Wednesday, August 16, 2017
The Hypnotic Assault On Your Soul: They have turned you Marxist.
I wrote the guts of this lecture in 2007, hard to believe it was ten years ago. I've reworked it each time I've given it but only slightly to account for the people who are waking up.
The Holy Fathers wrote that to find sanity, and keep sanity you had to “guard the NOUS” and by that, they meant the spiritual intelligence. The older I get the more I realize how absolutely wise those men were.
Transcript of Video Lecture Below:
In 1923, Dr. Robert H Thouless, a Cambridge Psychologist, wrote some amazing things about the control of the masses in his text book, "An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion." It was the textbook used at Cambridge from the 1920s thru the 1960s. At the time, Radio was brand new. The first stations were licensed in 1922, and there were only a few stations in the world. So his reference for "mass hypnosis" was speaker and audience in a hall, lectures, and sermons, and emotional language in newspapers and other literature. Yet his understanding of the manipulation of people's minds stood the test of time and was taught throughout the "Era of Radio" which really ended in the 1950s as it was supplanted by T.V.
When talking about creating in others, emotions and thoughts not their own, but instilled through hypnotic suggestion, he taught the boilerplate lessons of light hypnosis and deep hypnosis and cautioned that light hypnosis is more powerful than deep hypnosis, in that someone can easily be placed in this state of light hypnosis, without knowing it. He described it this way, “A state of half-waking which immediately precedes or follows sleep is one in which suggestibility is very high.”
This has huge wisdom for us today since light hypnosis is the "currency" and "power" of Television. In other words, when you sit and watch the news, and it bores you, or even if the story is interesting they repeat it over and over, they are hypnotizing you, placing their thoughts in your subconscious, that later you will spout proudly as your own thoughts, sure that you are properly informed. And you won't just think the thoughts, you will FEEL them. You will hold emotion in what you know.
This works with the “moral suggestions” of entertainment as well, we buy the underlying morality the "programming" suggests. After all, we watch T.V. to “relax” to let go of our rational thoughts, plans, work, worries and how do we say it?, “to veg in front of the television” “watch a PROGRAM”. We don't examine the content of the PROGRAMS we watch, but instead, FEEL THEM EMOTIONALLY. We watch our favorite shows because of the ways those shows make us feel.
If you leave the Television on, while you do other things, then the “programmers” have direct access to your sub-conscious, since the subconscious records everything it hears, without a filter, without critical analysis, whether you are consciously hearing it or not. That droning emotional language they employ becomes not just your thought, but it becomes your “feelings” about whatever subject they are “conditioning” you to know.
I realized immediately after 911, that people were walking around in a deep hypnotic state. Their consciousness had been clearly altered, to the point that you could not say, “Hey, what they showed you is physically IMPOSSIBLE. Buildings cannot defy the LAWS of NATURE.” To utter such a statement meant people would curse you. I don't know what I would have done to preserve sanity in that insane society were it not for the wisdom of Saint Anthony's words, “There will come a time when men will go mad. They will take hold of you and say, 'YOU ARE MAD! YOU ARE NOT LIKE US.”' And it was literally true, men would become violent if you dared to question 911. And the culture was so thoroughly hypnotized that if you sought the truth of the event you were a “truther” a term planted in everyone's minds (emotions) by mass hypnosis of the media.
What condition do hundreds of hours of T.V. News, PROGRAMS, and Movies create in a person? Does it strengthen their information base? Does it groom their ability to absorb information with healthy skepticism, analyze the facts and come to a REASONED opinion? No. One cannot do this by hypnosis.
What did they know about this all the way back in the 1920s?
“Suggestibility is heightened by practice. A person who has been put frequently into the hypnotic state becomes increasingly suggestible. Dr. Rivers has pointed out, for example, that the object of the military drill is to heighten the suggestibility of the private soldiers so that they may respond immediately and unquestioningly to the commands of their officers. (Appendix to “Instinct and the Unconscious” Cambridge, 1921)”
We watch Television almost always in an “altered state,” a state that is “light hypnosis.” One cannot discover the truth of anything, until this habitual behavior of T.V, addiction is conquered, the set turned off, and watched only for short periods of time, “consciously” accepting and rejecting what is true and false according to the “principles” you have to develop away from this medium. And better, examining what is the purpose for each story, what is its psychological-operation. What is it they want you to FEEL.
Dr. Thouless further states, “The success of a suggestion also depends on how far it conflicts with the mental organization of the person receiving it – with his principles, prejudices, etc.”
But, what happens when all a person knows he has learned in a suggestible hypnotic state before the tube? Or via movies? What happens when the person does not actually have any principles NOT programmed by the Mind Control Experts. For that person, learning anything new, anything real has to feel like dying, like completely losing one's self.
“It will be received with difficulty if he has a well-organised system of belief or of principles of conduct with which it conflicts.”
This is why the media has pressed moral relativism and taught Solipsism, to remove from you, any principled ability to judge anything for yourself. The media constantly provides you with a false debate, a FAKE debate on Cable T.V., 24/7, created in the Brainwashing methods of the Hegelian Dialectic. You take one side or the other and argue the FALSEHOODS, day in and day out on social media.
“It (the hypnotic suggestions) will be received most readily if there is previously existing in his mind a disposition to accept it. It is not true (although it is often stated) that, even under hypnosis, a man can never be made to do anything he believes to be morally wrong.” Then he explains that the more often a person leaves themselves open to “suggestibility” the more the person's own principles can be subverted. And that in deep hypnosis, (what we today call Mind Control and Brainwashing) not only can a person's principles be subverted, but their core personality can be permanently altered.
Under MASSIVE Hypnosis, following 9/11 this society CHEERED as their last rights were taken away, as their legal system was destroyed, as Congress and the Court became mere “show bodies.” You see, you were not just asleep, you were engaged in the cause of your SLAVER, helping him . . . yessa-massa ... to enslave you, cheering for the enslaving laws, after all, we had those emotional phrases, “National Emergency” and “Patriot Act.” This is far worse than merely being asleep, this is sanity having been removed, this is a foreign set of values installed at your core, this is you becoming a functioning puppet, thinking and speaking thoughts that were antithetical to your SURVIVAL in Liberty and maybe, just maybe contrary to your physical survival as well. Time will tell.
In 2007 when I wrote, “Time will tell” I knew that any mass awakening would create Civil War. I didn't think I would live long enough to see it, but it came quickly and now we are in that Civil War. It is a massive psychological war, a MIND WAR, and the enormous psyops mechanism is whirling away in an almost hysterical fashion trying to re-hypnotize millions of people who are at least partly awake. The people in the Media, the Hypnotic Masters are CREATING this civil war and creating an ever increasing body count and bloody injury in the streets, and they are just getting started. We have to be aware of their psyop and smarter than we have been if we are going to win this war. Gone from our weapon arsenal are the effective small demonstrations because they will be met with violence and blamed on us. When we call a demonstration it has to be tens of thousands in a protected arena, Trump rallies serve this purpose, they cannot be stopped, they cannot be hijacked by the Marxists, and they are a powerful witness of the masses awake.
This is just the simplest most basic thesis on hypnotic suggestion, which I have outlined. One has to realize that the CIA Mind Control methods, discovered and perfected by decades of experimentation has dimensions not touched here, and is so very much more powerful than this simple premise I have outlined. And what I have outlined is HELLISHLY powerful.
The MIND WAR Luciferian Warriors have been conditioning you for decades, so that now, it is very, very difficult for the average person to view objective facts and then by logic, interpret what these facts mean and come to reasoned conclusions, in the REAL WORLD, so that one may then ACT with sanity. The operation of “emotional thinking” has replaced critical thinking, and people cling to what they “feel” is true, even when objective proof and clear evidence prove that what they “feel” is true, cannot in fact, in the real world, be TRUE.
Let me give you the most elementary lesson in “factual language” vs “emotional language” in the words of Dr. Thouless:
“WE can use language in more than one way. When we write or say such a sentence as "Rover is a dog", we are doing no more than stating a fact. Let us call this the ' factual ' use of language.
“Now let us suppose that one of Rover's grandparents was a collie, another was an Irish terrier, another a fox terrier, and the fourth a bulldog. We can express these facts by saying that he is a dog of mixed breed. Still, we have in no way gone beyond the use of language in a factual manner.
“Suppose, however, that we had called that same animal a 'mongrel'. The matter is more complicated. We have used a word which means the same in fact as does 'dog of mixed breed', but which also arouses in our hearers an emotional attitude of disapproval towards that particular dog. A word, therefore, can not only indicate a fact but can also suggest an emotional attitude towards it. Such suggestion of an emotional attitude does go beyond mere factual description because our approvals and disapprovals are individual— they belong to ourselves and not to the objects we approve or disapprove of. An animal which to the mind of its master is a faithful and noble dog of mixed ancestry may be a 'mongrel' to his neighbor whose chickens are chased by it.
In school curriculum since the time of Ronald Reagan to the present, children have been taught not to write in factual language but to use emotional language. They are literally taught that their writing must cause an emotional impact to be effective, even stating that the particular impact on each individual may be interpreted by that person differently, so the meaning of what you have written isn't as important as the emotional impact. All Marxist language is written this way. I call it squishy Marxist Language, open for each to read their own preconceived conditioning and prejudices into it. a Great portion of Vatican II is written in Marxist squishy language as was the paper produced by the pseudo-council of the Orthodox Churches on Crete. The recent document issued by Pope Francis, entitled
"Amoris Laetitia" is typical Marxist squishy language, designed to destroy the foundations of family, while pretending to praise it. It is an art, it is a science, it is both art and science and it is powerful.
The use of emotional language is the key to the impact of T.V. psyops programing. And the Marxists have created a laundry list of emotional words and phrases designed to instantly discredit the speaker. Even though I never report anything that is not fact based, because I expose the Cultural Marxist Mind War Operation, just as I am here with this lecture on the actual and real power of light and deep hypnosis, I am labeled a “Conspiracy Theorist.” Anyone and everyone who speaks outside of the false consciousness that has been masterfully constructed for you by the Cultural Marxists is called a “Conspiracy Theorist” or a “nut” or a “wacko” or a “truther.” That one "truther" is really the most cynical of all, where the Marxists labeled people who knew the 9/11 event was not as reported, and that the 9/11 commission report was fiction, as it did not and could not explain what actually happened in real time. Those people knowing that the laws of physics cannot be suspended for that particular event were labeled “rightly” Truthers if we take the literal meaning of the word. I've been a seeker of truth all my life, and Truther would be an apt description, were the word not tainted by the dismissive language instilled with the word in the Hypnotic Media. So we are left with the strange Twilight Zone situation where the people who believe in a physically impossible fantasy are sane and accepted, and those who recognize the fiction as fiction, who know the truth are “truthers” and rejected by implication as nutjobs, insane, stupid, clueless, conspiracy theorists.
Are you beginning to catch on to how this works? Sunday evening Rex Christi on the Liberty's Thunder Radio Show opened the show, calling everyone a racist. If you believe in Constitutional Principles, you are a racist. IF you voted for Donald Trump, you are a racist. If you believe in protecting American History and American's Historical Monuments, you are a racist! If you believe our Nation should have secure borders, you are a racist, etc., etc. He was pointing out the irony of it all. But the irony is lost on the truly hypnotized masses. I know people who are really this hypnotized by the Media and actually believe these things and many more ridiculous things. They have been conditioned to KNOW these lies. You saw Hillary Clinton trying to consolidate her base and the minions of the psyops media cooperate to label every Trump supporter as homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, etc. (get the tape of Hillary Clinton's Deplorable Speech – homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic etc., etc.,)
Hillary used the terms in-artfully, however her truly hypnotized believers believed her to their core. It is not rational, it is hypnotized, conditioned, emotional, demonic bondage. They have been emotionally conditioned to know. I follow a sad victim of this hypnotic emotional prejudice and hatred on YouTube named Frank Schaeffer. Here is an example of Frank describing Donald Trump's first six months in office. He tells us nothing about it but speaks in the emotional language to which he has been hypnotized and not a single thought is factual or original. It is a typical example of Cultural Marxist Hypnosis. He FEELS to his CORE these things are true. No actual events that happened in those six months exist for him, he cannot see them, he cannot know them, but he is perfectly comfortable with his own hatred.
(Clip contained in video above)
I share these examples so you can see the hypnotized state. Frank is an intellectual, a best selling author, he has been propped up by the Cultural Marxist Establishment, appeared on Oprah, been wined and dined by presidents and dignitaries, etc. Yet he is insane, totally insane, spouting emotional talks almost every day devoid of facts and factual language, awash with emotional fiction and his fellow hypnotized victims think he is a genius. It is really a sad, sad sight.
Again Dr. Thouless:
“Once we are on the look-out for this difference between factual and emotional meanings, we shall notice that words which carry more or less strong suggestions of emotional attitudes are very common and are ordinarily used in the discussion of such controversial questions as those of politics, morals, and religion. This is one reason why men can go on discussing such questions without getting much nearer to a rational solution of them.”
This emotional language of the internet Atheists is a prime example of this. They boil-over with hate-filled dismissive language toward anyone who dares to believe in a "creator." Anyone sane enough to understand that there is encoded information in the simplest protein in the simplest cell. This is the science but we are fools to believe it.
This art of “emotional language” is the entire structure of T.V. News. (Stricture as in restricting-structure) None of it is objective. It is factual only coincidentally and fiction most of the time. Any FACT that would challenge the Cultural Marxist Agenda is NEVER aired. NEVER aired. All of it is stated emotionally for a “hypnotic suggestive impact.” The Talking Heads, continually use the plural pronouns, “we are so concerned about x, y or z.” “we are the good guys, we are doing all in our power to help people understand” “we really need to be thinking about this or that or whatever we tell you to think” constantly telling YOU how YOU should feel, constantly including YOU, the listener in the herd. This is herd hypnosis, creating massive “waves of feelings” in the country, in the society.
This was first examined by Dr. Trotter in “Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War” and by Dr. Rivers in “Instinct and the Unconscious” and by Dr. E Prideaux, “Suggestion and Suggestibility” a serial lecture in the 19-teens and early 1920s in the British Journal of Psychology. And I'm sure most people who read it at the time thought it “egghead mumbo-jumbo” when in FACT it was and is a most powerful tool of deception and has become the STATE of American Society.
“To it” (that is hypnotic suggestibility) “are due the waves of feeling which pass over a whole country, such as the anger which is felt when a country is attacked or insulted."
It is this herd hypnosis that is triggered by every False Flag Event. Without knowledge of the mental state of the population and how to trigger it, through herd hypnosis, False Flags would not work.
"The greater part of the very large mass of opinions which a man has not thought out for himself, he owes to the influence of 'herd-suggestion'. Even in the opinions which he believes he has thought out, he is not free from its effects. His methods of thought, the things he has assumed as axiomatic, are all more or less determined for him by the society in which he finds himself."
This is why the content of CULTURE MATTERS. This is why there is an assault on our CULTURE, a deconstructing of our CULTURE, a warping, and Hedonizing of our CULTURE. America was in times past, Culturally Strong, now much of American Culture is simply poison to the psyche, to the soul, and hypnotic slavery for the mind.
"Thus herd-suggestion is a powerful force influencing the formation of belief to an extent greater than most people are willing to admit.”
REMEMBER, he was writing in PRE-RADIO days, BEFORE the massive tools of Radio and Television were on the scene. He understood these facts when the largest “herd-suggestion” was that of a crowd gathers to hear a sermon or a speech, or the powerful influence of emotional words and language in the News Papers of that era. But even the process of reading a Newspaper causes a person to judge what they were reading. You cannot read in a semi-sleep state. Or can you? Of course, you can. The second that you are reading anything and you suspend disbelief, like when you are reading fiction, you are being programmed, you are feeling what you read. How many people were programmed by the emotional and fictional political theories of Marx?
You are very suggestible while half listening to verbal lectures, droning news, and powerful suggestive images flashed in your eyes as you relax in a half conscious stupor. The second the media is left droning on, and you think of something else, or your mind goes blank, YOU ARE BEING PROGRAMMED. And the hypnotic tools they are using, repeating the same emotional stories over and over and over and over - - - can't you see it? Just like the pocket watch swinging back and forth.
Turn the T.V. OFF.
Praying you will find the power to disconnect yourself from the brainwashing media. Most people I know talk incessantly about "restoring liberty" - that goal is impossible until you find the FORCE in yourself, to take control of your own psyche and TURN OFF THE T.V. It isn't an option if you ever again want to experience Liberty. ALL the Press are Marxist Intelligence assets, bought and paid for.
This short lecture does not cover the new electronic means of brainwashing. I will in the future do a video on some of he known psychotronic methods of Mind Control. It is very real. We don't know when we see someone carrying out a violent act if they are indeed "in their right mind" or being mind controlled.
Lord Teach Us To Guard the NOUS.
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