Monday, March 28, 2016

Trump the Egotist


A name that had remained lost to me since around 1985 suddenly reappeared to my memory this morning.  John Townsend. John was a professional friend, who was murdered in a robbery, a professional Tenor Sax player who played with the Dorsey brothers, Benny Goodman, Glen Miller and several other of the "big bands."  For 31 years the name has been lost to me, and I was embarrassed to ask any mutual friends his name, for the simple reason, since we were good friends, it would make it appear that we really were not.  I wrote about it three years ago.  So that name appearing to me after 31 years, I was prompted to revisit where I had used the loss of his name as an illustration. Reading the article entitled, "How Do You Want To Be Remembered" I realized that what I said, also fit the profile of who Donald Trump is.

Trump is constantly accused of being an "Egotist" but as the lives of those around him prove, he is not an Egotist, but an Ego-all-ist. It is the only thing that explains his willingness to place himself LITERALLY in the cross-hairs of the Largest Criminal Cartel in the world, the Criminal Globalists. When he sees an American, Donald Trump sees himself.  He thrives on seeing people around him developing their God Given Talents and Abilities, and is not interested in those people merely surviving, but rather wants to see them thrive. And that extends to America and Americans; he wants to see this nation and us thrive.  

The story of Donald Trump stopping a would be rapist, who he saw trying to drag a woman off the streets of New York, without thinking of his personal safety he made his limo driver stop and he himself confronted the attacker and the man ran in fear.  We saw the story of him saving the Georgia family's farm, and other such stories.  NEVER used for photo-opts to build a public image, but rather these stories are coming from the people who were involved, coming forward and telling their stories.

I wrote: "People accuse me of being an egoist.  What they don't realize is that I'm an "ego-all-ist." I really want to see everyone that I see, friend and stranger, do more than survive but thrive, to be imbued with LIFE.  I really want to see everyone that I see,  . . . develop the talents the Good Lord has given them. I have always basked in the success of all around me and grieved for their loses. On any day I would have taken a bullet to save friend or stranger, alike.
"In these many decades of living, flawed as I am, sinful as I am, egoist as I am, I have never missed thanking God for my life and the life of others - not one day lived without acknowledging the blessing of mere breath, life, light in my eyes, beauty, truth, justice, liberty, the experience of just "being."

"How do I want to be remembered? - as a serious man who would kill you for abusing another, but who would take a bullet to keep you from suffering abuse. Do you understand what I am saying? I am talking about in our sinfulness and imperfection standing for the GOOD. Perfect people don't stand for the Good, instead they stand in constant protection of their own egos, and self-image. Being possessed of radical love is something very different. It is being willing to accept being thought a genius or a fool, a saint or a sinful man, whatever it takes to help the person who will never be able to repay you, to love the unlovely as well as the lovely, the broken as well as the strong,  . . ."

How Do I Want To Be Remembered

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