Sunday, May 8, 2016

Neo Con Hypnosis - It is POWERFUL.

I have to share this article from two years ago, posted by Herman Talmadge III grandson of the late conservative Senator from Georgia, Herman Talmadge. 

What is truly amazing, and something I want to remind Herman of, is the fact that he would hold this knowledge, two years ago, yet, like a bull, when the Globalist Puppet Ted Cruz waved the FAKE Patriot Flag, a year ago, Herman fell right back into his old hypnosis as if the knowledge contained in this post did not previously exist. 

He then, for nine month he violently argued with me promoting the Globalist Puppet Ted Cruz, and used the very basis for his arguments the hypnotized positions this post of his two years ago, had exposed! 

MANY, who have failed to grasp the Trump Movement as the Counter Revolution it is, SMASHING the RIGGED System, fell back into their previous hypnosis as if the knowledge of the RIGGED System was suddenly lost to them and "Cruz was the guy." Amazing the weakness of the mind and the strength of Mind Control.

BTW, Mr Talmadge even called me a "wing nut" and "conspiracy theorist" for sharing with him the information he had previously shared with me.  NeoCon Mind Control is POWERFUL.  Look at the people in the last weeks dancing on the gender bathroom Psy-Opt.


If you think that what I've been telling you about participation in the political process actually being an instrument of "self-enslavement" because it gives power to the Totalitarian State, here is a post by the grand son of Senator Herman Talmadge, sharing an entry by George W. Kucera, stating in different words and imagery EXACTLY what I have been saying for quite some time. I'm going to highlight the points, point by point but include the original un-edited at the end.

George writes:
"Having spent considerable time studying ethics and political philosophy, I firmly believe "the ballot box" has become a tool for serf management and the red vs. blue political debate simply the serfs playing that game."

This is empirically proved by Princeton University in a preliminary draft of a study to be released in the fall, which concludes that the will of WE THE PEOPLE has not been reflected in Governmental policy in at least three decades. The point being, this is not Conspiracy Theory but PROVED Fact and scientifically PROVED Fact.

"In other words, as Jefferson, Calhoun et al predicted would happen, the Govt envisioned and established 220 years ago is long gone and not coming back via the ballot box."

How many times have I said, "Voting is not going to solve this."

"Another way of putting this is, you cannot use the system controlled by your exploiters to reduce the exploitation you suffer from."

This is a mirror of many statements I have made. I use the analogy of trying to create a Republic, inside the Ghost of a Republic, where all biological functions are DEAD. One has to extricate oneself from the corpse.

"I can explain briefly here.
1. Politicians and Sr. bureaucrats have the power to legalize injustice. Further, this ruling caste (inner circle) extorts a large portion of the wealth of the citizenry and allocates it to support itself as a going concern."

Here George has described the Globalist Puppet Masters and their system of Globalist Puppets.

"2. It is quite simple to peddle injustice, both red and blue flavors of coerced morality, economic privilege, and coercive wealth transfer, in return for either a split of the loot or demagogic support."

Here he describes the situation as one of simple corruption, but as we know there is a well publicized agenda driving the death of our Republic.

"3. Using these mechanisms, the rulers divide the populace into various castes that are pitted against each other for scraps of the tax loot, and to be more the master and less the slave in the injustice market."

Yes, they have been experts at making people focus on the barnacles on the hull as they have destroyed the entire ship of state, using the divide and conquer meme. They have used sophisticated Mind Control Methods, to keep the population fighting for everything but their own LIBERTY.

"4. #3 ensures enough demagogic support to diffuse resistance to state rule and reduce any serf uprisings to manageable levels, at least while the economy can still support this parasitic caste & their Jr. partners, what I call the 0.01%."

Remember this is the grand son of a former conservative Senator, acknowledging that "capitalism" has become enslaving and has and is destroying FREE ENTERPRISE.

"Yes, that bad guy/gal (red or blue) did that bad thing and his/her allies and loyal serfs don't care while simultaneously decrying what your guy & his friends did wrong (or did what they don't like). Participating in this activity is self enslaving in the long run!"

Here he acknowledges that the Republican/Democrat meme is Kabuki play.

Here is the unedited copy:
Herman Talmadge III
23 mins ·
Having spent considerable time studying ethics and political philosophy, I firmly believe "the ballot box" has become a tool for serf management and the red vs. blue political debate simply the serfs playing that game. In other words, as Jefferson, Calhoun et al predicted would happen, the Govt envisioned and established 220 years ago is long gone and not coming back via the ballot box. Another way of putting this is, you cannot use the system controlled by your exploiters to reduce the exploitation you suffer from.
I can explain briefly here.
1. Politicians and Sr. bureaucrats have the power to legalize injustice. Further, this ruling caste (inner circle) extorts a large portion of the wealth of the citizenry and allocates it to support itself as a going concern.
2. It is quite simple to peddle injustice, both red and blue flavors of coerced morality, economic privilege, and coercive wealth transfer, in return for either a split of the loot or demagogic support.
3. Using these mechanisms, the rulers divide the populace into various castes that are pitted against each other for scraps of the tax loot, and to be more the master and less the slave in the injustice market.
4. #3 ensures enough demagogic support to diffuse resistance to state rule and reduce any serf uprisings to manageable levels, at least while the economy can still support this parasitic caste & their Jr. partners, what I call the 0.01%.
Yes, that bad guy/gal (red or blue) did that bad thing and his/her allies and loyal serfs don't care while simultaneously decrying what your guy & his friends did wrong (or did what they don't like). Participating in this activity is self enslaving in the long run!
George W. Kucera

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