Thursday, August 10, 2017

President Donald J. Trump Just Declared a State of National Emergency

President Donald J Trump declaring a National Emergency.

Guess what, Donald Trump just gave the Deep State Globalist another push back:

“The opioid crisis is an emergency, and I’m saying officially right now it is an emergency. It’s a national emergency. We’re going to spend a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money on the opioid crisis,” Mr. Trump said.

He continued, “It is a serious problem the likes of which we have never had…This is a national emergency and we are drawing documents now to so attest.”


The "experts" opined that, "Declaring an emergency under the Public Health Service Act, or the Stafford Act, would “empower” the administration, Mr. Christie’s commission said.

No, no. Trump has already orally and will follow up by documentation, "Declared a State of National Emergency" under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which in effect attests to his own knowledge that he cannot be impeached as an Emergency Powers President.

I wondered how long it would take him to shove the National Emergencies Act down the throats of the Globalist Puppets in Congress. I said in my last video, "The National Emergencies Act was the way the Globalist consolidated power over the American Government and the American people, but this consolidation of power in the person of the President was designed for their puppets, not for Trump, and not the NEA is the ONLY reason that Trump has not been impeached already."

This language from Trump, "I’m saying officially right now it is an emergency . . . This is a national emergency and we are drawing documents now to so attest” that fits the legal definition of the Act, the paperwork is just a proforma formality. It is also important that he stated this in public rather than with just a written notice to the leadership of the Congress and the Chief Justice. This is BEAUTIFUL.

Read this article and you will understand why I relieved that Trump knows he holds this power.

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