Butch Robinson
Is Donald Trump running against Jeb Bush, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ted Cruz, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Marco Rubio, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Rand Paul, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ben Carson, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Chris Christi, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Carly Fiorina, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ted Cruz, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Marco Rubio, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Rand Paul, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ben Carson, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Chris Christi, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Carly Fiorina, no not really.
And if Clinton, Sanders or Biden is the Democrat nominee, Donald Trump won't be running against them either.
Donald Trump is threatening a COUNTER-REVOLUTION!
He is running against the Globalist Elite that own the Republican and Democrat Parties,
and own the Media,
that own all the Spin Doctors.
He is running against the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and Radio Media, all of he major news papers and most of the small so-called independent newspapers, and 99 percent of the publishing houses; The Elite that Own and Control the Federal Reserve, and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, that have literally plunged our nation into generational debt to finance their WORLD CONQUEST AGENDA, while robbing us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
Donald Trump is threatening a COUNTER-REVOLUTION!
He is running against the Globalist Elite that own the Republican and Democrat Parties,
and own the Media,
that own all the Spin Doctors.
He is running against the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and Radio Media, all of he major news papers and most of the small so-called independent newspapers, and 99 percent of the publishing houses; The Elite that Own and Control the Federal Reserve, and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, that have literally plunged our nation into generational debt to finance their WORLD CONQUEST AGENDA, while robbing us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda, from the Rockefeller Foundation, and the likes of George Soros, UNESCO to USAID.
You need to FOCUS and decide, whether or not you want another Globalist Puppet of the Elite, or an America FIRST Nationalist, with a 30 plus year history of advocating and America FIRST Agenda.