming
I therefore strongly encourage you to step up and send Emery an emergency donation at
This war for disclosure is very real, and without your support, the
soldiers on the front lines won't make it. So please help Emery have a
Merry Christmas.
Emery's alleged experiences shed amazing new light on everything we
have heard from other SSP whistleblowers, as mentioned above.
As I said, Corey Goode has been providing intel to me personally since October 2014, and went public as of the spring of 2015.
Much of Corey’s information concerns the so-called Secret Space
Program. He claims to have served on a cigar-shaped craft in a program
called Solar Warden.
It is very rare that people in these programs ever get to return to
Earth. Those who do are typically "blank-slated," with their memories
Only an average of 4 percent of them have any memories at all. The
scope of Corey's recall is very rare, and makes him a highly valuable
asset for Disclosure.
I might not have believed everything Corey was saying if it hadn't been
for Daniel, Bruce, Deacon, Dean, Jacob, Emery, Pete, Mark and others I
had spoken to before him.
With this pedigree as a background, I found Corey telling me dozens
upon dozens of things I had already heard from others, and had never
made public.
William Tompkins further enhanced Corey's credibility -- and with Emery finally stepping forward, it has gone up even more.
Emery claims to have been in underground bases, but was never taken off-planet as far as he consciously knew.
Nonetheless, it is fascinating to speculate as to how the folks at
Kirtland AFB could have come into possession of such a dazzling variety
of ET corpses.
There were dozens of operating rooms just on the one floor of Sandia
Labs that Emery worked in -- and there were also dozens of floors.
Corey's experiences read like an amazing series of sci-fi movie scripts
-- and as he has revealed, there is high-level interest around this
content from various groups.
I encourage you to visit to see what he is up to now. His other existing website is
I am not going to recap all of his testimony in this article, as I have done it before in
many previous entries of David's Blog since 2015. Some of it also appears in
The Ascension Mysteries.
Much more of it will be covered, as well as how it ties in with my own bizarre experiences, in my new book
Awakening in the Dream, due in August.
You can help us out, and lock yourself in for the fun on the publication date, by pre-ordering Awakening here.
our half-hour-long Gaia show Cosmic Disclosure has been running weekly now for two and a half years. Only now have we gotten through most of Corey's testimony.
The best way to dive into this story is to
become a Gaia subscriber, which gets you full access to everything, and begin watching Cosmic Disclosure from the inaugural episode.
That same debut episode --
Season 1, Episode 1 -- can be watched freely on YouTube by clicking here.
Parts Two and Three of this new article series will have far more to
say about Corey's remarkable experiences, bringing this cosmic narrative
right up to the present.
Emery was never allowed to ask questions about the many bizarre humanoid bodies he autopsied at Kirtland Air Force Base.
Everything he saw was human, more or less. However, it appeared as if
any type of life we see on earth had evolved into a human-like form
somewhere else.
They all typically had two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes, a nose, a
mouth, two ears and so forth. This was called "the five-star pattern,"
after the head and four limbs.
With that said, some looked like they evolved from insects. Others were
aquatic types. Many were mammalian in some way. Others were
He told me that many ETs are shorter than we are. The overall average
of what he saw is only slightly above waist height for a typical human
Others can be significantly taller. In one case he saw a body that was
nearly 40 feet tall, and had a very rough skin -- almost with a
rock-like appearance.
This might seem fanciful to you, but Emery never profited off of any of
this -- and only came forward after suffering the head-on collision.
In our inaugural episode, which will be released freely online in
January, Emery breaks into tears near the end when talking about these
threats on his life.
As a result of coming forward so prominently, Corey was contacted by
multiple different groups of insiders, at various levels of secrecy.
This included an alliance that formed within the Secret Space Program,
or SSP, he originally worked in. This group has full interstellar travel
capability and was started by the US Navy.
More recently, he was contacted by another SSP that is run by the Air
Force-based military-industrial complex here on Earth. We call this the
The MIC SSP folks are told that we have craft zipping around the solar
system, but they cannot travel outside of its boundaries.
Most of them believe that modern ETs do not exist -- though they are
told that our solar system is littered with ruins of ancient
Bruce is an example of an insider I know who has access to the MIC /
Air Force SSP. Pete Peterson, to a degree, is working with it as well.
Pete had heard rumors about a greater Navy SSP, and went from an
initial great skepticism of Corey's claims to an overall acceptance.
Emery has realized that his own experiences with the autopsies, and
other special projects he worked on, give compelling clues that Corey is
telling the truth.
Bruce tends to think the MIC SSP narrative is the highest form of truth
there is, and feels, as Pete once did, that Corey must be lying.
This just helps shed some light on how complex the interactions between
insiders can be. Not everyone is "on board" with everyone else.
Beginning in 2016, Corey was also abducted and interrogated by a tough colonel within the MIC SSP who we are calling Sigmund.
This is a brand-new artistic rendition, from Corey's team, that is pretty close to what Sigmund looks like:

Sigmund only believed what he was taught about the MIC SSP -- namely
that we had advanced craft, but had never left our solar system.
In fact, he was being lined up as a major public whistleblower who
would emerge in later stages of the disclosure process we are just
starting to see now.
It was very important that someone like Sigmund absolutely believe that
the Air Force / MIC secret space program was as far as we had ever
That way, even if he was captured, interrogated, tortured and killed,
he would never deviate from the "approved" storyline he had been given.
Yet, when doing advanced testing on Corey, such as with hair analysis,
Sigmund confirmed trace elements that can only be found when people
travel to off-planet areas in our solar system.
Sigmund rooted out and compromised many SSP Alliance members before
realizing that Corey was telling the truth -- and that he had been lied
to on an epic scale.
At that point, the Deep State went after him. He was forced to go into
hiding. He has only recently resurfaced, and is fascinated by what he is
now learning.
Our third update will have detailed new reports of what Sigmund has
most recently seen and heard. It is very, very fascinating stuff.
Corey has also been approached by people within what I usually call the
Alliance, for short, and which he tends to call the Earth Alliance.
This is a group of multiple factions that are opposed to the Cabal /
Deep State. It may consist of as much as 90 percent of the US military
at this point.
The Alliance also encompasses a significant majority of the sixteen US
intelligence agencies, as well as the governments in most other
countries of the world, to varying degrees.
The Deep State / Cabal has been cranking out films that support their agenda since the dawn of the silent era.
Much more recently, the Alliance has been fighting back with a variety of films that reveal critical elements of the truth.
The latest must-see Alliance film to blow the whistle on the Deep State is
American Made, starring Tom Cruise -- who is a key figure in many Alliance films.
American Made just came out this past week on streaming video for purchase, and will be available to rent as of January 2nd.

This film totally exposes the Clinton-Bush cocaine-smuggling and money
laundering operation that was conducted out of Mena, Arkansas. Don't
miss it.
If you used to believe that all Hollywood films were made and
controlled by the Deep State, this one may very well change your mind.
The most shocking scene in the movie is when the smuggler has been
arrested by a huge team of different agents, only to have Governor
Clinton personally call in and set him free.
You watch as the entire town of Mena, Arkansas -- the state where Bill
Clinton was governor -- is transformed from a sleepy hamlet into a
money-laundering boom town.
Tom Cruise's character ended up making so much money that he literally
ran out of places to hide it -- even by digging holes to bury it in the
The film shows exactly how the CIA worked to out-maneuver the DEA and
other agencies, and even how it all spilled over into the Iran-Contra
The movie did not do very well at the box office, but will undoubtedly
soon be considered required viewing as the arrests reach critical mass.
Certain elements within the CIA and the FBI are among those most
heavily compromised by the Deep State at this time, according to various
The high-level personnel in the Deep State -- some politicians and
others who are not -- are well aware of the Navy and Air Force secret
space programs.
They are obsessed with power. Their ability to "control space" and keep
us land-bound has only enhanced their feelings that they are "gods."
They have been hiding an incredible amount of information from us since
these programs first began picking up steam in late-1930s Germany.
The only way to really understand how people could be this cynical,
harsh and diabolical towards others is to delve into the mind of the
We now know that psychopaths have an abnormally low amount of
electrical activity in their frontal lobes, which help to process
empathy, love and compassion.
Here are the twenty key traits of these people, as defined by the Hare Psychopathy Checklist:
glib and superficial charm
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulativeness
lack of remorse or guilt
shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
sexual promiscuity
early behavior problems
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility
Standard psychological estimates have concluded that four percent of
men and two percent of women in today's world are psychopaths.
Most of them are not violent. However, they have a nearly unstoppable
need to dominate, control and manipulate others every single day of
their lives.
If they even miss one day where they don't get to humiliate, degrade
and abuse someone, they start to become very agitated and unbalanced.
I have unfortunately had multiple experiences with these types of
people, which strongly motivated me to take on the Deep State.
Imagine what would happen when you have an entire group of these types
of people who are working together to seek total world power.
Unfortunately, these top Deep State people have a very, very sick
occult religion that includes pedophilia and satanic-type practices,
such as animal and human sacrifice.
We have extensively covered this aspect of the story on this website,
including the constant appearance of their symbols in movies, television
shows, video games, music videos and the like.
This includes elements like the Masonic square and compass, the
All-Seeing Eye, the two Masonic pillars, the Templar cross, and so on.
Strangely, their religious tradition requires them to "hide it out in
the open" and tell us what they are doing, such as in thinly-disguised
If you want to see a truly shocking film example of this that checks off almost everything on the list, watch the 2009
Sherlock Holmes film.

This accurately portrays how a satanic group infiltrated elite secret
societies, and helped to terrorize them into supporting the creation of
the Federal Reserve.
The film begins with a truly disturbing scene, where the head villain
is using black magic to force a woman to sacrifice herself with a
The Vigilant Citizen website did a decent job of summarizing some of the occult themes and symbols in this movie.

It also very interestingly shows how these people do not actually
possess occult powers, but rather use elaborate trickery to make
themselves appear as evil gods.
Again, this is the
Revealing of the Method. Hiding it out in the open. The film is absolutely
loaded with Cabal symbols from beginning to end.
They feel that if they openly show us what they are doing, and we still fall for it, then we deserve to be enslaved.
This may also explain why Robert Downey, Jr. ended up getting involved
very heavily in making films for the Alliance, as his Iron Man / Tony
Stark character.
The second
Sherlock Holmes film from 2011 wasn't as
in-your-face with the propaganda as the first one, but still has some
obvious elements, such as Downey drawing a pentagram with a serpent and
cross, and sitting inside of it.

Many audience members sounded off about the excessive attempts to
infuse the entire film with blatant sexual jokes and innuendoes.
Speaking of nonsense, allow me to talk (briefly) about the naked man scene. For no apparent reason
at all—a pudgy, middle-aged man comes out to greet his young, just-married female houseguest one morning while wearing … nothing.
[DW: He also expresses his fascination that any man would ever be interested in a woman.]
Did the scene get a laugh? Sure. Unexpected nudity is reliably
effective at accomplishing that feat. But it's also a textbook
definition of
gratuitous. As is, I'm compelled to add here, the
sequence in which Holmes and Watson "share a sleeper car" with the
former dressed in drag.
Equally squirmy, in a radically different way, is Moriarty skewering
Holmes with what amounts to a giant fishhook, then watching in catlike
amusement as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's ageless hero contorts and
I realize Moriarty's a really bad guy and all, but I could have done without that scene too.
Many, if not most people in the so-called Illuminati / Cabal are deeply
traumatized victims who would do just about anything to escape it with
their lives.
This is not commonly understood in the alternative community. Everyone
in this group is abused. Many people only are participating because they
are forced to.
However, at the highest levels you do have some truly sick individuals
who actually enjoy what they are doing, and embrace the practices.
As an example, the Pizzagate revelations that emerged from the October 2016 Wikileaks data dump are not at all fake news.
Sadly, this is all very real.
We covered it in stomach-churning detail last December, in Endgame: Part I.
Most people in the inside world of the Deep State are not doing these
heinous things. Many of them didn't even know about it until fairly
That being said, some insiders have told me that "rank and file"
members of the FBI have been systematically blocked from investigating
elite pedophilia all along.
That, thankfully, has changed just since the end of last year... dramatically so.
The MIC SSP is now largely opposed to the Deep State, as is the Earth Alliance.
For years now we have been sharing details of a hyper-complex operation to expose, indict and arrest the Deep State.
Benjamin Fulford was telegraphing an operation of this nature as of
2007. I began getting personal leaks about it from Pete Peterson in
Once Corey came forward, he was "brought back in" by various groups and given detailed briefings on Alliance operations.
By 2011, I was regularly sharing intel I was hearing about a plan for "mass arrests" of top Deep State operatives.
Bear in mind that Pete Peterson alone was gathering intel from well over 20 completely different sources within the Alliance.
It appeared that the arrests would involve military operations in
multiple key areas here in America and around the world to grab the bad
We were also told to expect a possible disruption of goods and services
for up to two weeks -- and therefore to have stored food and water on
hand, good for at least that length of time.
Furthermore, the insiders told us that when the Deep State was treading
very close to the boundary of this type of full defeat, they would
start releasing some of the "Crown Jewels" they have been holding on to.
What we are seeing in the media just since our
last article in November makes it seem quite obvious that this is now taking place.
However, let's not get too caught up in the Tom DeLonge group's announcement.
That is only one of a whole constellation of "options" for disclosure that are being put out there.
The Deep State wants to have multiple back-up plans -- even dozens --
in the event that any one, or a series of options becomes compromised or
otherwise useless in some way.
They may back off of the plans to use the
"Antarctic Atlantis" storyline after we so thoroughly exposed it, beginning last December, as an example.
With that in mind, let's take a look at some of the stories that are
emerging, and add in the insider perspective we have on them from Corey
and others.
The first relevant piece of data concerns a very large new chamber that
was announced in the Great Pyramid as of November 2nd, 2017.

11/2: New Chamber Discovered Inside the Great Pyramid
11/2: Great Pyramid’s Hidden Chamber Revealed

According to multiple insiders, the Deep State operatives are already well aware of this chamber and its contents.
This huge, hidden room may very well be what John Ora Kinnaman discovered in or around 1922, in the enigmatic story of
Kinnaman's Entrance.
This archived article goes into great detail on the subject. Noted scholar
Andrew Collins believed Kinnaman may have been creating fantasy stories.
Nonetheless, our insiders have confirmed that this chamber in the Great
Pyramid has been known about for some time, and plans are in place to
reveal it to us.
They may discover a "secret passageway" that leads into this chamber,
where they then dazzle us with the obviously ET, high-tech toys and
artifacts we have heard are still inside.
Since the Deep State occult religion is very Pyramid-centric, this
might help cement their narrative that their belief system came from
"the gods."
Less than two weeks after this announcement, on November 14th, another
enigmatic "new discovery" was announced at the Mayan pyramid of
In this case, the stories refer to it as a "secret passageway" that was
discovered, which leads to a "natural underground cave" or cenote that
the pyramid was built over.
The hint of this cave can be seen in the below image where it says "Cavidad," or cavity.

11/14: Secret Passageway Found Under Mayan Temple
A secret passageway has been discovered under a 1,000-year-old Mexican pyramid....
The new discovery of the underground passage is believed to lead to a
cenote or water-filled cave at the Temple of Kikulkan in Mexico’s
Chichen Itza....
At present, the team have discovered the passage, although have not
physically explored it yet as it’s currently blocked by a smaller burial
chamber known as the Ossuary.
Dr de Anda told El Universal: ‘Through the Ossuary, we can enter the
cave beneath the structure and there we found a blocked passageway,
probably closed off by the ancient Mayans themselves.
‘We will enter again and this time we will try to open it to see if the
passageway leads us to the entrance of the cenote beneath the pyramid.’
Once again, we are told that this underground chamber has already been
entered and explored by Deep State operatives, and has ET relics that
would not disappoint us in the least.
Remember that Tom DeLonge's team is aiming to fund a Lockheed-inspired
anti-gravity craft that may be based on crashed extraterrestrial
It is any coincidence, then, that on the day after the Mayan chamber
was announced, we were told about an Earth-size, possibly habitable
planet right next door?
Think about it... if some type of SSP is announced, and the craft
already exist, we could "pop over" there in no time -- just like the
"Art's Parts" grandfather suggested the ETs had done at Roswell.
11/15: Earth-Size Planet May Be Habitable 11 Light Years Away
11/15: Nearby Earth-Sized World May Be Best Candidate Yet for ET Life
Another tantalizing planet has been found outside our Solar System: an
Earth-sized world that’s our cosmic next-door neighbor — and it could be
in just the right spot to host life.
Meet Ross 128 b, a newly discovered planet found orbiting around a small, faint star known as a red dwarf.
The world, which is about one-and-a-half times the mass of Earth, may be in the star’s habitable zone, too.
(That’s the spot where temperatures are just right, possibly allowing liquid water to pool on a planet’s surface.)
Most exciting of all is that this planet is situated just 11 light-years away.
Just three days later, the Los Angeles Police Department announced that
they are investigating nearly 24 different criminal sexual cases in
11/18: LAPD Investigates Nearly 24 Sex Crime Cases Tied to Hollywood
Los Angeles police are investigating almost two dozen cases of alleged
criminal sexual misconduct connected to multiple people within the
entertainment industry, a senior department official told NBC News.
The cases involve individuals who are known publicly as well as others
who have not yet been identified, the official said Friday.
Allegations span from misdemeanor sexual battery to felony rape, and in
many cases, there are multiple complaints lodged against the same
individual, the official said. With calls from victims continuing to
roll in, the number of investigations is expected to rise.
While police have not said publicly who is under investigation, law
enforcement's response comes after a mounting list of Hollywood heavy
hitters, including Oscar-winner Kevin Spacey, have been accused of some
form of sexual misconduct.
Then, one week later, the number had jumped from less than 24 up to 28
open investigations in Hollywood, and 37 more in other areas. Take a
11/25: LAPD Reveals 28 Open Investigations Into Hollywood, 37 More in Other Jurisdictions
The LAPD says it has 28 open sex-crime investigations linked to Hollywood and the media, and that it expects more will come.
As well as the investigations it currently has open, the force has also
passed on 37 cases to other jurisdictions where it believes the crimes
may have occurred.
'We anticipate the LAPD and other jurisdictions will receive even more
high profile sex crime reports in the coming weeks and months,' Police
Chief Charlie Beck told the LA Times.
'We encourage all victims of sexual assault to come forward to report these crimes.'
That last sentence is very important. The LAPD is saying that even if
you have signed an NDA, as most have been forced to do, now is the time
to come forward.
When we add it up, we are talking about an astonishing sixty-five
different figures in the entertainment world now under investigation.
However, as we study the very exciting subject of recent, sealed
indictments, there appear to be at least 4,289 cases now in progress.
A sealed indictment may be filed in a case where an organized crime syndicate is under active investigation.
This allows the authorities to nab certain individuals in the cartel,
without making a public statement of who is being targeted.
It is now a provable fact that the number of sealed indictments on the
current Federal record is vastly higher than usual, by orders of
Read this excerpt for the provable details, obtained from the legal website:
11/27: 4289 Sealed Federal Indictments / Cases in All 94 Federal Districts

From October 30 through November 22, 2017, there are 4,289 sealed
indictments filed in past 3 weeks in all 94 federal District Court
Districts in the United States. This is utterly unprecedented in US
The "normal" is 1000 in 12 months.
[DW: Notice there are a total of 687 different indictments in the four federal districts of California alone.]
Scuttlebutt from my former colleagues in the Intel Community is
that the feds are going to "swoop" all of them in one massive action,
to "drain the swamp."...
At the link below is the PROOF, taken directly from United States District Court computers via the
Access to
Records ( system, which is the automated filing system for ALL United States federal courts.
These official court records show that
between October 30 and
November 22, 2017, a grand total of 4,289 SEALED Indictments/Cases now
have docket Numbers from various federal courts. This has NEVER happened
Yes, there have been occasional SEALED cases- maybe three or four per
District. It was previously considered "unusual" to have five or six
such sealed cases.
Now, in some Districts, there are several HUNDRED such sealed cases,
all filed between October 30 and November 22, 2017 ----- about three
The most remarkable feature of this Hal Turner update is the production
of what appears to be the actual search warrant for Anthony Weiner's
We have covered this story before. Weiner apparently had a folder on
this computer entitled "Life Insurance," which had multiple, highly
incriminating pieces of evidence in it.
This apparently includes photos and videos of extremely high-level Deep
State personnel involved in pedophilia, satanic activities and so
Alex Jones has been claiming in recent weeks that he has gotten to see
some of this "disgusting" content, and it included footage of "an orgy
on Air Force One," (one of) the (former) presidents' planes.
Here is the first page of the warrant, dated almost exactly a year ago: December 20th, 2016.

If you go through this entire document, you will read statements about the Clinton emails that were found in the laptop.
Most interesting is entire pages where much of the text has been blanked out.
It appears that these multiple blanked-out passages have “smoking gun”
intelligence that has paved the way for the indictments.
This could very well include highly upsetting, Pizzagate-related content.
Number 3 on this next page clearly mentions that damning information related to Hillary Clinton was found on the laptop:

Clinton is again mentioned on page 9 of the document, along with one of many large chunks of "sealed" text:

The last page of the indictment, seen below, said that the full
contents of this information is "not known to (blank) or the public."
In this case, the "blank" may very well be Hillary herself. Notice also
that the investigating agent's name was blanked out for his / her own

The 4,289 sealed indictments are a provable fact, as are the contents
of this document... which again are "not known to (Hillary) or the
I recommend visiting the Hal Turner website to read more of the details on this stunning case.
Various insiders such as Mega Anon, who we are now in contact with, has
said Hillary is already wearing a GPS bracelet because of this and
other sealed indictments.
She is apparently hiding it by wearing a surgical boot out in public.
On December 14th, the Daily Mail and other outlets noted that
Hillary was still wearing the boot two months after allegedly breaking her toe, which is unusual.
Two days after the LAPD called for anyone and everyone to come forward
with information against Hollywood elite perversions, another major
disclosure event occurred.
NASA announced that a bizarre, cigar-shaped "asteroid" had been spotted tumbling end-over-end through our solar system.

It was given the Hawaiian-sounding name Oumuamua -- and this obviously looked much more like a spacecraft than an asteroid.
11/20: NASA’s Cigar-Shaped, Interstellar “Asteroid” (Summary of Articles)
Almost immediately, people began speculating that this was much more like a spaceship than an asteroid.
It also triggered a raft of hilarious internet memes, such as this Cheech and Chong-inspired spoof:
Exactly three weeks after NASA first announced the existence of this
very strange object, the MSM began exploding with speculation of its ET
Bear in mind that this was December 11th... only five days before the epic Tom DeLonge mass disclosure event:
12/11: Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Could be Artificial, ET Investigators Suggest
It could turn out to be the greatest discovery humanity has ever made.
Scientists are planning to investigate a mysterious cigar-shaped
asteroid which entered our solar system to see if it’s an alien probe.
The strange space rock has been named A/2017 U1, or ‘Oumuamua, and is
the first asteroid seen arriving in our galactic neighbourhood after
speeding through interstellar space – the name for the blank and vast
void between stars.
The 400 metre-long asteroid
may have been travelling through space on its lonely journey for hundreds of millions of years before it was snared by the sun’s gravitational pull.
But scientists from Breakthrough Listen project think there’s a small
chance it’s a spaceship built by some advanced civilisation.
A telescope will now be trained on the object to see whether it’s
producing any signals – which would indicate it’s alien in origin – or
whether it’s just a plain old asteroid on a solitary path through the
The unidentified object is up to 800 metres long but very thin and
elongated. It is bright red and appears to have been blasted by cosmic
It zoomed through the solar system at a speed of about 60,000 miles per
hour before catapulting out into space again to continue its solitary
trek between the stars.
However, its strange shape offers few clues about how it was formed, boosting speculation about its artificial origins.
Could it actually be a reconnaissance craft sent out by an alien mothership?
Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist from Harvard University thinks there’s a
small chance that the asteroid could finally reveal whether humanity is
alone in the universe.
‘Perhaps the aliens have a mothership that travels fast and releases
baby spacecraft that freely fall into planetary systems on a
reconnaissance mission,’ Loeb told Scientific American.
‘In such a case, we might be able to intercept a communication signal between the different spacecraft.’
Here is another example of many articles that speculated on the same idea:
12/11: Cigar-Shaped Asteroid Being Investigated For Signs of ET Tech
Then on December 14th, it was announced that Stephen Hawking, our
modern-day Einstein, was leading an investigation on whether this was an
exterrestrial probe.
Bear in mind that this was now only two days before the epic DeLonge
surprise disclosure announcement. Was this why they made him wait?
12/14: Stephen Hawking Leading Investigation Into Whether Massive Space Object is ET Mothership
The mysterious cigar-shaped object, dubbed “Oumuamua”, soared past Earth last month.
It travelled unimaginable distances at almost 200,000mph.
And now a scientific body, led by Mr Hawking, is trying to find out if
the object is an alien probe or a previously unseen natural
Hawking and his colleagues at Breakthrough Listen said: “Researchers
working on long-distance space transportation have previously suggested
that a cigar or needle shape is the most likely architecture for an
interstellar spacecraft, since this would minimise friction and damage
from interstellar gas and dust.”...
Scientists believe the space rock is made of alien metal and has been ravaged by cosmic rays over millions of years.
Just to give you a teaser of what Corey is feverishly writing up for
Part Three of this new series, this object apparently IS an
extraterrestrial spacecraft.
The MIC SSP, as we said, has craft that can travel throughout our solar system -- and has had them for many years.
According to Sigmund, they have already flown out to this object, landed on it and managed to find a way inside.
Corey was lucky enough to see actual video of the interior. This was one case where I definitely felt jealous.
Most of the technology in the object was long since cleaned out.
Nonetheless, there is a stunning treasure-trove of super-advanced goodies inside.
The MIC SSP now feel our technology will make quantum leaps by examining, studying and emulating this technology.
They have advanced chronometric dating systems that suggest the object is over a billion years old.
This ties it back in with the enigmatic "Ancient Builder Race," which
apparently left ruined, glass-like pyramids, domes and obelisks all over
our solar system.
The Ancient Builder Race is heavily discussed in the second half of
The Ascension Mysteries, based on reports from multiple insiders.
Most excitingly, there are apparently three different types of beings in advanced stasis fields inside the craft.
Written inscriptions have also helped to give us possible insights into this mysterious culture.
I know, I get it... this sounds crazy. Just remember what you read here. It may "go mainstream" a lot sooner than we think.
Add it up: the MSM is already heavily teasing that they have
interstellar-capable craft, that habitable worlds are nearby, and this
"asteroid" may be a ship.
Hidden chambers in pyramids of Giza and Kukulcan may have artifacts in
them that directly relate to what we will find in Oumuamua.
On this same day, December 14th, we had the MSM declare that Hillary was still wearing her suspicious surgical boot:
12/14: Hillary Wearing Surgical Boot TWO MONTHS After Alleged Broken Toe
We also heard the surprising news that Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the
House of Representatives, was stepping down in the near future:
12/14: Paul Ryan Stepping Down

Of course, the usual reasons such as wanting to spend more time with his family were given.
However, in light of the 4,289 sealed indictments and the raging #MeToo
campaign, the timing of this is more than a little suspicious.
Now we are finally back to the point in our timeline where this article
began. Here again are some of the many links that flourished at the
12/16: The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs
12/16: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program
12/16: Two Navy Airmen and an Object That “Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen”
MSNBC: UFO Pentagon Program
CBS: Government UFO Program
CNN: We May Not Be Alone
Washington Post: The Aliens Are Coming -- And No One Cares
UK Independent: US Gov Recovered Material They Do Not Recognize from UFO
Fox News: Out of This World Encounter
12/18: The Most Intriguing Details in the Pentagon UFO Reports
12/18: Govt Admits UFO Studies. So About Those Area 51 Conspiracy Theories…
For decades, Americans were told that Area 51 didn’t really exist and
that the U.S. government had no official interest in aliens or UFOs.
Statements to the contrary, official-sounding people cautioned, were probably the musings of crackpots in tinfoil hats.
Well, score one for the crackpots.
The Pentagon has officially confirmed that there was, in fact, a $22
million government program to collect and analyze “anomalous aerospace
threats” — government-speak for UFOs.
Right in the thick of all this excitement, on December 19th, the top
story on Drudge Report was of a remarkable and secret new plane from
This was exactly the type of craft we were told would start being released to the public in the "Partial Disclosure" scenario.
I go through multiple slides of this sort of craft, as seen in predictive Hollywood movies, beginning at 2:07:04 in
The Antarctic Atlantis, a YouTube video with over 1.2 million views.
Furthermore, Goode and other insiders have said that once they
declassify anti-gravity, the rotor-style propellers would be replaced
with anti-gravity generating engines.
If you
start at precisely 2:10:28, you can hear the exact moment where I predicted that very thing on stage in February of this year.

12/19: Drudge Top Story: Boeing Unveiling Secret VTOL Plane
The radical design combines fixed-wing technology from planes with rotary-wing technology from helicopters.
This same day, December 19th, we heard results from initial analyses of Oumuamua.
It continues to defy expectations. It does not at all have the
characteristics of a comet, as would be expected -- and it is very, very
12/19: The Icy Secrets of an Interstellar Visitor (Oumuamua)
The earliest analysis of the light from ‘Oumuamua, conducted by its discoverers in Hawaii,
a strange, fast-spinning, cigar-like object unlike anything they’ve
ever seen. The latest analyses continue to produce tantalizing results,
further challenging long-standing predictions for the first visitor to
our solar system.
‘Oumuamua has a thick crust of carbon-rich material, hardened by years
of exposure to cosmic radiation in interstellar space, that could be
protecting an icy interior, according to a new
analysis in
Nature Astronomy of the object in visible and near-infrared wavelengths.
The coating could explain why
‘Oumuamua shows no signs of being a comet, the kind of object scientists long expected would coast into our solar system.
‘Oumuamua didn’t show signatures of ice or minerals found in rock,
which means it’s neither icy nor rocky, at least not exactly. But it did
show signs of carbon compounds....
If ‘Oumuamua has ice, as a comet would, it may be hiding beneath a mantle half a meter thick, formed after
hundreds of millions—perhaps even billions—of years of bombardment by high-energy particles.
This one may appear to be a stretch, but then again maybe not.
If the Deep State truly has an elaborate presence in space, it wouldn't
be hard for them to sculpt an asteroid with a death-like skull symbol
using mining machines.
The skull and crossbones, after all, is one of the most common symbols
of the Cabal. And this asteroid does look "too good to be true," in the
natural sense.
It is also interesting to note that this creepy asteroid last came by
on the ritually significant date of All Hallow's Eve -- and was
announced as returning again, exactly on the Winter Solstice.
Both dates are of key significance in the occult religion of the Deep State.

12/21: Skull-Shaped Asteroid To Make Close Pass By Earth
· The space rock first passed our planet on October 31, 2015, in time for Halloween
· Experts studying the 2015 flyby published a paper detailing their observations
The comet's approach led to claims that it could spell doom for planet Earth
· Its comeback will give scientists opportunity to study the strange object again
Halloween has very dark origins in European history as the day called Samhain, which featured human sacrifices.
The Winter Solstice is the darkest, most difficult day of the year due to it having the latest sunrise and earliest sunset.
If the features of this asteroid were deliberately sculpted by the Deep
State, it could have been intended to give a subconscious message of
"death from space."
One of the bullet points in the list at the top of the article said, "it could spell doom for planet Earth."
This could again be used as a type of occult foreshadowing, in an
attempt to get the public fearing an "alien invasion" in light of the
"sanctioned disclosure" now underway.
Nope. Not buying it. Sorry, guys.
Also on 12/21, the content-aggregator site Digg, which pools the most
popular articles online, had a feature entitled "Aliens Definitely
12/21: Digg – Aliens Definitely Exist
Oh Hell Yeah Baby, Aliens Are Definitely Real
By now, you've probably already read that the Pentagon was secretly
investigating reports of unidentified flying objects from 2007 to 2012.
They have the videos. They have the freaking alloys. Alloys!
I know you know all this. But I just want to point out two things.
First, I think it's fantastic that we're all just excited and welcome
the existence of extra terrestrials on this planet. Not in a delusional
"Abduct me baby!" kind of a way, but "Heck, this planet could use an
outside actor to really come in and shake things up."
This planet has been running on autopilot for the past few millennia,
it's about dang time some consultants come in and determine if humanity
really is all it's cracked up to be.
Second, the group that now possess the alloys, To the Stars Academy of
Arts and Sciences, was co-founded by none other than Blink 182 frontman
Tom DeLonge.
We are now aware of the presence of aliens because of the guy who released an album called "Take Off Your Pants And Jacket."
Incredible. What a small world and universe we live in.
Google has exhibited enormous criminal behavior in their mass,
unconstitutional censorship of content on YouTube, Gmail, their
search-engine results, and so on.
Another sign that the Alliance's plans are really working occurred when
Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, announced his sudden

This occurred amidst rumors that he was a serial womanizer:
12/21: Google Exec Chairman Stepping Down in Surprise Announcement
Eric Schmidt shocked Silicon Valley with a surprise announcement Thursday
that he’s stepping down as executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet....
But the timing of Schmidt’s sudden move — along with the fact that
Alphabet waited three days to disclose that Schmidt had told the company
he was stepping down, according to a filing — raised questions.
Schmidt is a known womanizer despite being married for 37 years to
Wendy Schmidt, who said in 2012 they started living separate lives
because she felt like “a piece of luggage” following him around the
As if everything else I've shared with you wasn't enough, on 12/21, top
scientists announced that "life in the universe is common."
This paves the way for Oumuamua to be an ancient spaceship, for Roswell
to have been a genuine extraterrestrial craft, and so much more.
Take a look:
12/21: Ancient Fossil Microorganisms Indicate Life in the Universe is Common
A new analysis of the oldest known fossil microorganisms provides
strong evidence to support an increasingly widespread understanding that
life in the universe is common.
The microorganisms, from Western Australia, are 3.465 billion years old.
Scientists from UCLA and the University of Wisconsin–Madison report
today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
that two of the species they studied appear to have performed a
primitive form of photosynthesis, another apparently produced methane
gas, and two others appear to have consumed methane and used it to build
their cell walls.
The evidence that a diverse group of organisms had already evolved
extremely early in the Earth’s history — combined with scientists’
knowledge of the vast number of stars in the universe and the growing
understanding that planets orbit so many of them — strengthens the case
for life existing elsewhere in the universe, because it would be
extremely unlikely that life formed quickly on Earth but did not arise
anywhere else.
“By 3.465 billion years ago, life was already diverse on Earth; that’s
clear — primitive photosynthesizers, methane producers, methane users,”
said J. William Schopf, a professor of paleobiology in the UCLA College,
and the study’s lead author.
“These are the first data that show the very diverse organisms at that
time in Earth’s history, and our previous research has shown that there
were sulfur users 3.4 billion years ago as well.
“This tells us life had to have begun substantially earlier and it
confirms that it was not difficult for primitive life to form and to
evolve into more advanced microorganisms.”
Schopf said scientists still do not know how much earlier life might have begun.
“But, if the conditions are right, it looks like life in the universe should be widespread,” he said.
As we will explore in Section Two, also on this same day, the Winter
Solstice, December 21st, another surprise attack was pulled against the
Deep State.
Many operatives had their money, and all access to further money, frozen as of the wee hours of December 21st.
They woke up to find there was nothing left in their bank accounts, whether on or off the books, and no way to get more.
Here is a bit of the text of the order, which we will read in more detail in Section Two:
12/21: Declaration of National Emergency For Serious Human Rights Abuses Worldwide
....This Executive Order... [is] declaring a
national emergency
with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national
security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by
serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world….
The order blocks the property and interests in property of persons listed in the Annex to the order.
It also blocks the property and interests in property of any foreign
person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with
the Secretary of State and the Attorney General:
(1) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have
directly or indirectly engaged in, serious human rights abuse;
(2) to be
a current or former government official, or
a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is
responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged
(a) corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the
expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to
government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or
bribery; or
(b) the transfer or the facilitation of the transfer of the proceeds of corruption….
We will inevitably get comments from people who are terrified by this,
and say it is a Hitler-type attempted takeover of the US government.
Let's be clear, again, that I never thought I would have anything nice to say about Donald J. Trump in the past.
That being said, his candidacy was supported by the Alliance, and the
Alliance is calling the shots in the decisions that are being made --
not the Deep State.
This is a mess for many people, who are not seeing anything positive
come out of this, and in fact are terrified -- as the MSM has taught
them to be.
The briefings I have received have painted a very, very different picture, as we will again cover more in Section Two.
There is clearly a civil war going on between Deep State elements, such as the CIA-controlled MSM, and this administration.
Friday night, December 22nd, shortly after dark, my phone started buzzing. And buzzing. And buzzing. And buzzing.
I didn't check it at first, but then I wondered what in the world was going on.
Friends of mine from Venice all the way to Joshua Tree were breathlessly encouraging me to "go outside right now!"
Sure enough, there in my backyard was a staggering sight -- the
gorgeous, glowing remnant of a SpaceX rocket launch by none other than
Elon Musk.
This was unannounced, and traumatized many people. Was it a missile attack from North Korea? Was it a UFO? Were we OK?
I ended up consoling each of my friends who wrote in. I knew right away
it was just going to be a missile test. Similar things had happened
Once again, we had the Deep State seemingly coordinating moves like this to achieve a greater overall purpose.
Almost immediately, it became the top story on the Drudge Report:
The very next morning after this epic sighting, right before Christmas
on December 23rd, the DeLonge disclosure went even farther than it had
Headlines were now saying that UFOs had been proven to exist beyond any reasonable doubt whatsoever:
12/23: Fmr Pentagon Chief: UFOs Proved “Beyond Reasonable Doubt”
Earth may well have been visited by UFOs from outer space, the former
head of a secret US government programme has told The Telegraph.
Luis Elizondo said
the existence of supremely advanced
unidentified aircraft, using technology that did not belong to any
nation, had been "proved beyond reasonable doubt".
Until two months ago, from his office on the fifth floor of The
Pentagon, Mr Elizondo, a career intelligence officer, ran the
innocuously named Advanced
Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which was funded with $22 million in "black ops money" from Congress.
The existence of the real-life X-Files department, which began in 2007, was revealed this week and confirmed by the Pentagon.
In an interview with the Telegraph, Mr Elizondo said
much of what he could discuss was still classified.
All of this is very exciting. It appears to be confirming an epic dream
I had a few months ago, in which I was told that disclosure would
The dream said everything I've been working to achieve throughout my
entire career would soon be coming true. And even before the end of
2017, it is already starting to happen.
As we head into Section Two of this report, we will delve into what the
new briefings have told us about the Alliance's plans to defeat the
Deep State once and for all.
Hits: 116,800
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Joe Myers
Thank you for sharing your musical gifts.
You and your
friend are far into the vortex of the creative stream, focused and
allowing the force field to generate maximum interpretive strength
through you,creativity in action.
The human musical spiritual instrument is blessedly served through your talent.
you so much for demonstrating the rare taste, feel and execution of the
percussion while remaining the observer with gifted sensitivity while
your friend joins in kind.
As a fellow wanderer and RA Material student I send you,your friend and your work Light and Love as you proceed on your path.
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