Friday, January 1, 2016

Killing Bin Laden: Fox New Special

All it took to pass this actor off as the Hero that shot Osama Bin Laden, (Bin-Laden - who had been dead for years) is to assassinate the majority of Seal Team Six, and the use of a lot of steroids and this ACTOR.

Every time Fox News airs their propaganda piece, "Killing Bin Laden" usually set up with one of Bill O'Reilly's "Killing X series as the lead in program" REMEMBER the information on this page.  Watch the video of the father of one of the Seal Team Six members who was ASSASSINATED by Obama. (He didn't say it, I did - ASSADDINATED by Obama).  Realize that wiping out that Seal Team meant NOTHING to him or many - not all - in our Military and Government.  The old pervert Joe Biden, drunkenly BRAGGED about BAGGING Bin Laden.  It was all psy-opts with a string of corpses.

The REAL Rob O'Neal

Rob in transition.
"Roid" Rob, Ready for his big roll.

When the psy-opts value of Seal Team Six became more valuable than the Team itself.  In fact the value of Seal Team six, became a liability to the Great Barrack Obama.

Who did they kill in Pakistan?  HINT, it wasn't Osama Bin Laden.

The release of the "death picture" of Osama Bin Laden.  Not reported in the CIAmerican Media but widely circulated in the Muslim World.

This is digital photographic "morphing" technology and NOT the corpse of Bin Laden.

Hero Action Actor - Rob O'Neal

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says

Benjamin Smith exposes Seal Team Six being "set up for ambush" by the Obama Administration.

Benjamin Smith exposes who Barrack Obama really is.

1 comment:

  1. Rob is a creeper! I've never believed a word from him. In transition, he looks like a hefty Opie Taylor!


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