
(It is with no pleasure that I report this: I did publish prophetic words about the nature of this Council and the obvious result, predicting that it would be a false council and produce schism. This slap in the face of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople mirrors reality, because for all his tenure he has knowingly or unknowing I know not, served the cause of Cultural Marxist Globalism and not Christ. Holding that knowledge in my heart, being a lowly priest and stating it, writing it, and then seeing it in the words of Abbots, Priests and Monk of the Holy Mount, are two different experiences. I found tears flowing as I tried to read this statement from Mt Athos. - Archpriest Symeon Elias)
An "Open Letter" from Athonite Fathers to the Holy Community of the Holy Mountain of Athos is calling for an immediate convocation of the governing body of Mt. Athos in order to condemn the "false council" of Crete and cease the comemoration of the Patriarch of Constantinople on Mt. Athos.
OVER 60 Hieromonk and monks, with a disciple of Saint Paisios, Elder Gabriel of the Kelli of St. Christodoulos (Holy Monastery of Koutloumosiou) at their head, have written an open letter to the Holy Community of Mt. Athos calling upon the Abbots to reject the Council in Crete and stating their intention to cease commemoration of the Patriarch of Constantinople on account of his leadership in the "false council" at which the pan-heresy of ecumenism was given a green light and bolstered in word and deed.
The Athonite Fathers briefly list 12 points of divergence of the Cretan Council from Orthodox Tradition and Faith, promising to return in the near future with an extensive analysis of council and texts in question. Referring to the controversial section 6 of the text "Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World," the Athonites see this as acceptance of the Papal-Latin parasynagogue as a "church". Furthermore, as they point out, the text's positive estimation of the decisions of the Dialogue with the Latins (especially the texts produced in Munich in 1982, Bari in 1987, New Valaam in 1988 and most particularly in Balamand in 1993) signifies acceptance, on the part of those bishops who signed the text in Crete, of the "ecclesial character, apostolic faith, authentic mysteries and apostolic succession" of the "Papal heresy." "From this alone," the Fathers write, "it is apparent that this Council has fallen away from Orthodox Faith and Confession."
With regard to the role played by the Patriarch of Constantinople in the promotion both of "the pan-heresy of ecumenism and in particular of the false council of Crete," and the need for the Athonite community to cease his commemoration "until such a time" as the heresy is condemned, the Athonite Fathers write characteristically:
"The Patriarch of Constantinople stands as the chief inspirer and promoter of the Synodical text and as such for us Athonite Fathers, but also for all Orthodox Christians, priests and laymen, he has been shown to be, in word and deed, a Heresiarch, as once was Arius, Nestorius, Bekko, etc., as distinguished clergy and theologians have clearly demonstrated. This is the case not only on account of [his promotion] of the pan-heresy of Ecumenism but also on account of [his promotion] of the Pan-thriskeia [religious sycretism], shown in and word and deed and through common prayer [with non-Christian religious leaders]. He teaches strange dogmas, unorthodox and anti-patristic, and thus, for this reason, according to the words of our Lord, "And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they known not the voice of strangers." (Jn. 10:1-5)
In conclusion, the Athonite Fathers write:
"Holy Fathers, the Orthodox Church and Orthodox Christians have been declared undesirable and singled out for harassment. Already at the heretical false council of Crete all those Orthodox Christians who stand opposed to it and reject it, whether they be bishops, priests, monks or laymen, were characterized as "heretics," "zealots," and "hyper-Orthodox." Will we allow this false characterization to pass into the popular conscience? With much humility, fear of God and love for our Orthodox Church we entreat you and ask that we may all stand together so that a truly Holy and Great Orthodox Council may be called in order to reject this false council [of Crete].
Venerable and Respected Fathers of the Holy Community, Holy Abbots, 100 years of extreme oikonomia and tolerance of the ecumenist, latinizing, unionist Patriarchs and bishops has brought about a terrible erosion of faith and fed heretical deviations. The damage and corruption which has been brought about by this falsely-called "oikonomia" in the mindset of the Orthodox clergy and laity is of astounding proportions. We entreat you once again: struggle to guard the Holy Deposit of our Orthodox Church and Faith."
The twelve point are:
Σεβαστοί Πατέρες,
Μελετήσαντες μετά πάσης προσοχῆς τά κοινοποιηθέντα τελικά κείμενα τῆς λεγομένης Ἁγίας καί Μεγάλης Συνόδου, καθώς καί τίς ἀπαντήσεις ἐγκρίτων θεολόγων καί μητροπολιτῶν, προαγόμεθα ὅπως ἐκθέσωμεν τά ἀκόλουθα.
Τό συμπέρασμα πού ἀβίαστα ἐξάγεται ἐκ τῆς μελέτης των εἶναι ὅτι τελικῶς ἡ σύνοδος αὐτή ἀποδεικνύεται ἀντορθόδοξη, ληστρική καί αἱρετική, διότι:
1. Ἀκολούθησε καινοφανεῖς μεθοδεύσεις στήν θεματολογία καί τίς πρακτικές της.
2. Ἀπέκλεισε τούς Ἐπισκόπους καί κατέλυσε τήν Ὀρθόδοξη συνοδικότητα καί ἐν γένει χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ἀντορθόδοξοι μέθοδοι στόν τρόπο λειτουργίας της.
3. Δέν ὑπῆρχε ἐπαρκής ἐνημέρωση τοῦ ὀρθοδόξου πληρώματος· ἀντίθετα ὑπῆρχε ἀπόκρυψη τῶν ἀποφασιζομένων κατά τήν προσυνοδική διαδικασία.
4. Καθιερώνει τήν μεταπατερική θεολογία.
5. Νομιμοποιεῖ ἐπίσημα καί συνοδικά τήν παναίρεσι τοῦ Οἰκουμενισμοῦ.
6. Ἐπετεύχθη τελικά ὁ στόχος τῆς ἐκκλησιαστικοποιήσεως τῶν αἱρέσεων, δηλαδή ἔγινε δεκτό ὅτι ὁ Παπισμός καθώς καί λοιποί αἱρετικοί εἶναι Ἐκκλησίες καί ὄχι αἱρέσεις.
7. Ὑποβιβάζει τόν χριστιανισμό στό ἐπίπεδο τοῦ κοινωνισμοῦ («κοινωνικό εὐαγγέλιο»).
8. Δέν ἐκφράζει τήν ἁγιοπνευματική ἐμπειρία τοῦ ἐκκλησιαστικοῦ σώματος.
9. Δέν ἀκολουθεῖ τήν ἁγιοπατερική Παράδοση τῆς Ἐκκλησίας, μιᾶς καί δέν ἔγινε ἐξ’ ἀρχῆς ἀναγνώριση ὅλων τῶν προηγουμένων συνόδων, καί κυρίως ἀναγνώριση ὡς Οἰκουμενικῶν συνόδων τῆς 8ης καί τῆς 9ης.
10. Καταλύει ἀποφάσεις Οἰκουμενικῶν Συνόδων.
11. Ἀναγνωρίζει τό Προτεσταντικό λεγόμενο Παγκόσμιο Συμβούλιο ᾽Εκκλησιῶν.
12. Παραγκωνίσθηκε καί ἀγνοήθηκε ὁ ρόλος τοῦ Μοναχισμοῦ, καί ἰδιαίτερα ἡ στάση τῶν Ἁγιορειτῶν ἔναντι τοῦ Παπισμοῦ καί τοῦ Οἰκουμενισμοῦ.
(If you can provide me with a batter and more accurate translation please do. This is my feeble attempt.)
Venerable Fathers,
It is sad to report that after the final text of the so-called Holy Synod was carefully communicated and also the replies by prominent theologians and metropolitans (and others)are as follows.
We conclude it is easy to draw from the Final study that the meeting demonstrated itself to be, anti-Orthodox, predatory and heretical, because:
1. it followed innovative approaches to the themes and practices. (This would be the way in which it was constructed and called and the reason for calling it.)
2. excluded the bishops and overthrew the Orthodox conciliarity and general anti-Orthodox methods used in the way it works.
3. There was adequate information to follow orthodoxy; instead there was hidden agenda within the Pre-Conciliar process.
4. Establish metapateriki theology. (I believe this means self-generated theology - as the council was called for no reason other than to hold a council and generate theology - this was the same format of both Vatican I and Vatican II - the creation of innovative theologies.)
5. legitimize official and summit pan-heresy of ecumenism.
6. finally achieved the goal of ekklisiastikopoiiseos sects, that it was accepted that the papacy as and other heretics are churches and not sects. (The concept of multi-churches)
7. relegate Christianity to the level of koinonismou ( "social gospel"). (This "social gospel" is the gospel of Cultural Marxism and the clear indication the Council was I predicted it would be, Cultural Marxist/Globalists. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has to be conquered for the Globalist scheme of one world religion to work - the ekklisiastikopoiiseos - many paths all equally valid)
8. do not express the holy spiritual experience of the ecclesiastical body.
9. does not follow the patristic tradition of the Church, since it was not from the beginning recognition of all preceding sessions, and mainly recognize as ecumenical meetings of 8 and 9th.
10. catalyses decisions Ecumenical Synods. (ignores the previous Ecumenical Councils?)
11. recognizes the so-called Protestant World Council of Churches.
12. marginalized and ignored the role of monasticism and especially the attitude of the Mount against the papacy and of ecumenism.
The full letter in the original Greek can be found here: http://aktines.blogspot.gr/2016/07/blog-post_62.html
Elder Gabriel, IK Holy Christodoulos, I.M.Koutloumousiou.
Elder Savvas Lavriotis, I.M.M.Lafras.
Elder cheerful I.Kath. St. Maximus the Confessor.
Monk Dositheos I.Kath.Agiou Maximus the Confessor.
Elder Graces Ierom. I.K.Analipseos, I.M.Vatopaidiou.
Elder Kirill, I.Is. Immaculate, Katounakia, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Cherubim, I.K.Archangelon-Koukouzeli-, I.M.M.Lafras.
Elder John I.K.Eisodion Mary, Lookout, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder George I.K.Agiou Barlaam and Ioasaf, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Blaise, Xerokalyvo Vigla I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Paisius, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Damascus Popa, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Damascus Raus, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Joel, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Savvas, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Ierod. Matthew I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Ephraim I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Nicodemus, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Gerasimos, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Tarasius, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Mark, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Arsenios, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Raphael I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk John I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Seraphim, I.S.Timiou Baptist I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Paul I.K.Koimiseos St. Anne, I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Nektarios, I.K.Agiou Demetriou I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Simeon I.K.Neou Simeon Theologian I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Isaiah I.K.Neou Theologian Symeon I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Eustatius, IK Sint Eustatius, I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Polycarp Ierom. I.K.Agiou immortality I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Joachim, I.K.Agiou immortality I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Christodoulos I.K.Agiou immortality I.S.Kafsokalyvion, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Panteleimon I.K.Agiou Anthony Cherry, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Maximus Ierom., I.K.Agiou Anthony Cherry, I.M.M.Lafras
Ierom. Romanos, I.K.Agiou Anthony Cherry, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Athanasios bouleuteria, I.Sk. St. Anne, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Thomas I.K.agiou Apostle Thomas, I.Sk. Little St. Anne, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Theologian I.K.Ag. Apostle Thomas, I.Sk. Little St. Anne, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Fotios, I.K.Agiou Apostle Thomas, I.Sk. Little St. Anne, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Philip Ierom.I.K.Meg. Immortality, I.Sk. Little St. Anne, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Panteleimon Ierom. I.Is. St. John the Theologian, Katounakia, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Gerasimos, j. Isa. Saint Gerasimos, Katounakia, I.M.M.Lafras
Elder Athanasios I.Is. St. Sava, Coils, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Simeon, Coils, I.M.M.Lafras
Monk Elias, I. Sk. St. Basil, I.M.M.Lafras,
Ierom. Irenaeus, Kapsala
Monk Paisius, Karyes
Ierod. World, IK St. Athanasius, I.Sk. Koutloumousiou
Elder Nicodemus, I.K.Agiou Nektarios Kapsala, I.M.Stafronikita
Elder Meletios, I.K.Genesion Virgin Kapsala, I.M.Pantokratoros
Ierom. Makarios I.K.Genesion Virgin Kapsala, I.M.Pantokratoros
Monk Makarios I.M.Chilandariou
Elder Cyprien Ierom., I.K.Agiou George I.M.Filotheou.
Elder Efstratios monk monastery of Great Lavra.
Elder Spyridon m. I.K.Agiou Nicholas Monastery Koutloumousiou
Elder Paisius m. I.K.Agiou Charalambous Monastery of Vatopedi.
Elder Pachomius monk I.K.Agioi PANTES Kapsala Pantocrator Monastery.
Elder Chrysostomos monk I.K.Agios Spyridon only Koutloumousiou
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