Wednesday, April 30, 2014
The Ghost of the Republic
The Ghost of the Republic
The National Emergency Act passed by Congress and signed into law by President Gerald Ford on September 14th 1976 was touted as "legislation to limit open-ended declarations of national emergency.”
But in 1977, a provision of that act, “the Declaration of National Economic Emergency” was brought into question. It became obvious to Congress that the “trading with the enemy” provision had become a cart blanch Presidential Power, removed from the reality of whether the “enemy” was indeed the enemy or not, whether any threat existed or not. The enemy was the enemy simply because the President “declared it so” by his word alone. It simply required a “Declaration of Economic Emergency” by the president.
Some sounded the alarm in Congress:
The National Emergency Act "has become essentially an unlimited grant of authority for the President to exercise, at his discretion, broad powers in both the domestic and international economic arena, without congressional review. These powers may be exercised so long as there is an unterminated declaration of national emergency on the books, whether or not the situation with respect to which the emergency was declared bears any relationship to the situation with respect to which the President is using the authorities" H. Rep. No. 95-459, at 7 (1977)
Remember, this was AFTER the bill was ceremoniously passed, just a year before, to reign in the abuses witnessed by Nixon's Imperial Presidency, where he secretly warred on Sovereign Nations, held the fact of the WAR from both Congress and the American people. One telling exposure about the size of this presidential abuse (the size of his secret army of mercenaries and henchmen) is that at that time “Air America” the covert U.S. Air Force, was larger than any single domestic American Airlines. (Note* Air America is "shorthand" for all covert American Air Operations.) It was a massive operation of bombers, fighters, and supply craft. The psyops of Government/Hollywood, created a meme YOU hold in your minds of Air America as "a bunch of obsolete aircraft, piloted by has-beens, drunks, ne'er-do-wells and tragically stained but patriotic heroes." When what they have been instead is a massive murderous very efficient Black Opts army that has wrecked havoc and hell upon this planet. They are in fact and practice, the enforcement arm of the New World Order. They were then, they are NOW.
These previous paragraphs give you the essence of the building of Presidential Powers of Emergency, how nearly 40 years ago, they had already become “unstuck” from any reality of “threat” or “actual emergency.” How, by a “non-terminated declaration of national emergency on the books” presidents operated enormous secret power, (having at his disposal a massive secret army) that did not have to be disclosed to Congress or the American people “whether or NOT the situation with respect to which the emergency was declared (had any bearing) or any relationship to the situation with respect to which the President is using the authorities.” Both domestically and internationally. Read it again, both domestically and internationally.
This secret power of Dictatorship has been in a process of revealing itself, purposely and accidentally for decades. Since 1999 they have been openly rubbing it in our faces and sadly too many suffer psychological brain-death (I am speaking literally) and are as uncomprehending of this open, bullying and brutal display as would be a ZOMBIE.
We lived for a period of 25 years with Presidential Powers being unrestricted and no one (or few) seemed to notice until after 9/11/2001. The first person to gain any bit of national attention, sounding the alarm about the abuse of Presidential Powers under the Emergency Power Act was Frank J Murray in the Washington Times, an article entitled “Wartime Presidential Powers Supersede Liberties,” (Washington Times, Sept. 18, 2001, pp. A1, A12.)
Murray wrote that George Bush's Declaration of National Emergency (DNE) “activated some 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing him to impose censorship and martial law.” That was perceptive but it was still the understatement of the century. (BTW, FEMA changed the name of "martial law and quarantine" in 2014 to 'sheltering in place' ‘community centers’ 'community health and safety control.')
Yet even that little bit of belated light was tried to be covered over by the government in a report by the Congressional Research Service written by Harold C. Relyea, entitled “Martial Law and National Emergency” where he countered that contrary to Frank Murray's claim, “In accordance with the requirements of the National Emergencies Act, the President’s declaration actually activated nine selective provisions of statutory law, identified in his proclamation, pertaining to military and Coast Guard personnel.” This was both the truth and a lie. Yes the text of the DNE, named only the provisions he mentioned. The LIE was in the underlying power that the words by the President, 'therefore I Declare a State of National Emergency” held and hold, without regard to any other text in the Declaration. Remember those words above:
(The Declaration of Nation Emergency) “has become essentially an unlimited grant of authority for the President to exercise, at his discretion, broad powers in both the domestic and international . . . arena, without congressional review. These powers may be exercised so long as there is an unterminated declaration of national emergency on the books, whether or not the situation with respect to which the emergency was declared bears any relationship to the situation with respect to which the President is using the authorities.” Those doubters will of course notice that I left the words "economic" out. Why is because under the Emergency Power Law, what was true of a Declaration of National Economic Emergency, was in fact true of a simple Declaration of Nation Emergency, since the former is a subset of the latter. Reason dictates that the subset cannot have more power than the whole.
In short Murray was right, all those 500 provisions of laws some passed by congress and some via executive order ALL were empowered by a Declaration of National Emergency, but not particularly George Bush's Declaration. (more about this later.)
Relyea was seen to be a propagandist for the Totalitarian State, making awkward effort to cover its tracks.
Murray exposed only part of the reality of the moment. For had he written the truth of it, it would have been too shocking for any American Newspaper to print because no American was prepared to hear it. Few Americans could have processed the information and most cannot even to this day. Murray would have ended his career labeled a Nut Case and Kook had he told the whole truth of it. What was that truth? It was that The American Republic was FINISHED, and in fact we had for some decades lived in a Ghost Republic.
What is a Ghost Republic?
It is a Totalitarian State, maintaining the image of a Republic, where all biological functions of the Republic are DEAD. Pressing the analogy, those who function inside the pretense of “the Life of the Republic” can only do so if they themselves are dead, rather are Zombies. No living person, alive to Truth, can wallow in the crypt of a carcass and survive. Only those dead to truth, Zombies, may mistake putrefaction for the biological function of a living organism.
Funny how language jumps off the page sometimes.
"In 27 BC the Senate bestowed upon Octavian, great-nephew and adopted son of Caesar, the HONORARY title Augustus. As the first Emperor of Rome he was careful nevertheless to maintain the institutions of the Republic, and the fiction of their role in government." - Edward Gibbons, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
"In 2001, the Congress bestowed upon George W. Bush dictatorial powers under the Emergency Powers Act. As America's first Emergency Commander, he was careful to maintain the institutions of the Republic, and the fiction of their role in government, while he spied on every American Citizen and governmental official. Partly exposed, losing popularity because of ill advised wars, and fearing civil disturbance, and exposure of the new governmental form, he and those who controlled him, pretended the legitimacy of general elections, handed the Dictatorship, that is the power of the Emergency Commander to Barack Obama, the first American recognized as "more" than a President, Obama has been less careful about maintaining the illusion of governmental checks and balances, bragging in public about "going around congress" and ruling by executive fiat. He has used the PRISM program to control any opposition, ruling by executive fiat, making of Congress and the Supreme Court merely interesting debating houses, and tools of public manipulation, devoid of all power, in fact, a foolish spectacle for any person intelligent enough to grasp the reality of the situation.
Note: I thought it so very odd, that George W. Bush did not declare a state of emergency on 9/11, but waited two days. Then I remembered that 9/14/2001 was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Carter's signing the National Emergency Act 9/14/1976. These New World Order Criminals LOVE anniversaries. It is all a joke and a game to them. But maybe it was more serious than that, since the process to kill Constitutional Governance, was set in place on 9/14/1976, and by 9/14/2001 the Constitution was DEAD.
Why was Bush's Declaration of Nation Emergency just window-dressing?
“The National Emergency Act of September 14th 1976” was touted as legislation to “limit open-ended declarations of national emergency” but like most pieces of legislation had the opposite intent and purpose. In fact the very next Presidential Declaration of National Emergency, declared on November 14th 1979 (notice the 14th date) during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, has been continuously renewed ever since and was renewed by Obama in November of 2013. FACT, we have lived in a state of Emergency Totalitarian Governance" since 11/14/1979.
(Note: Frank J Murray was one of the few American Journalists who wrote articles around the edges of the MKUltra Program, which is the CIA's massive Mind Control and Child Abuse Program linked with the Franklin Coverup scandal, which was tied directly to George HW Bush, "White House mute on 'call boy' probe," Frank J. Murray, The Washington Times, July 7, 1989).
I had been beating the drums about the reality of our “constant state of national emergency," and the dictatorship that meant, since 1992. It was the result of research that began as I was recovering from a 1991 headon collision.
A reminder of the context:In February 1991, US Marshals began to developed a Threat Source Profile on Randy Weaver (Ruby Ridge). I was well into my research when on August 21, 1992, the federal assault happened at Ruby Ridge, killing members of Randy Weaver's family. Because of my research I knew what I was seeing when it seemed few if any did. It was the planned exposure of the Federal Police State in a now more militant, militarized and frightening dimension, designed to place fear in the hearts of “resisters” of the New World Order.
I wrote in March of 1992, in a secret news letter shared with several hundred Patriots, (which put me under constant FBI surveillance, multiple home searches and harassment, etc. The fact that my wife stayed with me during this insane time speaks to her love and true humanity in the face of Tyranny.)
“I am certain of what I am seeing and while others celebrate the fall of communism, nothing in my life so far has caused me so much concern and grief. Don't get me wrong, I HATE communism, and celebrate with joy for the people freed from Godless Totalitarian Rule, but it signals the end to the illusion of our own liberty. Why? Because few realize the massive American secret police state, the secret armies and operations, all created ostensibly for the purpose of the Cold War. What was legitimately needed and what has been constructed purely for American Totalitarian rule is hard to measure. But one thing is certain, no bureaucracies, or secret well financed armies and Cabals disband because of Peace. I am as certain as I am of my own hand writing this, that what has been accomplished is the creation of massive international secret armies and operations, all created for the purpose of the Totalitarian Rule of George Herbert Walker Bush's New World Order. It is no longer a conspiracy theory but a fact of history. After all, what wisdom is there in not taking him at his word.”
This understanding was only stamped with sad pain of reality when just a year later the Waco Massacre would be accomplished and the year after that the False Flag operation of Oklahoma City. Then there was the Kansas v Hendricks SCOTUS precedent in June of 1997 allowing for the indefinite detention of a person ruled SANE, but a danger to society, who had served out his sentence. SCOTUS ruled that for the "public good" Kansas could hold him. There went the Bill of Rights, the first case of incarceration without charge, without trial, without right of habeas corpus. That is the precedent upon which all the so called prophylactic laws are based - I screamed – few were listening. I announced to my extended family that following August that the Republic was over. Several had the wisdom to grasp what I was saying.
Following that was the charade of the Clinton Impeachment. I wrote much about the futility of the effort at the time, what a "timed distraction it was" exposing the fact that it was Kabuki play, and that Clinton had the power, under the Emergency Powers Act to order the Senate to find him not guilty. And he did. Those days from February 9th 1999 to February 12th 1999, when the Senate met in secret, it was a come to Jesus session where they were taught the new reality and ORDERED to acquit. I remember the shell-shocked faces of the Senators and Congressmen at the time. There was nothing joyful about the acquittal, it was an exercise in gruesome reluctance. The Republic was OVER and they ALL knew it for certain then. There was NO ambiguity. And from that time to this ANY of the political class who have resisted have been destroyed by the exposure of their own sins, jailed, suicided and/or murdered.
Rather than being humbled by Impeachment, Clinton, and his New World Order cronies, strutted their raw power, and in violation of International Law, in violation of the War Powers Act, without any input by Congress, and without U.N. Resolution, and in violation of NATO's charter, used NATO to Slaughter Christians in Kosovo. These Luciferians had announced their War on Christians with Waco. Kosovo was just an expansion of the same, as was the War in Iraq, the Muslim Brotherhood Coup d'etat in Egypt, the MB revolution in Libya, the present assault on Syria and many other “operations” by the U.S. Secret armies.
They operated a massive psyops campaign prior to and in the first days of the Kosovo War, that was leaked to me directly by a NATO intelligence officer. (my own brother-in-law). For his stand for Christian Truth, he was assassinated on his front lawn in the first days of the bombing campaign. Our church website where we had broken the story was shut down for three months. Just as you saw the “Trucker's Ride for the Constitution” site “disappeared” last October 2013, after the web-address was given on Fox News, a mere ten seconds later the site was GONE.
If you are foolish enough to think this is "conspiracy theory" you miss the point that everything I have just shared with you is PUBLIC RECORD. You can do the research if you doubt me. But the REAL Question IS:
Are you capable of waking up, reanimating your dead mind, throwing off the “false reality” that has been constructed for you with much psychological/behaviorist sophistication through the government/media/news/hollywood/net-disinformation? Are you capable of acting for your own LIBERTY against this massive Totalitarian Criminal Enterprise? Are you capable of joining us in the Battle that HAS TO HAPPEN? OR are you only capable of remaining a Zombie, wallowing about in the Ghost of the Republic, unable to extricate yourself from mental and spiritual DEATH and ultimately physical slavery and premature death? - Archpriest Symeon Elias.
Our American Totalitarian State
Wartime presidential powers supersede liberties
By Frank J. Murray
American Zombification
Spiritual and Intellectual Blindness.
I love being challenged, and a fellow pointed me to the US Code, concerning congress's power to terminate a declaration of national emergency. That page is linked here -
50 USC 1622: National emergencies
Text contains those laws in effect on August 23, 2014
But here is the pertinent text:
§1622. National emergencies
(a) Termination methods
Any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this subchapter shall terminate if-
(1) there is enacted into law a joint resolution terminating the emergency; or
(2) the President issues a proclamation terminating the emergency.
Any national emergency declared by the President shall be terminated on the date specified in any joint resolution referred to in clause (1) or on the date specified in a proclamation by the President terminating the emergency as provided in clause (2) of this subsection, whichever date is earlier, and any powers or authorities exercised by reason of said emergency shall cease to be exercised after such specified date, except that such termination shall not affect-
(A) any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;
(B) any action or proceeding based on any act committed prior to such date; or
(C) any rights or duties that matured or penalties that were incurred prior to such date.
That sounds great right! Except here is the ploy by which the president was given absolute control, (1) Through the open ended authorization to use military force, coupled with (2) the conditions of ending a state of national emergency.
The bulk of the law's reach boils down to one of the most powerful sentences ever written, only 60 words of the full law:
“That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons in order to prevent any future act of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations, or persons."
That open ended declaration/authorization triggers this part of the Emergency Powers Act, the "exceptions" that is what actions can continue following a termination of a declaration of national emergency. It read:
Any national emergency declared by the President shall be terminated on the date specified in any joint resolution referred to in clause
(1) or on the date specified in a proclamation by the President terminating the emergency as provided in clause
(2) of this subsection, whichever date is earlier, and any powers or authorities exercised by reason of said emergency shall cease to be exercised after such specified date, *** except that such termination shall not affect-
(A) *** any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;
(B)**** any action or proceeding based on any act committed prior to such date; or
The open ended authorization for the War On Terror, which will not end for decades or centuries makes terminating the declaration of national emergency meaningless. It isn't finished, it never will be - at least in our lifetimes. " any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;"
The Tyranny is always in the details.
Think about what an open ended declaration of force this is! "“That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines ***" That is the same power Stalin held in the Old Soviet Union.
And he can use that power, NOT according to what has in fact been proved to be true, merely "whom he determines" and this has been expanded by the NDAA, to allow "any appropriate high ranking federal official" the same power.
And here is the perpetual authorization "in order to prevent any future act of international terrorism." And the NDAA has expanded this to include also "domestic terrorism." Again the same power Stalin held, in perpetuity.
The War on Terror is so multifaceted, the NDAA, the NSA Omni-Surveillance, the powers granted North-Com, the operations of the CIA and State Department, the authorizations of the Patriot Act. Were they to go through the show of terminating the state of national emergency, it would be meaningless, because the War on Terror continues ( *** except that such termination shall not affect-
(A) *** any action taken or proceeding pending not finally concluded or determined on such date;).
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