Saturday, December 16, 2017

Senator Charles Grassley Admits He is a Luciferian

Charles Grassley: Luciferian.

This is the statement that got Charles Grassley to kill the nomination of Jeff Mateer for a Federal Judgeship. What did Mateer do? He dared to speak the TRUTH in a sea of Cultural Marxist destruction of what it means to be a human being.

In one talk, Jeff Mateer said he had heard about an elementary school child who was transgender and commented: “It just really shows you how Satan’s plan is working, and the destruction that’s going on.”

BTW, there are NO Transgender Children, unless the poor unfortunate child is in the Brainwashed Control of BEASTS. And such psyche-control is CHILD ABUSE and the person controlling the child needs to be removed from the child permanently.

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